
  1. E

    Mailcow PMG

    Hello, I have created a mail server with mailcow and integrated with pmg i have too many problems with outgoing emails because it goes to spam. I have applied all DKIM, DMARC, SPF and also SSL and reverse dns and my emails goes again to spam. Any idea how to solve it. I will appreciate a lot...
  2. S

    Paid filtering.

    Is there a way to ignore user emails unless the user is added to "subscribers list".
  3. U

    Spamerkennung verbessern

    Hallo Community, wir evaluieren derzeit PMG als Spam-Gateway für unseren Exchange. Uns gefällt die Lösung bisher ganz gut, aber es kommt für unseren Geschmack noch etwas zu viel Spam durch. Wir haben bereits im Einsatz: - die spamhaus und barracuda DNSBLs - RBL checks - Razor - Bayes - können...
  4. G

    [SOLVED] LDAP - SpamQuarantine

    Hi I have a problem with SpamQuarantine and LDAP. I configured LDAP and my users are synced. See here: Here is my config: My problem now is that I can't log in anymore and the only thing i know is this. I dont why PMG add the "@pmg" at the end. Because i think thats my problem and i dont...
  5. T

    HTTP spam from my server.

    Hallo Team, ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Proxmox Server. Hetzner 2 IPv4 Adressen 1x Proxmox 1x OpenSense Fehler: Der Proxmox Server Spam andere Server zu. ############################################################################## # DDoS-Attack detected from host THISISTHESERVER...
  6. F

    Add score based on Office hours

    Hello, I know that it is rather SpamAssasin oriented configuration, but has a user managed to create a rule assigning a negative score if an email is received outside working hours? Typically, at night. I am in the French (France) time zone. Thanks :) Regards, Philippe
  7. L

    A rule with multiple conditions

    If several conditions are specified in the filtering rule, for example: the spam rating level and text with (regular expression) - how will the rule work out? Condition or other condition? Or does the operand And = necessarily have to match both conditions for the rule to work?
  8. P

    Spamerkennung Sprachen

    Kann mir jemand sagen wie die Spamerkennung von Sprachen funktioniert? Denn bei uns funktioniert es nicht hab mal 3 Sprachen eingestellt und zwar DE ENG und ES aber eine Französische Mail sowohl mit als auch ohne Französichen Betreff kam trotzdem an. Beim test wurde ein eigener DNS verwendet und...
  9. A

    Notifying the sender of a message delivery failure

    Hello, I have some questions about notifying. Is it possible for the sender of a message that has been marked as spam/virus etc. to receive a return message with information that the message from him did not reach my inbox? If so, will this message contain information about the reason why this...
  10. V

    Message tagging

    Hello Tell me, please, is it possible to configure the reception of messages in such a way that spam is not sent to quarantine, but is delivered to the recipient's mailbox with a specific header?
  11. M

    Filter by spam score?

    Hi, is there some way to view the details of emails with a particular spam score in the tracking centre? (or anywhere else?) I can view by action (blocked, quarantined, delivered etc), but thats not the same thing. It would be nice to be able to drill into the spam score report and view the mails.
  12. D

    [SOLVED] - blocking emails?

    I'm having an issue as of beginning of January of this year. X-SPAM-LEVEL: Spam detection results: 0 AWL -0.031 Adjusted score from AWL reputation of From: address BAYES_00 -1.9 Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1% DKIMWL_WL_HIGH -0.001...
  13. K

    Zusammensetzung SPAM Score: hier KAM_SA_ZA_ABUSE

    Sorry, falsches Forum, bitte verschieben... Hallo zusammen, sorry, wenn schon mal beantwortet sein sollte, aber ich in auf der Suche nach der Erläuterung der SPAM-Scores... hier speziell KAM_SA_ZA_ABUSE. Finde leider nirgendwo was passendes. Besten Dank schon Mal K
  14. D

    Block emails with <> In them.

    I have a customer thats getting some of these getting through to them: Oct 22 18:34:59 swarmx2 postfix/smtpd[251329]: warning: hostname does not resolve to address Oct 22 18:34:59 swarmx2 postfix/smtpd[251329]: connect from unknown[] Oct 22...
  15. L

    Filtering with match fields: RegEx not working as expected

    Hi, I have configured amongst other things these two rules: Match field: Reply-To Value: ^K2 for mails with Reply-To: K2 <> Match field: From Value: ^Medizin-Shop for mails with From: Medizin-Shop <> Test string is ok using the part after "Reply-To: "...
  16. S

    Lots of spam from gmail the past few weeks

    Has anyone else noticed the spike in spam from Is there an easier way to filter. At the moment thinking about just marking all gmail as spam and let the users whitelist. Just a pain since some users never check and will generate more support tickets.
  17. S

    IPset or Security Group

    I'm trying to decide which is better for our SPAM firewall rules. What is your take on this? Which do you use?
  18. L

    [SOLVED] Anchoring regex in What object

    According to regexes should implicitly be anchored, but it seems to me this is not the case (anymore), see screenshot. I would expect the test to fail. I know I can simply change my regex to start with ^...
  19. F

    Email limitation as a VPS server provider

    Hello! I appeal to your knowledge in search of the best ideas to answer the following two questions: As a provider of VPS servers (servers to which I do not have access), what would be the best method to limit the number of emails of each customer? (KVM virtualization via Proxmox, public IP...
  20. L

    Spam filter rule to check subject for part of recipient name

    Hi, we currently get a lot of spam where the subject contains part of the email adress the spam is sent to. It's already filtered after passing PMG, but I'd like to not accept the mail at all. Example for "": "j doe You want this" - Text varies - First part is always the email...