
  1. M

    Rsync on Truenas shutdown VM!

    when I launch a copy with Rsync from an internal Pool (RaidZ2) to an external Pool via a USB 3.1 port, after a while the TrueNAS VM crashes (shutdown). The copy speed can rise to 450 MB/s... If I restrict the Rsync speed to 300 Mb/s I don't crash any more! Do you have a solution to this...
  2. S

    Container Clone, Backup und Speicherort änderung ergibt rsync Error

    Ich möchte einen meiner Container von meinem local-lvm, auf mein Mirror-1 ZFS Mirror bewegen, beomme allerdings, wenn ich den Container Bewegen, Clonen oder Backupen möchte den Fehler: TASK ERROR: clone failed: command 'rsync --stats -X -A --numeric-ids -aH --whole-file --sparse...
  3. A

    Fast second layer backup using the --rsyncable key and rsync.

    Hi! As we know, gzip (or pigz) launched by vzdump is always launched with the --rsyncable switch. By default. So we can use rsync to quickly back up a backup file to another network location. I wrote an example script of a subsystem called SLB - Second Level Backup. This works fine, but only...
  4. F

    GoCryptFS + RSync Backup auf Hetzner Storagebox

    Hallo zusammen, vielleicht hat jemand einen Tipp für mich bei folgender Herausforderung: Ich habe mir gedanken zum Thema verschlüsselte Backups gemacht und bin auf folgende Anleitung gestoßen...
  5. D

    rsync have not permissions for copy .lzo backups to secnod server from first server

    I would like to describe my problem: I have 5 servers on Proxmox 7.4, each of which has backup storage, where .lzo backups virtual machines are saved. I need to save all .lzo from all backups storages on external HDD. How can I do this, when server which has bash script cant copy something from...
  6. T

    Telegraf diskio read_bytes und write_bytes stimmt mit Messung nicht überein

    Hallo Leute, ich verwende das Telegraf diskio und lass mir die write_bytes und read_bytes in Grafana plotten. Allerdings sind die Werte komisch, was soll das für eine Einheit haben? Zum Testen mache ich ein rsync mirror zwischen zwei Platten, und das zeigt mir ~80MB/s an. Wohingegen die...
  7. F

    Problems with rysnc

    Hi all and good day, I have a question. I have proxmox version Virtual Environment 6.2-4. I want to backup a server that occupies a lot of space. rsync only runs with the standert options. rsync always backs up the server in the /tmp directory. there is not enough space on the root partition...
  8. V

    Can't clone CT from CT template

    Hi all! I'm a total n00b about Proxmox, started using it last week. I've created first CT template, and from it I've created a full clone without a problem. And then in that newly created CT I've done some other installations and I wanted to create a new template from it too. That went OK. But...
  9. I

    Will Proxmox provide Rsync access for the public repository (

    First, thanks to Proxmox GmbH for developing this wonderful open-source virtualization solution. I know of multiple universities and non-profits providing mirror for Proxmox repositories, and we're currently using lftp(1) to sync content via HTTP, which frequently causes de-sync. If Proxmox...
  10. C

    How to clone serveral TB data of multiple small files into PVE LXC/VM?

    I am here to seek for a solution, but I don't know whereis the question threads so I put it here. I've install a PVE on a server with 24TB LVM Storage. Now I have to transfer about 10TB data from an external RAID Storage in ext4 filesystem. Actually, the data is storage in /dev/sda1, but only...
  11. M

    [SOLVED] vm running rsync hangs proxmox

    Hello, I am new to this forum and I have been using Proxmox for a few months now. I am used to run backups on my vms, mostly debian, using rsync. Since I migrated a few physical servers to Proxmox, all of them freeze during these backups. I searched the forum and found some threads saying that...
  12. J

    pct - selektiver Restore mit allen Meta-Daten

    Wie kann man aus einem Backup auf dem Proxmox Backup Server einen selektiven Restore einzelner Verzeichnisse mit allen darunter liegenden Daten und Verzeichnissen samt Meta-Daten (owner,group,acls,xattrs,...) in einen laufenden Container bewerkstelligen? Also etwas vergleichbares wie z.B...
  13. J

    request for help on keeping two vm synchronised between a proxmox server and a laptop VM

    Hello, This request fpr help on keeping two vm synchronised between a proxmox server and a laptop VM is about the following situation. Curious to learn what you are thinking A VM is used on a laptop during off-net tasks, in order to have some redundancy it would be of interest to also have...
  14. J

    [SOLVED] exit code 23 bei Backup

    Ich versuche hier Backups von meinem minecraft LXC Container auf meinen slow-pool zu machen, was geht hier schief? INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 100 --compress zstd --storage slow-pool --remove 0 --node yui --mode suspend INFO: filesystem type on dumpdir is 'zfs' -using...
  15. C

    rsync ZFS files to a remote ext4 disk / dir storage with ZFS storage as mountpoint

    Hello everybody ! I am building a decentralised based cloud with proxmox, using multiple nodes across my country. It's a "best effort" project, aiming to provide to people some alternatives vs classic GAFAMs based cloud. Some of my nodes are proxmox clusters, running an underlying ZFS...
  16. jonasl

    [SOLVED] Slow performance on USB ports

    I'm having really poor performance when copying data from one physical USB-C disk to another physical USB-A disk plugged into the same Proxmox VE-system. The rsync below is only at 0.85kB/s. Filesystems are both ext4 and the disks are created as VM-disks: directories and raw. In the VM doing...
  17. D

    How to copy files in a container/VM into my Host node

    Hi I would like to know if it possible to copy an SQL file or any file from one of out ubuntu VM's into out host node? Online it mentions using Rsync but I cant figure how you get it out of the VM into the host. I need to get this sql database out of the VM and onto my laptop, I can SSH into...
  18. K

    [SOLVED] PBS as a Rsync Server

    Hello everyone. I'm making a lab to understand more how to use Proxmox Backup Server. I have a Synology DS1019 and I was trying to backup this files in my PBS installation. I only have those options so I was trying tp backup with rsync but I couldn't find how to set up PBS as a rsync...
  19. C

    Start VM => run rsync => stop VM

    Hello all I am looking for suggestions or maybe an ready to use script to accomplish this scenario: Start a VM on schedule => run rsync (may take awhile) => stop VM Thx in advance.
  20. A

    rsync and ZFS crash hypervisor

    Greetings I am experimenting with proxmox to see if it can be an alternative/replacement for vmware and so far I am impressed with the features and have one thing that is weird. When I rsync a lot of files to a (ubuntu) vm with a disk that is formatted ZFS (single disk) the memory runs full in...


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