
  1. S

    [SOLVED] Proxmox host doesn't seem to have DNS

    I recently moved the proxmox host to a VLAN that I'm putting all internal services on slowly. I noticed that after I did that I don't get any emails for backups anymore and this morning I tried to update the packages for the host and it kept timing out. The host has internet because I can ping...
  2. P

    Host Freezes Once a Week

    Hi all, about once a week or so my host will freeze up where all VMs have ?? over them, webconfig still somewhat works. A couple of my VMs are still operational, but not fully. It gets in a very weird limbo state that can only be solved by force rebooting on the system, rebooting via webconfig...
  3. S

    Live migration mac address release issue

    We are testing the live migration on 8.3.0 between both clusters and we're running into one issue we can't seem to find a good resolution to. Whenever we migrate a machine it can't pull networking because for some reason the arp table on the source is still holding on to the mac address. We've...
  4. A

    Backup failed if files were deleted during backup

    $ proxmox-backup-client version client version: 2.4.3 proxmox-backup-server/stable,now 3.0.2-1 amd64 I am trying to backup a folder. Some files were deleted during the backup and I am getting an I/O error. Is it possible to ignore the error when some files were deleted during the backup? Upload...
  5. T

    Proxmox host reboots at the same time every week.

    I have an issue with one of my Proxmox hosts, it will do a reboot at 17:14 every Sunday. I can see --reboot-- in the logs, but I have no scheduled tasks setup for it to reboot. I thought it could have been a hardware issue, but the seemingly weekly schedule for the reboot has totally thrown me...
  6. D

    [SOLVED] NVME Drive Disappeared from Host After Thinpool Creation

    I'm learning by doing, so apologies if I've missed some basic steps or information. I have a three node cluster made up of Lenovo ThinkCentres (M900 TFF) that I got from a friend after his work decommissioned them. They've been working great, but only came with 128GB SSD SATA drives, which...
  7. G

    Lost All USB device recognition with update/upgrade

    I'm lost, please help Just after successfully setting up a docker LXC as a cloudflare host for remote access, I seem to have caused some issue with the usb recognition on my host system. I am not sure if this issue is due to the LXC, but I know it was something I did today. Some investigation...
  8. D

    [SOLVED] PVE as VM - can't reach host IP

    For testing and experimenting, I installed Proxmox as a virtual machine on my TrueNAS server and noticed that I cannot ping or access anything on my TrueNAS host from the virtualized PVE. My TrueNAS IP: Virtualized PVE: My TrueNAS network setup is straightforward -...
  9. S

    Connecting VMs to a WireGuard VPN Tunnel

    Hey, I need some help... In my home network (, I have a Proxmox server with a WireGuard LXC container. From this container, a VPN tunnel ( is established to my second Proxmox server in a network at a friend's place, where I don't have access to the router. Therefore, I...
  10. A

    Proxmox reboots randomly when running docker containers inside Windows 11 VM with "host" CPU type

    I am experiencing random reboots of my Proxmox server. This issue occurs specifically when running a Windows 11 VM with the CPU set to "host" to support Docker containers inside the VM. Interestingly, a Fedora Linux VM with the same "host" CPU setting and Docker containers does not cause...
  11. V

    Can proxmox-backup-client restore a host to another drive?

    Hello everyone, I have a 2 node cluster in my current setup. I want to use proxmox-backup-client to backup only the Hosts(Nodes) not the VMs, the VMs are already backed up to a NAS using the backup feature in VE. I already have a pbs setup where I want to backup the host and the VMs in the...
  12. S

    Proxmox PVE with DHCP for IPv4 and IPv6 on HOST!

    Hello all, I am trying to set up my Proxmox PVE HOST to use DHCP to optain both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address for its Network interface. I would then manage the actual Addresses via static leases on my DHCP server. As the Guest VMs would have DHCP active and therefor pull IPs within the network...
  13. R

    [SOLVED] Frequent hangs when using CIFS on host

    Hello, for usage in an unprivileged LXC containers I need to mount a CIFS share on my host and forward it into the container. But I already run into a problem just after mounting it into the host. mount cifs -o username=username,password=password // /mnt/smb/cctv Mounting...
  14. A

    Host Backup

    So i know there is a way to backup the vms and i do this. My question is how do i back up the actual host? To include config files and everything. Basically if my machine died today i would be able to take a new hard drive and restore the config back to exactly what it was.... I have a lot of...
  15. S

    root@pam user and key based authentication

    hmm. I don't understand why root@pam always asks password when I do this: /usr/bin/proxmox-backup-client backup etc.pxar:/etc var.pxar:/var --repository The backup-client is Proxmox host and should have proper keys to backup server.
  16. P

    No Bootable Device nach Neustart des Hosts

    Hallo, wir sind heute umgezogen, also hab ich mein Proxmox Host ordentlich heruntergefahren und am neuen Standort wieder hochgefahren. Alles hat erstaunlicherweise ohne Probleme funktioniert. Nur eine Linux Maschine (SLES11) meint auf einmal das es kein bootable Device mehr hat. Hab die VM...
  17. P

    GPU (Nvidia) passthrough from host to guest on Proxmox LXC container

    context: - i am running the most recent PVE host and would like to access my 2 GPUs in the LXC container question: - is there a guide on how to do this ?
  18. D

    PVE kernel panic - how to recover?

    Hi, I am freaking out a bit, because this happened when I need it the least ... A few month ago, I turned off my last raspberry pi and migrated everything to PVE. For that purpose built a server using the following (brand new) components: - Intel NUC 12 Pro Kit NUC12WSHI70Z(Intel Core i7 ...
  19. M

    Windows 11 stuck when I set CPU type yo host

    Hello everyone! I am having an issue with my windows 11 vm on proxmox. I am trying to set the CPU type to host but windows 11 stuck and get into automatic repair screen. If I set the CPU type to qemu64, windows boot normally. I would like to run hyper-v but I can't do that if I don't set the...
  20. B

    [SOLVED] Hetzner Server Proxmox VH Ubuntu VM kein Internet Zugang

    Hallo liebe Community, seit Tagen versuche ich meine Ubuntu VM ins Internet zu bringen. Ping vom Host zum Guest und umgekehrt geht. Der Host kann ins Internet pingen und löst auch auf. Proxmox und VM haben eine öffentliche IP. tracert vom lokalen Rechner geht zum Proxmox komplett durch - bei...