
  1. K

    Network traffic summarization

    Hi, I have a proxmox host with the following network devices eno1 vmbr0 And multiple interfaces as per the VMs ( VMID ). Firewall is checked on the VMs, but no rules are active tapVMIDi0 fwbrVMIDi0 Now I have two questions, 1. If I need to check the tx/rx bytes of the whole host machine...
  2. P

    ProxMox - Monthly Report

    Was hoping someone could help.... We have the daily report send via email however i was hoping we could get a monthly report or someway to pull the stats out? PowerBi integration would be great however i would be happy with a csv export at this rate. Anyone done anything similar?
  3. R

    [SOLVED] More detailed history of statistics

    In PBS the statistics, CPU & memory usage, server load etc, when looking further back, are much more detailed than in PVE. For example, in PVE, when looking back 1 day, the interval is already reduced to half an hour. In PBS you can still see minute intervals from a day back. When looking a...
  4. M

    Memory Usage stats different from Guest OS stats

    Hi, I have some Ubuntu 22.04 VMs with qemu-guest agent installed and I've notice that the memory usage shown in the GUI is completely different from memory stats within the Ubuntu guest OS. Is it a problem of the guest agent? Does it computes memory usage as (used+buff/cache)/total instead of...
  5. S

    proxmox 6.4-14 + influxdb metricserver missing stats

    Hello, I am using proxmox : Kernel Version Linux 5.4.174-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.4.174-2 (Thu, 10 Mar 2022 15:58:44 +0100) PVE Manager Version pve-manager/6.4-14/15e2bf61 and Influx : ii influxdb 1.8.10-1 amd64 Distributed time-series database. At...
  6. J

    pct - selektiver Restore mit allen Meta-Daten

    Wie kann man aus einem Backup auf dem Proxmox Backup Server einen selektiven Restore einzelner Verzeichnisse mit allen darunter liegenden Daten und Verzeichnissen samt Meta-Daten (owner,group,acls,xattrs,...) in einen laufenden Container bewerkstelligen? Also etwas vergleichbares wie z.B...
  7. W

    S.M.A.R.T. Data from USB-Attached HDD? (Proxmox 6.2)

    Hello all, I can’t seem to find the answer to this so I will ask here. Does connecting drives via USB (in a multi-drive device) affect the ability to get S.M.A.R.T data from the drives? Does it depend on the device? I want to know if I would be able to attach a non-RAID enclosure and still...
  8. R

    PMG and Grafana Stats with InfluxDB status.cfg

    Hello everyone, Is it possible to have some Grafana Stats for Proxmox Mailgateway in InfluxDB with Grafana Dashboard? With Promox PVE no problem ( ) Is there any way to have External Metric Server for Proxmox Mailgateway? Thanks!
  9. S

    RRData for bandwidth usage

    Hi all. I'm looking to clear some things up with the RRDCache data found for a VM. When looking at a VM's stats over the course of an hour, are the stats averaged? I've taken a look at some of the source code and it seems so. So for example: NETOUT is 75 for timestamp 1567431840 Does that...
  10. DerDanilo

    Show more VM/LXC stats in cluster overview

    It would be really nice to see the stats of the VMs and LXC Containers in der Node and/or cluster overview. Average/Max/Min usage for all details that are seen per instance: They could be shown in the overview for example: On the other hand it would also be nice if the graphs were shown...
  11. G

    Container no Disk stats

    just running a sysbench within a container (debian9) Gui does not graph Disk I/O ! working fine for KVM (linux/windows) guests how to get these Stats ? back
  12. V

    User Rights unclear - example for Administrator

    In API-Documentation is written: Administrator has the full rights - but this works not so! I have add a user for statistics and they have get not the following rights: /nodes/NODE as an Administrator AND PVEDatastoreUser AND PVESysAdmin AND PVEAuditor AND PVEVMUser nothing will give the user...
  13. R

    Proxmox 4 Reset Statistics and calculate the disk space new

    Hi, I have two questions about proxmox 4. is there an option to reset the statistics? i mean the stats from cpu, ram, network etc. ? so that i can start with a new fresh an empty stats screen in the postfix webinterface? next questions is can i re-calculate the disk space from lxc containers...