
  1. UdoB

    [TUTORIAL] FabU: Restore a file from a vzdump/vma backup on the CLI

    Preface While I am basically sure this is documented somewhere I was not able to find a compact guide. And I was never in a situation where this was necessary... yet. What I had found is and the man-pages of the required commands, but no “walk-through”...
  2. N

    PCI Passthrough CLI or GUI

    I'm not 100% clear on this and I've searched the forums for an answer... perhaps someone knows and can share their experience. I installed PVE about 10 months ago, I used the CLI method to enable PCI passthrough... then there was a later PVE update that allows this to be done through the GUI. My...
  3. S

    I want to see GUI in laptop connected with VLAN cable with my PC ( server where proxmox is installed )

    Anyone genius here please help me as I think it is because of my wrong config
  4. C

    QEMU KVM on Rocky Linux 8.9 + Proxmox-backup-agent CLI

    QEMU-KVM Environment Rocky Linux release 8.10 (Green Obsidian) [root@srv-kvm-01 ~]# virsh list Id Name State -------------------------------- 1 SBC-392-450 running [root@srv-kvm-01 ~]# virsh domblklist SBC-392-450 Target Source...
  5. B

    Edit backup job via CLI

    Hi guys! I wonder how to edit existing pbs job via cli? I can create tasks with pvesh but how abiut editing them? For example I need to transfer couple of hundreds backup jobs from one datastore to another. How do I do that?
  6. S

    [SOLVED] Explicitly Defining --no-rename when installing

    Been trying to install Proxmox again after having some issues with booting from an old install. Going to install fresh 8.1-2 and get all the way through set up, however installation fails at the "Making device bootable" section. Pulled the drive and replaced it, got the same error. Wiped both...
  7. S

    No display of CLI proxmox pve

    So i've successfully configured PCI passthrough of my Nvidia GPU to my VM. now i still want to use the Proxmox Host CLI locally via vga output on the server. of course i cant use the nvidia GPU for this since its been passthrough to the VM. i also cant use the motherboard video output since i...
  8. V

    Tool to talk to all Hosts on the whole cluster

    I want to be able to deploy VMs, which automatically start on multiple hosts in my proxmox cluster. And I want to be able to change a VLAN on all VMs which have this specific VLAN configured with one script / one command. Does someone have a tool for cluster-wide deployments / cluster-wide...
  9. N

    Verifikationsstatus per CLI abrufen

    Guten Tag, ich würde gerne per CLI den "Verified" Status aller Backups abfragen. Im zweiten Schritte, möchte ich mir dann alle Backups anzeigen lassen, die den Status "Verified" = None habe. Das bekomme ich dann aber mit "grep" selbst hin. Leider konnte ich hierzu im Forum nichts finden und...
  10. N

    Cannot Access Proxmox Web GUI - Subnet Misalignment?

    Brand new here: I installed and am attempting to complete my proxmox server setup via ethernet but I cannot Access the Proxmox Web GUI. I know it's a networking issue and I think maybe it has to do with subnet misalignment but I'm not positive and even if so, I don't know how to correctly...
  11. J

    [SOLVED] What is the best way to delete all hard disks from a VM via command line?

    What is the best way to delete all hard disks from a VM via command line? So far the only option I've been able to come up with is manually parsing output from "qm config". $ sudo qm config 148 boot: meta: creation-qemu=7.2.0,ctime=1700604130 name: jenkins-pipeline-28 scsi0...
  12. C

    [SOLVED] Storage einem Pool zuweisen via CLI

    Hallo Zusammen, gibt es eine Möglichkeit über die CLI beim anlegen von Storage (oder von mir aus auch danach) diesen einem Resource Pool zuzuweisen? Viele Grüße, Cinux
  13. C

    Snapshots failed for every VM "dataset already exists"

    Hi since 2 weeks i cant create any snapshots for any VM i created on my proxmox server. I dont know what to do because running the snapshot in GUI or CLI results in zfs error: cannot create snapshot 'SSD_ZFS/vm-<ANY_ID_HERE>-disk-0@<CHOOSE_ANY_SNAPSHOTNAME_HERE>': dataset already exists Even...
  14. L

    [SOLVED] unable to create vm with qm

    So I'm unable to create a vm with qm or pvesh. I can create them with the webui no problem. The commands I use are bellow plus their output. root@proxmox:~# pvesm alloc VM-OS-Drives 106 vm-106-disk-0 1M --format raw successfully created 'VM-OS-Drives:vm-106-disk-0' root@proxmox:~# pvesm alloc...
  15. M

    qm set --sshkey

    Hey guys, I think I already know the answer, but you never know. In Proxmox GUI, in cloud-init settings, I'm able to set the ssh key (ed25519) as a string. This can also be confirmed in the conf file in /etc/pve/qemu-server/ When I attempt to do the same in the CLI, I get: No such file...
  16. CarstenMartens

    [SOLVED] Mailfilter Regelsatz per CLI anpassen und akt- bzw. deaktivieren

    Hallo, nachdem wir heute von einem unseren Kunden der ein teures Ticketsystem benutzt, wegen einem Fehler in diesem mit Mails zugebombt wurden, würde ich gern wissen ob Wer-Objekte per CLI geändert werden können und Regeln als solches deaktiviert bzw. aktiviert werden können. Danke für die Hilfe
  17. C

    Bare Metal backup of entire Hypervisor for DR

    After suffering recent failure of my Proxmox VE boot disk, I'm contemplating a better (but simple) Disaster Recovery Strategy. Option 1: Boot from a LiveOS, use "dd" to backup my (now unmounted) Proxmox boot disk (safest, but requires prep) Option 2: Shutdown Proxmox VE application, use "dd"...
  18. D

    [SOLVED] getting VMID from the command line

    hi all do we have a tool that can get the next available vmid from the system that's unique across the cluster ? as am looking at using qm create but can't pass 0 as the VM ID to auto generate the next ID.
  19. S

    API how to use 'GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu --full' via HTTP/proxmoxer

    Hello, How can I use HTTP style of CLI : pvesh get /nodes/{node}/qemu --full GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu --full ? here is working example from proxmoxer wrapper but without "full" def vm_current_all(targetnode): x = proxmox.nodes(targetnode).qemu().get() return x
  20. J

    Ask for best practice allowing host CLI diagnose if only one GPU that is passed

    Hi all, I had some issue to connect to my proxmox sever which does not have IPMI (or iKVM). It is build on a Threadripper workstation with MSI TRX40 motherboard. I fixed the issue, which is not related to the proxmox. That lead me thinking: Since my only GPU has been passthrough, the frame...