
  1. B

    SDN create VNet permission

    Let's say I create an SDN zone called "ExampleZone" with one VNet called "ExampleVNet". My goal is for a User "ExampleUser" to be able to create additional VNets in that zone. Going through the API hierarchy in the docs here he seems to need SDN.Audit and SDN.Allocate for the...
  2. N

    Issues Transitioning from VLAN to SDN with Proxmox

    Description: I am currently in the process of transitioning from my existing VLAN topology to SDN but have encountered issues that I need assistance with. Current Working Setup: • Linux Bond: bond0 (802.3ad) (layer 3+4) • Linux VLAN: VLAN90DMZ (raw device: bond0; VLAN Tag: 90)...
  3. H

    Node won't get rid of old SDN zone et al

    I have five nodes in a cluster. I am using SDN. The only zone I have now is "proxnet." I can't seem to get one of the nodes to remove the VXLAN zone that has since been removed from all the other nodes. I suspect part of the problem is that one of the VNETs associated with that zone has a...
  4. D

    How can I create an isolated internal network for only the VM's with internet access with an internal DHCP using the same IP as the router?

    Hello there! Thank you for reading my message. The IP of my router is and the available IP's that the router DHCP leases are through Let's call this the MAIN network. The Proxmox server has an IP on the MAIN network: My PC has this IP: My...
  5. M

    [SOLVED] SDN VNet subnet specify SNAT interface/IP

    I've setup a simple zone with automatic DHCP, a vnet and subnet with SNAT enabled. On the host I have 2 bridges configured: - vmbr0 with public IP - vmbr1 with public IP (Those aren't the real IP addresses, just substituted by me). When creating the subnet and...
  6. S

    SDN and QinQ

    Looking to understand how can I get QinQ working with an OVS bridge. My topology looks like this: VM (will send tagged and untagged packets) --> TAP itf (configured with outer tag on proxomox UI) --> OVS bridge --> physical NIC --> C9300 Switch (which is configured to act in dot1q-tunnel mode)...
  7. A

    VLAN routing - ways to go about it

    Tried posting back in March, but didn't get any responses, thought I might simplify things. I have an OPNsense firewall running as a VM under Proxmox. I have other VMs and containers also running under Proxmox. I have physical VLAN capable switches and network access points. I'd like to trunk...
  8. G

    Networking SDN Roadmap

    We have been using a mixture of traditional Linux bridges as well as OpenVSwitch. Looking at the roadmap, I can understand a desire for stability but OpenVswitch is now well established, it's even available in the GUI now (and usable once apt install openvswitch-switch). It's also "under the...
  9. C

    Isolated virtual network using SDN

    Hi, I've just upgraded to 8.2 and after a little trouble with networking (interface names changed) I'm up and running and testing out SDN. I'd like to create an isolated subnet that uses a specific upstream so that only machines within this subnet can talk to eachother...
  10. D

    Changing -o interface for SDN SNAT

    Hi, As visible below, when setting SNAT for a simple network type: iface cu1vn address post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s '' -o enp43s0.709 -j SNAT --to-source PUBLIC_IP post-down iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s '' -o...
  11. D

    [SOLVED] SDN wrt Microsegmentation

    I've been playing around with SDN with a goal to implement a form of microsegmentation and believe that what I'm after is not currently possible without some form of work around. (VMs with multiple NICs etc) Is someone able to let me know if there is plans for the following on the horizon or if...
  12. V

    One IP per one VM

    Dear Proxmox Community, I have an existing /27 Subnet on the main Bridge vmbr0. I now would like to have each VM assigned only ONE public IPv4. It's important that I do this on the Hypervisor side, since the Root user of the server should not be able to just add the whole subnet to his VPS. Is...
  13. C

    [SOLVED] SDN traffic allowed

    Hi, I have installed two Proxmox nodes set up as a cluster. I also set up SND with 2 VNETs on a VXLAN zone. On each node I set up an OPNSense firewall with three network interfaces, two of them on different VNETs, and a third one directly on a Proxmox bridge interface not using SDN. When I...
  14. M

    SDN No DHCP address when Datacenter firewall is enabled.

    I have firewall enabled on the datacenter level. When setting up simple sdn with DHCP. Created a new VM, but DHCP address is not getting assigned to guest. If i disable the firewall, I am able to get a DHCP address without issue. Im assuming i need to add a firewall rule to allow, just not...
  15. G

    [TUTORIAL] Full mesh (routed setup) + EVPN + VM Bridge

    At Geco-it, we use the SDS Linstor solution. To connect our hypervisors without investing in switches we use a full mesh network To use Linstor storage in VMs (container volumes), we need access to the Linstor satellite network. So we need a VM Storage bridge... To setup full mesh network...
  16. N

    Unable to create SDN VNet without tag

    I'm having an issue transitioning to the Proxmox VE Software-Defined Network (SDN). Current situation: enp6s0f0 is an untagged network connection vmbr100 is a Linux bridge with bridge port = enp6s0f0 VM998 has a network device attached to vmbr100 This configuration works great When I try to...
  17. N

    SDN SNAT not working with cluster firewall enabled

    Hi all! I've been playing around with EVPN SDNs. I have SNAT enabled on some Vnets. After some ping tests on containers, is unreachable only once enabling the datacenter firewall. All outbound traffic is accepted by default, not sure if EVPNs require inbound rules to the hosts in order...
  18. T

    SDN Networking Involving VPNs

    Hello All, I've been working on separating my virtual machines and containers from my home network. I've successfully set up a simple SDN zone to serve as an isolated network, achieving my primary objective. Now, I aim to route all traffic from this SDN through a VPN tunnel to a cloud-hosted...
  19. T

    SDN, EVPN bridge port vrfvx_foo does not exist

    I'm trying to setup EVPN in Proxmox using SDN but I think I have a skill issue or something any tips would be appreciated. I've setup the controller, it starts fine and establishes the EVPN, BGP session with my router but when I add a vnet I get the following error error: vrfbr_foo: bridge port...
  20. H

    OVS IntPort equivalent for Linux bridge? (SDN bridges refers)

    I have needs to have multiple IPs/networks on the hypervisors, typically on different VLANs (like backups, corosyncing, ceph,etc. etc.) Having used OVS before, it is/was a charm to do similar, as you just add an OVSIntPort with the VLAN and IPs, and you are done. As the SDN is using Linux...