storage capacity

  1. S

    Proxmox Web GUI not accessible after second NVME Drive

    Hi , I just added second nvme 1Tb to proxmox server. System boots up norammly no beeps no issues. However when it reached to proxmox screen for roo password it stays there for few seconds then goes blank and stops. I also notied the attched LAn card also do not blink at all. However once i...
  2. V

    Is it safe to use GParted to resize my Proxmox partitions?

    I've installed Proxmox on a cloud VM with 200GB of space and I think I dedicated too much space to the `local` partition, rather than the `local-lvm` where it seems Proxmox prefers to install the VM disks. This is sample output from `parted -l` and it seems the disks I want to resize are...
  3. M

    ZFS Storage Size Reported in GUI & CLI

    I have a freshly formatted set of 4 1TB disks in RaidZ2. the GUI under node->Disks->ZFS shows 4.09TB, while the node->local-zfs->Summary shows 1.92TB. Here's output of zpool list #zpool list NAME SIZE ALLOC FREE CKPOINT EXPANDSZ FRAG CAP DEDUP HEALTH ALTROOT...
  4. M

    zfs pool different sizes reported

    Hey, I hope anyone might be able to help and point me in the right direction to solve the following issue. I have a zfs-pool in my machine which I use for mass storage. While I knew I was running low on storage, I expected to still have a few gigs available. But when I tried to rename a file on...
  5. A

    [SOLVED] Proxmox only shows 100GB in summary instead of the full 500GB (Maybe 475GB. I had that on Windows)

    I recently set up Proxmox, but the summary does not show my full 500GB. I did verify that it was using full-size when I was installing it. I looked at the Disks tab, and it does show my full hard drive storage. My (Possibly wrong) guess is that the bottom device (/dev/nvme0n1p3) is not...
  6. J

    [SOLVED] ZFS pool almost full despite reducing zvol size

    I have a PVE host that is currently reporting that "local-zfs" is nearly full. There is only one guest with one virtual disk stored in this pool; the virtual disk was originally 50TB and I have since reduced it to 43TB using zfs set volsize=43T rpool/data/vm-301-disk-0. Anyone experience this...
  7. E

    Extending LVM on iSCSI

    My DEV Storage ran out of space, I've already extended it on the Storage array. But unsure on how to extend within Proxmox without lossing 6TB of VMs. lsblk on sdb, sde, sdq, sdr pvscan Any direction would be greatly recieved.
  8. M

    Help!!! Local stoarge on cluster.

    I had some issues with my proxmox cluster and ended up starting from scratch. Im hoping you can help me with this dilemma. I have a 3 node cluster. One of them has Proxmox installed as a mirror on 2 SSD's the other two nodes only have single boot drives. I I installed proxmox on the server...
  9. F

    SSD not reclaiming space after deleting files

    Hi - I have an SSD which is mounted within Proxmox. It contains movie files we use for plex. I logged in via SFTP and cleared out a load of old files. Yet, the hard drive has not reflected that free space. Is there a command I need to run to "free up" the space? Or should I unmount/remount the...
  10. E

    Maximal disk allocation

    I am using proxmox to manage my virtual machines. When I create a new VM, I have to allocate some space on the SSD. For instance, I have a 240GB ssd and there is 1 VM using 120GB. Is there a way proxmox can automatically alert me if i try to setup a new 240GB VM on the same disk ?
  11. E

    [SOLVED] Adding SSD's to a Host

    I've added two 500 GB SSD's to my lab system: root@pve-0:~# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 0 465.7G 0 part sdb 8:16 0 465.8G 0...
  12. A

    PVE update storage from VM

    I'm looking for solution why PVE doesn't update usage local storage which I use into vm. For example in VM I downloaded file (about 10 GB). In PVE -> local storage -> Summary I see information that total Size is increased about 10 GB but when I removed this file from VM. Summary in local...
  13. I

    Wrong show used storage, after remove files

    I added disk which is mounted to the virtual machine. When I have removed data on this disk from VM, proxmox still remember usage before remove them. Restart proxmox didn't resolve an issue. Below configuration Hard Disk for VM
  14. V

    directories issues with 100gb limit and random occupation

    Hello! i have a proxmox installation on a server. In this server, i have put some linked folders and some storages as following: linked: - local network drive mounted on another PC (500gb) - onedrive with 2tb local: - 1 SSD 1TB - 7 HDD 1TB (i made a ZFS pool) - 1 SDcard (512gb) the issue is...
  15. B

    VM’s crashing/stopped due to storage/memory limit?

    Newbie question. Am experimenting with 4 equal VM running Ubuntu. Each VM requires 8GB, 4 cores, 250 GB storage - my server has 12 cores, 32 GB (effectively 31.19GB), and 1TB (effectively 940GB). Running 3 VM’s —> CPU usage is low <30%, Memory usage is 85%, Disk usage is low. Running 3 VM’s is...
  16. C

    Storage pool shown as full, but its contents are not big enough (newbie)

    Hello all, I am just getting started with Proxmox and I apologise if I am missing something basic. I have one 2TB hard drive for high-io operations. I created a storage pool using just this hard drive. I created one VM to use this storage pool - one disc created using lvmthin. The storage in...
  17. W

    ZFS 4 1TB disk Raid 1 - 1TB total storage, not 2TB...

    I just set up a new Proxmox server, which will be more of a remote backup server. It has 4x 1TB drives in a ZFS raid 1 array. I expected around 2TB of storage from this, not 1TB. Do I have a misconfiguration, or am I wrong? zpool status: pool: rpool state: ONLINE config: NAME...
  18. V

    VM Backup does not shrink even after deleting large files

    Hello community, I hope you are having a great time I have virtual machines with Windows Server 2022, the backups of the virtual machines were around 12GB. I did a test copying large files to the virtual machine and indeed the size of the backup file grew. I deleted them again and made the...
  19. M

    ZFS share

    Hi, I'm trying to mount ZFS pool, called it 'giant' (consists of 3x 12TB hdd) with the existing VM which runs OpenMediaVault, can't assign whole available space to the hard drive. Hardware Hingle mobo, standalone proxmox installation on nvme which means I have 1 proxmox node i my datacenter...
  20. J

    Add disk to rpool ZFS

    Good morning, I want 2 new disk to my raid 1 ZFS rpool, do you know the procedure ? Best regards, Joseph