ubuntu 20.04

  1. L

    [SOLVED] ubuntu 20.04 liest die cloud-init meta-data nicht

    Hallo, ich habe ein Template von Ubuntu 20.04.3 durch Packer (1.7.3 apple m1) auf Proxmox (6.4-9 - ich weiß, es ist ein bisschen alt) erstellt, wo ich unter anderem auch cloud-init benutzt habe. In der Kernel Command Line gibt Packer das Folgende ein: initrd=/casper/initrd quiet...
  2. R

    Problem with network, on ubuntu 18.04, 20.04

    Hello, me have issue on ubuntu 18.04> On debian 10 network work fine Me cant use network, ping is unreachable Configuration file proxmox are fine (Because Debian 10 work), DC: Hetzner LOG - issue
  3. L

    Packer to build Ubuntu 20

    Trying to use packer to build an ubuntu 20.04 template. I am using the following for my setup. however i always land on the the language selection screen. From reading it seems alot of people load the preseed.cfg into as a floppy for other hypervisors. has anyone been able to make this work...
  4. A

    No network traffic for qcow2 hard disk IO over NFS

    I have a Ubuntu Desktop VM with two hard disks. Both reside on an NFS server and the connection is 10GbE. One disk is in raw format and one in qcow2 format. The image files are called vm-106-disk-0.raw and vm-106-disk-0.qcow2. Both are 200 GB in size and attached using VirtIO SCSI controller and...
  5. T

    Ubuntu 20.04 VM - noVNC - Authentication failed

    Hallo, ich habe auf meiner Ubuntu 20.04 die Fehlermeldung sobald ich auf eine VM-Konsole "noVNC" gehe. Verbindung wurde aus folgendem Grund abgelehnt: Authentication failed" Frage an @admin - Ich habe hier leider keine Erfahrung wieviele User hier sind. Soll ich das evtl. im Englischen...
  6. F

    Docker with Ubuntu LXC 20.04 template

    Been trying to run Docker inside of an Ubuntu 20.04 LXC and I keep getting this error: ERROR: for CONTAINER_NAME Cannot start service CONTAINER_NAME: AppArmor enabled on system but the docker-default profile could not be loaded: running `/sbin/apparmor_parser apparmor_parser -Kr...
  7. M

    Container Creation Fails With Ubuntu Minimal (Core)

    I'm trying to create a container based on the Ubuntu Minimal, available here. The disk seems to be created successfully, but then it fails on the network interface. I have tried both Bionic and Focal. Here is the output: Logical volume "vm-105-disk-0" created. mke2fs 1.44.5 (15-Dec-2018)...
  8. T

    Proxmox ignores custom cloud-init from --cicustom paramter (tested with Ubuntu/CentOS)

    Hi, I'm getting crazy to create a vm provisioned with cloud-init. Here is what i do: # create template wget https://cloud.centos.org/centos/8/x86_64/images/CentOS-8-GenericCloud-8.2.2004-20200611.2.x86_64.qcow2 qm create 9000 --name centos-ci --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 qm...
  9. N

    Creating Ubuntu 20.04 Minimal VM

    Hi, I am new to Proxmox and need to create a VM from a very lightweight debian distro to run a Wireguard server only and found Ubuntu 20.04 Minimal to be sufficiently lightweight while being familiar for me since I have been using Ubuntu for a while. However, when I uploaded the Ubuntu 20.04...
  10. V

    Ubuntu 20.04 random freeze

    Hello there, About 2 weeks ago, my Ubuntu VM (it runs years ago) is randomly freeze. It only help the hard reset on the VM. I try to check all logs (VM and Host), but not see any problem. If the VM is freeze, the console is not working, no ssh, and 1 one the 4 cores is maxed.... The other VM...
  11. T

    [SOLVED] Ubuntu VM "problem completing the installation"

    Hello all, I am attempting to install Ubuntu 20.04 (though I am encountering the same issue on Ubuntu 18.04) on Proxmox 6.2-4, however the installation usually fails partway, and on rare occasions when it does complete the VM hangs on "Booting from Hard Disk" I've tried peoples'...