
  1. S

    Proxmox 6.x + Ceph + CephFS

    I am currently evaluating Proxmox in a cluster environment and have intention to expand it to 7 storage nodes and 7 compute nodes to harness the storage provided by ceph. I have spent the last few weeks spending my effort formatting the machines and reinstalling everytime I make a ceph...
  2. C

    [SOLVED] Creating storage type CephFS fails: error with cfs lock 'file-storage_cfg': mount error: exit code 2

    Hi, after creating MDS and CephFS manually in my cluster, I want to create a storage of type cephfs. However this fails with error: error with cfs lock 'file-storage_cfg': mount error: exit code 2 This is the complete output: root@ld3955:~# pvesm add cephfs pve_cephfs mount error 2 = No such...
  3. N

    Storage CephFS and multiple file systems (passing options)

    I am using Proxmox 5.4 with CephFS and multiple file systems. One filesystem is called cephfs and it's on NVMe and the other is cephfs_slow and it's on standard SATA. I can manually mount each file system with: mount -t ceph -o mds_namespace=cephfs virt0,virt4,virt8,virt12:/ /foo mount -t ceph...
  4. F

    What is the difference between these ceph notions

    So im trying to configure a proxmox cluster with ceph. So from what i can see i can make a pool directly and use it (as in add it to the cluster storage as RBD) In order to create a CephFS storage in proxmox i need to create 2 sepparate ceph pools and then create the cephfs specifying the pool...
  5. F

    Ceph Config - Create FS - Error

    So i am trying to configure proxmox to use ceph server (on 3 nodes\servers). So i have created the osds, the pool, and the metadata servers. So im following this : https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pveceph.html So i added the ceph server to the cluster storage, and can use it. Now im...
  6. S

    CEPHFS rasize

    Hi , Is there anyway to change read ahead of the cephfs. According : docs.ceph.com/docs/master/man/8/mount.ceph/ and : lists.ceph.com/pipermail/ceph-users-ceph.com/2016-November/014553.html (could not place hyper link - new user) this is should be improve reading single large files. right now...
  7. G

    CephFS: How to create with different size?

    When creating a regular (RBD) Ceph pool, there are options in both the GUI and in pveceph to determine the size (replication count) and the min. size (online replicas for read) of the pool. However, when creating a CephFS pool, neither the GUI, not pveceph provides an option to create one with a...
  8. L

    Cephfs MDS only reachable in cluster network

    Hey, I am a little bit confused or maybe I am just missing a small detail. My plan is to deploy and mount a cephfs directory on a samba VM. Thus I created a MDS in the proxmox cephfs GUI but the address of the MDS is from my cluster network where the OSDs are communicating. Well, I tried to...
  9. H

    How and When to use CephFS

    The PVE 5.3 release notes says: "The distributed file system CephFS eliminates the need for external file storage such as NFS or Samba and thus helps reducing hardware cost and simplifies management." 1. I have never used this and as I am about to setup new pve servers I would like to get some...
  10. P

    CephFS EC Pool recommendations

    Hi, I have 2 SSD per node. and I have 6 Nodes. which makes its 12 SSD now what will give me a good capacity and resilience against failures. I am confused between choosing - EC21 --- i.e K=2, M=1 - 66% Capacity EC42 --- i.e K=4, M=2 - 66% Capacity EC32 --- i.e K=3, M=2 - 60%...
  11. L

    cephfs for backups doesn't allow # of copies to be set

    When a backup volume is created, it allows the setting of max backups in pmx4.4 as shown below. In pmx5.x, when using a non-ceph backup location, the option is still there: However, in when creating a cephfs backup volume, only one backup is stored and no option exists to specify more than...
  12. Max P

    Error adding (existing) CephFS

    Hi, We have a 4 node proxmox cluster that I just updated to proxmox 5.3 (from 5.2) without any problems. Now I want to test the new CephFS support in Proxmox 5.3 , but after I add it via the storage menu in the webinterface the cephfs storage entry only has a grey question mark on it. The...
  13. M

    Documentation bug and I'm unable to create CephFS

    One minor but important observation to please fix in the documentation. on https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Manage_Ceph_Services_on_Proxmox_VE_Nodes at Destroy CephFS the command ceph rm fs NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it should be ceph fs rm NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it However, I have an up and...
  14. L

    [SOLVED] Proxmox 5.3 CephFS Metadata Server creation fails

    I just upgraded to version 5.3 and tried to create multiple MDS for CephFS. However, an error occurs: Binary not installed: /usr/bin/ceph-mds (500) Is this intended? I cannot install it via apt. What is the issue here?
  15. G

    Reclaim free space in CephFS

    Hey guys We are using ceph-fuse to mount a CephFS volume for Proxmox backups at `/srv/proxmox/backup/`. Recently, I noticed that the backup volume kept running out of free space and therefore the backup jobs were failing (we had a Ceph quota of 2 TB in place on the pool for safety reasons)...
  16. V

    Ceph, MDS, CephFS questions

    Good evening, Been trying to deploy MDS & CephFS by compiling a couple of very scarce threads from here & there. But no luck till now. Ceph-deploy tool does not work as expected and couldn't start the MDS after manually adding the [mds] section etc in ceph.conf Is MDS and CephFS management in...
  17. G

    Ceph (or CephFS) for vzdump backup storage?

    We have a small Ceph Hammer cluster (only a few monitors and less then 10 OSDs), still it proves very useful for low IO guest storage. Our Ceph cluster runs on our Proxmox nodes, but has it's own, separate gigabit LAN, and performance is adequate for our needs. We would like to use it as backup...