
  1. S

    VIP ip for cluster to connect with proxmox API

    Hello, Cluster Proxmox 7.3+ I want to setup VIP ip for API connection. - round robin dns / etc is not an option. - VIP ip must be only on Quorate cluster and active node. Is there any proxmox / corosync option to achiewe this ?
  2. Z

    Cluster regularly losing qourum

    I have an 12 node homelab that is regularly losing quorum. I think it might be due to a combination of high bandwidth activities (e.g. backups to a separate PBS server) and corosync being latency sensitive. The 12 nodes are almost all 1L PCs (e.g. Dell and Lenovo tiny/micro form factors). I...
  3. J

    Must bindnetaddr be configured for a separated cluster network?

    I was trying out the proxmox functions, and I see that it is possible (and recommended) to have a separated network for cluster communication. Therefore I added link0 and link1 with a separated network (dual stack) and on a dedicated NIC port, and link2 and link3 the addresses with has gateway...
  4. F

    qdevice and multiple setups

    Hi. Can I have multiple HA-Clusters and one qdevice for all ?. Or two qdevices for 10 clusters for example.
  5. N

    [SOLVED] Accidentally deleted corosync configs

    I have accidentally deleted all corosync configs/files on one node of my cluster. Is there an easy way to get that node back into the cluster? I have already tried to copy /etc/corosync/* from another node but without success. Thanks in advance!
  6. K

    A more detailed explanation of what bindnetaddr is?

    Apologies if this isn't the forum for this. I'm testing things out with corosync and I'm confused by "bindnetaddr". I've posted a similar question here: Though there's probably not going to be an...
  7. M

    Corosync Verständnisfrage (redundante Links)

    Hallo, bei einem 3-Node-Cluster (A,B,C) und corosync mit jeweils link0 und link1. In der Doku steht, dass bei gleicher Priorität Corosync-Traffic priorisiert nach der link-Reihenfolge geht (niedrigste zuerst), also link0, bei Ausfall dann erst link1. 1. Wenn beim Node A der link0 ausfällt, aber...
  8. K

    [SOLVED] Is corosync traffic encrypted?

    I'm looking at using a low powered QDEVICE as my third NODE in a 2 node cluster. I don't have a local connection between the nodes or the qdevice, so I'll be relying on the WAN. Is corosync traffic encrypted, or should I consider protecting it in some way ie a VPN or other tunneling technique?
  9. E

    Proxmox VE HA issue

    Hello Dear Proxmox Forum, We had two Proxmox VE nodes and one tie breaker nodes. We have added two additional proxmox VE nodes. When we checked the services, we realized some warnings. HA is looking fine in GUI. But in the CLI, it seems like there is something wrong. We really don't know what...
  10. M

    Cluster reconfig left behind phantom VMs - possible to fix?

    Greetings everyone, we needed to do some maintenance on a four node cluster. I moved the critical systems off of it but apparently the folks who were actually doing the removal and replacement of a node neglected to remove the noncritical VMs from it before using pvecm to remove it from the...
  11. J

    Display latency among nodes

    Hey everyone! Is there a way to display the latency among nodes, meaning from the node you currently are in (either console or WebGUI) to the rest of the nodes of the cluster? Like running the ping command to each node and displaying the end result together in a quick, useful and fashionably...
  12. aPollO

    openvswitch-switch Upgrade bricht Netzwerk

    Hallo, ich habe heute gesehen, dass das Paket openvswitch-switch inzwischen aus den Proxmox Quellen ausgeliefert wird. Am 19.01. und 01.02. scheint das aber nicht der Fall gewesen zu sein. Das Paket aus den PVE Quellen triggert keinen Neustart der OVS Interfaces. Das Paket aus den Debian...
  13. J

    Proxmox Cluster not working

    Dear Proxmox Forum I'am currently facing issues with my Proxmox Cluster. I have added SystemB to my cluster created on SystemA and since then I am getting the following error message: "Connection error 596: tls_process_server_certificate: certificate verify failed" I have tried unsuccessfully...
  14. S

    [SOLVED] Deleted node still visible in web/corosync.conf

    I removed a node from a two node cluster. I first had to set quorum_votes: 2 inside /etc/pve/corosync.conf on the remaining node. pvecm delnode pvec1n2 worked perfectly. The removed node is offline and not connected to the network. However the deleted node is still visible as a red entry on the...
  15. S

    Single node rebooting/sync issue causes entire Datacenter to malfunction

    I have been having a consistent and incredibly frustrating issue where a single node in my datacenter being rebooted causes the entire datacenter to fail and the web GUI to malfunction and become useless. I then need to log into the node(s) over SSH and either restart cluster related services...
  16. A

    Proxmox API performance issues

    Hi everyone, I'm having some performance issues with the Proxmox API on my cluster. As the number of users and virtual machines grows, the API becomes slower and slower to respond. I've already checked that the hardware is top-notch and the servers have enough resources, and I've also checked...
  17. G

    Network caused Quorum errors? - Free'ing ringbuffer - Corosync

    Hey yall, my 2 Node Cluster started to do weird things I cant explain - at least for now. All nodes run on the latest 7.3.4 release. Serv1 seems to be offline? It can be pinged, and I can open terminals (even from VMs), view stats etc. It is marked with a question mark from both...
  18. A

    [SOLVED] Node not in cluster after debian update

    Hello everyone, first time post, sorry if the formatting is wrong. So I started in a company and took over a proxmox cluster on Debian 11. After toying with proxmox for a few months, I decided to check the last thing on my predecessor's to-do list "keep the system up to date". Simple enough...
  19. G

    [SOLVED] Cluster with redundant Corosync networks reboots as soon as I join a new node

    Related to this other thread, tagging @fabian as requested. I currently have a cluster with 13 nodes running. Everything is updated to the latest versions (except for the kernel which is pinned to 5.13.19-6-pve on all nodes because of some issues with live-migration on different CPUs). All the...
  20. T

    Corosync stops working when any 3 nodes are up but works when only 2 are

    Hey there I'm experiencing a very weird issue with my Proxmox cluster (version 7.2-7). Everything is working just fine with 2 nodes, but when the third one is up then corosync stops working. This caused me a lot of troubles to have the third node join the cluster, until I restarted corosync on...