In API-Documentation is written: Administrator has the full rights - but this works not so!
I have add a user for statistics and they have get not the following rights:
/nodes/NODE as an Administrator AND PVEDatastoreUser AND PVESysAdmin AND PVEAuditor AND PVEVMUser nothing will give the user the rights to get the statistics (graphs) !!!
When I add in the Container the User and with Rights PVEVMAdmin, then the rights add an entry:
/vms/<vmid> for Role PVEVMAdmin and then its possilbe get the statistics!
So, why not expl. the Administrator on complete /node/NODE has not the rights to read the stats?
I have add a user for statistics and they have get not the following rights:
/nodes/NODE as an Administrator AND PVEDatastoreUser AND PVESysAdmin AND PVEAuditor AND PVEVMUser nothing will give the user the rights to get the statistics (graphs) !!!
When I add in the Container the User and with Rights PVEVMAdmin, then the rights add an entry:
/vms/<vmid> for Role PVEVMAdmin and then its possilbe get the statistics!
So, why not expl. the Administrator on complete /node/NODE has not the rights to read the stats?