
  1. G

    [SOLVED] Proxmox and VM over NAT

    Proxmox has multiple VMs with their own IPs used successfully to connect to an external Wireguard server and to internet. The exception is one of the VMs is configured to use NAT in such way to access the internet and the Wireguard server. The VM over NAT successfully connects to internet but...
  2. S

    need help to configure pfsense

    Hello, I am currently on a project in graduate school and here are my tasks that have been assigned to me: - To study, propose and configure a Linux server allowing to propose the DHCP/DNS service under a Proxmox VE environment. - Study, propose and configure a router / firewall / NAT...
  3. P

    ipv6 port forwarding like ipv4

    Hi all! Totally new to ipv6, I'm trying to reproduce an ipv4 routing configuration on ipv6. I have a hetzner server on which the interface is configured as follows: # loopback device auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface lo inet6 loopback # external ipv4 auto eno1 iface eno1 inet...
  4. S

    Slow Download Speed

    Hi, I have an old TS140 with 2 NICS both speed is 1Gbps, the server got 14GB DDR3 RAM, and i3 4170 CPU, internet speed is 500/20. I installed proxmox on it, 1 Windows server virtualization, and 1 for nat/firewall/dhcp/dns called zeroshell. Upload speed just works fine, but download speed is...
  5. S

    Assign Public IPs to Vms on Nested Virtualization [Proxmox on VmWare]

    Hi, I've a network problem on Proxmox configuration. I've installed Proxmox on a Cloud VPS (provider uses VmWare VE) with only one NIC and 3 public Ip addressess (same subnet and gateway). My goal is to assign one public Ip to the Host (Proxmox VE) and others to VMs I tried to configure a...
  6. G

    [closed] Masquerading in Proxmox 7

    Greetings I'm configuring a new Proxmox host which unfortunatly will have to run on a single IP, so I need masquerading for incoming connections. I used to do that with a custom iptables script, but I wonder if I can do it directly with the Proxmox firewall GUI? Thanks in advance Regards
  7. P

    Proxmox NAT mit zusatz IP

    Hallo zusammen, und erstmal Frohes Neues! Ich versuche aktuell auf meinem Server Nat mit einer Zweiten IP einzurichten. Der Server verfügt über eine "Hardware" Netzwerkkarte. Ich würde gerne die IP des Hosts, und die Zusatz IP worüber das NAT funktionieren soll trennen, so das die Container...
  8. parrotassassin15

    VMs/Guest Hosts cannot access the internet ( 2021 )

    So I have this set up: I can ping other VMS on the same network but cannot access the internet. a few days ago I could when I set up a VM bride for testing purposes but now I cannot I do think it is due to some routing issues any input would be recommended I do not know too much about...
  9. F

    IPv6 from Tunnel Broker

    Hello! For the first time I try to use IPv6 with Proxmox (I don't have experience with IPv6 at all). My problem is related to fact I can ping from main node but I can't ping from LXC container. When I try to ping from container nothing happens, ping command freezes. Thank you...
  10. R

    Setup Nat network on proxmox fail

    I tried to setup a new interface in /etc/network/interfaces and when I tried to make the new interface up, proxmox raise this error warning: vmbr2: post-up cmd 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s '' -o enp38s0 -j MASQUERADE' failed: returned 3 (iptables v1.8.7 (legacy): can't...
  11. G

    PBS behind NAT - Portforwarding?

    Hi Forum, i like to test ProxmoxBackupServer for a standalone PVE Server. I would like to have the PBS at home behind NAT while the PVE-Server lives outside in a datacenter. I did not find any information on what ports the pve connects to the PBS so i don't know which ports to forward. Or is...
  12. K

    [SOLVED] Leaseweb NAT incoming connections not working

    I've got a server from leaseweb with PVE 7 on it, attached to the public facing ip I'm using the PVE firewall to manage incoming connections, and the masquerading nat to provide a NAT for my containers and vms As an LXC guest I'm running PBS 2, but I can't seem to get it to accept on port...
  13. K

    Bridge + NAT + Firewall

    Hi, I have some problems getting the LXC firewalls managed by Proxmox to work. This is my pve setup: auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface enp9s0 inet manual auto vmbr0 iface vmbr0 inet static address gateway bridge-ports enp9s0...
  14. J

    Mobile Proxmox on Laptop - WiFi + NAT vmbr0 doesn’t work

    Hi. Can you please help to solve this problem. I tried to install proxmox ve on my laptop, no success. works fine only with ethernet cable and default config. can't get wifi working with vmbr0. any ideas why? also wpa_supplicant is super slow. ideally, i want a mobile workstation for proxmox...
  15. S

    Private Network on Proxmox VE 6

    Hello, I am trying to set up a private network on proxmox. I did it according to the documentation, but the machine does not have internet access. Proxmox is installed on a dedicated server that has only one NIC card. Below I am sending the...
  16. M

    Is there a way to change the IP addresses in the .members hidden file in /etc/pve directory?

    We have a two node quorate cluster running over WAN, with each node behind a NAT, and we are looking to change the .members hidden file in order to change the IPs for each node to their respective public IP. Currently, when trying to replicate a ZFS pool, the set up fails as its looking to...
  17. C

    [SOLVED] PMG behind NAT SPF failed

    Hi, is there a way to configure SPF when PMG and email server are behind NAT? PMG is working great but, in order to receive emails, I had to disable SPF check... Thank you Ciprian
  18. P

    Zusätzliche einzelne IPv4 einrichten

    Hallo Forum, ich habe ein Root-Server bei Hetzner und Proxmox VE installiert. Ich habe dort zusätzliche einzelne IPv4 Adressen, leider bekomme ich es nicht hin, diese auf die pfSense VM draufzuschalten, umzuleiten oder sonstiges. Ich möchte innerhalb der pfSense-VM dann ein 1:1 NAT mit der ggf...
  19. D

    Not working connection forwarding from wlan to vmbr0

    Hello. I've followed this setup guide, but I'm still having connection issues. It doesn't work. Internet connection is not available within the virtual machine for both windows and linux. I am attaching my config file. auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface eno1 inet manual auto wlo1...
  20. A

    No access to one of cluster nodes using port forwarding

    I have a cluster with two PVE nodes inside local network. I'm trying to set up access to PVE using port forwarding. Inside local network everything works fine as well as through VPN. From outside it only works to first PVE but the second one is unreachable. They have common firewall rules of a...


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