proxmox 4

  1. R

    proxmox firewall problem container bridges

    Hello everyone, I have a problem with the proxmox firewall. i have activated it on the proxmox host and on all containers. all works fine. one container have no public ip-adress and use the proxmox host for dns resolv (internet access). if i activated the proxmox firewall on the container i...
  2. R

    proxmox firewall problem bridges

    Hello everyone, I have a problem with the proxmox firewall. i have activated it on the proxmox host and on all containers. all works fine. one container have no public ip-adress and use the proxmox host for dns resolv (internet access). if i activated the proxmox firewall on the container i...
  3. C

    Hardware/Concept for Ceph Cluster

    Hello, we are using Proxmox with local storage on a small 3 node cluster. Now we are planning to set up a 4 node cluster with network storage (Ceph), live migration, HA and snapshot functionality. We already have some hardware laying around from dev projects. Now I would like to get some ideas...
  4. B

    Request for documentation

    Hello, I am asking this in behave of a group of regular proxmox users here in Germany: Proxmox 4 introduced web-configurable PVE firewall. It allows for configuration to be done on datacenter level, on host level and on vm level. We wanted to set up default deny based firewalling and also have...
  5. G

    [SOLVED] CephFS ungleiche Datenverteilung

    Hallo zusammen, ich hoffe mir kann hier jemand bei CephFS weiter helfen: Wie oben geschrieben habe ich das Problem, dass in meinem Proxmox Cluster mit CephFS die Daten auf den OSDs sehr ungleich verteilt werden. Im folgenden das Setup: Aktuell 4 Server (5. ist in Planung). Jeder Server hat...
  6. B

    Container System hängt sich auf

    Hallo, in der aktuellen Proxmox Version 4.x wurde ein Container System mit Debian-System installiert. Es laufen bereits mehrere Container Systeme mit Debian bislang fehlerfrei. Bei einem dieser Container kommt es des öfteren vor, dass es nicht mehr reagiert. In solch einem Fall kann man sich...
  7. V

    How to change "from" address when sending mail from cli

    Hello! Yet another problem... I changed From address in promos GUI but when i send mail from cli it shows root@%hostname% in from field.... I tried edit /etc/aliases but nothing changed.
  8. V

    [SOLVED] Restore raw disk image from zfs pool with errors

    Hello! I have pretty bad situation with one srv... Two of 4 disks in ZFS Raid 10 have failed. I managed to read sector to sector information from them on special hardware for data extraction with some bad sectors, of course. I wrote these binary images on new disks and attached them to raid and...
  9. R

    Proxmox 4 Backup NFS Error!

    Hi, I have an nfs from my server hoster. in the proxmox webinterface under the point storage i add a new storage "nfs". everythink is working fine. the storage is mounted and i can see it in the webinterface. now i started a backup job, but the backupjob have errors: INFO: "....." failed...
  10. D

    A few questions

    Hello, I am running a Proxmox 3.x machine on SYS Dedicated and 2 Proxmox 4.x on OVH Dedicated. Would like to migrate Existing KVM from SYS machine to OVH machine, yet I do not have enough SPACE for a BACKUP on SYS machine anymore. What are my best options to safely migrate existing KVM...
  11. R

    Proxmox 4 Reset Statistics and calculate the disk space new

    Hi, I have two questions about proxmox 4. is there an option to reset the statistics? i mean the stats from cpu, ram, network etc. ? so that i can start with a new fresh an empty stats screen in the postfix webinterface? next questions is can i re-calculate the disk space from lxc containers...
  12. S

    Screen Resolution 1366x768 VM Windows 7

    Hello everyone. Please, I need your help. I use Proxmox 4.2 and I need to launch the VM of Windows 7 with a specific screen resolution of 1366x768. But I don't know how do it. Also in the display settings in Windows (Display -> Screen Resolution) there is no item with the desired me resolution...
  13. E

    Proxmox 4 cluster reboot randomly

    Hi there, We are having trouble with a 3 nodes cluster that is rebooting every node simultaneously every few days. We are using OVH servers, so only unicast is available, OVH vracks being more expensive and we dont need more than 3 nodes. We are using software RAID with SSD drives and our VMs...
  14. B

    Proxmox VM via php Script beenden und starten

    Hallo, einzelne VMs sollen von Endusern simpel gestartet bzw. beendet (via shutdown) werden können. Die Ideale Lösung wäre, eine simple Webseite zu erstellen, in der eine Tabelle mit den betreffenden VMs enthalten ist. Die Webseite sollte lediglich für die aufgelisteten VMs den Status anzeigen...
  15. G

    NFS storages of storage.cfg not mounted

    Hi everyone, I am running several Proxmox 2 and 3 hosts and a Proxmox 4 host. All of them declare a local storage and 2 nfs storages in /etc/pve/storage.cfg like this : # cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg nfs: share-online path /mnt/pve/share-online server export /srv/vzshare...
  16. R

    Proxmox 4 NGINX Proxy and VNC problems!

    Hi all, I hope somebody can help me. i have some problems with my NGINX Proxy and the VNC Console in Proxmox. i can use the vnc console on every machine no problem, but i can type some times and after a few seconds ( 20 -25 sec.) the console hangs! i can type nothing more, if i switch to...
  17. V

    Invalid parameter 'zfs_arc_max'

    hello. I have updated my promos node yesterday . This morning I found it offline, when I arrived at site there was an error on the screen that said I had an invalid symbols in zfs_arc_max value. All I have now is busybox /bin/sh. I tried to remove file /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf and edit it from...
  18. M

    Enable nfs mount on LXC container

    Hello all. I need to be able to mount a volume from a host that is not on the proxmox server onto an lxc container. Whenever I try, I get: root@trin6:~# mount -t cifs -o user=admin // /mnt/mymnt mount: // is write-protected, mounting read-only...
  19. G

    How to detect that a server is a Proxmox 4 (LXC) host

    Hi everyone, In Proxmox 3 (and before), detecting that we were in a Proxmox host was easy by issuing commands like "ls /proc/vz/version" (which only reside in hosts and not in guests). Is there a simple way like this to know if we are on a Proxmox 4 (LXC) host without using some tools like...
  20. hakim

    ZFS and encryption

    Hi, In the page Storage: ZFS, you are listing "encryption" as one of the "General Advantages of ZFS", but there is nothing about how to use it. Could you give some example to enable this feature ? Thanks, Hakim