proxmox 8

  1. R

    CPU Kerne/Threads

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe mir für mein Proxmox Server neue Hardware zugelegt, dabei hat mich etwas verwundert. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir dabei helfen. Der Server hat einen i5-10500T als CPU dieser besitzt 6 Kerne und durch Hyperthreading 12 Threads. Leider werden mir in der Proxmox Oberfläche nur...
  2. N

    My Proxmox VE 8 does not seem to map all the RBD upon container start

    Good day all, Short description of the issue: inability to start containers consistently. Context in which the problem arose: 7-node cluster recently upgraded from version 7 to 8 (I believe the issue did not occur before the upgrade); no PVE subscription. Scope: All the containers (three in...
  3. F

    Proxmox VE shutdown does not poweroff machine

    Hello, There have been similar threads to this but I will start a new one as it seems this kind of problem might be very setup specific. I have a Core i5-6600 16GB ram, 240GB SSD running Proxmox latest version (8.x .... with all updates). I am managing the display using pikvm, which is helping...
  4. M

    Proxmox 8 hangs after upgrade from 7

    Hello all, I would appreciate any help I can get. I’m new to Proxmox, so step-by-step instructions would be greatly appreciated. I recently upgraded an older server that worked fine with version 7. It’s a SuperMicro X11SSH-F/-LN4F. However, the server no longer stays active long enough for me...
  5. K

    Issue: 401 Permission Denied - Invalid PVEVNC Ticket when Using /vncwebsocket API

    Hi everyone, I'm currently using the Proxmox API to create a VNC proxy connection for accessing a container's console. Here's the workflow I'm following: Step 1: I use the /api2/json/nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/vncproxy API to generate a VNC proxy ticket and port. This step works fine, and I...
  6. C

    [SOLVED] New Server, New Container but no internet access

    Hi, We just bought a new server, i've installed SSH onto it just so that I can use Terminal instead of the console that the Proxmox gives us, created a new container but is having issues with having a internet connection i.e: I cannot ping from this container, however ping from the server with...
  7. N

    [SOLVED] Proxmox 8 Not fully booting when IMMOU is enabled in BIOS

    Hello, I have encountered a rather odd issue that I just can't seem to find an answer to solve it. The other day my server stopped working, turns out the CPU got fried by the motherboard. So I bought a new CPU and a new motherboard and installed them. I have enabled the options in BIOS to allow...
  8. N

    GPU passthrough only works partially

    Hi! Would really be thankful for any help. My system with GPU reboots every two hours of usage. After much effort I was able to get the GPU windows passthrough on my mini-pc (HX99G). But now it reboots all the time. Hardware AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX AMD Radeon RX 6600M Configuration: agent...
  9. E

    Proxmox & LDAP

    Hello, I'm trying to connect my Proxmox server to an LDAP server located internally. Here is my configuration: ldap: ldap-ext base_dn ou=company,o=group,c=fr server1 ldap.fqdn user_attr uid bind_dn uid=proxmox,ou=system,ou=company,o=group,c=fr default 0...
  10. U

    Starting Out

    Forgive me in advance, I've been a VMware admin for over 20 years and am moving to Proxmox in my home lab. Having some mind-wrapping issues around some things that I'm hoping to bounce off a few folks. First, the setup, My vSphere cluster was backed by a TrueNAS Scale box running on some...
  11. F

    Unexpected reboots on a 2nd node while failover test

    Hello i have a 5 node cluster i shut down the 4th and 5th node due to high latency issue we didn't have any problems at the beginning but now while doing failover test by shutting the the first node the 2nd does a reboot this was the last log from 2nd node while going to reboot Oct 19...
  12. G

    "HA-Cluster" nur mit Hosts

    Hallo, Ich befasse mich mit Proxmox jetzt seit 2 Tagen, habe mir eine kleien Spielwiese (HomeLab) mit erst zwei Systemen aufgebaut die im Cluster laufen. Ich bin dann noch auf die Loesung gestoszen das man drei und mehr Hosts miteinander zu einem "HA-Cluster" ueber ZFS verbinden kann. Sync Zeit...
  13. K

    [SOLVED] Proxmox 7.4 and Proxmox 8 boots with this error.

    I tried using Proxmox 7.4, 8 and 8.1 with both live boot (on real hardware) and vm. I keep getting this error (look at images attached ). It usually give me a logged in shell on tty1. Gui wont open, and same error occurs or it wont respond at all when I type startx.
  14. Z

    Bare Metal - Provided By Host Networking Issue

    I have been battling with this for over a month any configuration on my VM's does not seem to fix my issue. Below is the image of my network setup provided to me with a deployment of Proxmox from my dedicated server host. eno1 & eno2: These are my 10Gb connections bond0: eno1/eno2 bonded...
  15. R

    Limiting parallel sessions web gui

    Good day, please tell me if anyone has encountered the problem of limiting parallel sessions on proxymox, for example, I create a user and want only 2 people to be able to work under this account at the same time
  16. R

    Proxmox web gui time out session

    Good day, I have two hypervisors proxymox 8.2.4 which are assembled in a cluster by 2 nodes, I have the task of setting up a session timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity for the administrator, the question is how this can be done if there is no standard option, I tried to find something...
  17. S

    Moving from CentOS 7 to Proxmox

    Hello everyone, I posted something similar about this a year or so ago. However now my CentOS 7 box is EOl and I need to move to a different hypervisor. Proxmox is my obvious choice, but I am having some issues with importing my VMs. Here is an explanation.... I am currently running Proxmox on...
  18. F

    TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/termproxy 5900

    failed waiting for client: timed out TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/termproxy 5900 --path /nodes/prx1 --perm Sys.Console -- /bin/login -f root' failed: exit code 1 I get this error while entering in my shell from proxmox ve
  19. H

    Weird behavior radosGW

    Hi, We use the following tutorials to get radosGW work : Everything seems to work perfectly I can navigate, create a bucket and add object with the following tools (using V2)...
  20. B

    OVH Kimsufi - Proxmox - Opnsense networking with a single interface attached to server

    Hello everyone! I'm not proficient in networking, and after two days of testing, I decided to ask here if what I'm doing is correct or not. Let's start from the beginning: I just bought a Kimsufi server from OVH. A very good deal. Like every Kimsufi server, you cannot have more than one public...