
  1. C

    Proxmox and Zabbix

    I have tried everything under the sun to get this to work, from PSK configuration to API Token, etc..., but nothing works, and this is just trying to add the PVE host, not a VM. Please let me know if you need any further information. I would really like to get this working.
  2. J

    API funktioniert nicht Anfrage von CORS geblockt

    Also ich bekomme folgende Meldung wenn ich auf die API zugreifen will egal auf welche Art "Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://censored-ip:8006/api2/json/version' from origin 'https://example.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check...
  3. S

    property is not defined in schema and the schema does not allow additional properties, while attempting start/stop/reboot.

    Hi Team, We are doing start/stop/reboot, through the curl API, (/nodes/proxmox25/qemu/{$vmid}/status/start /nodes/proxmox25/qemu/{$vmid}/status/stop /nodes/proxmox25/qemu/{$vmid}/status/reboot) and it is throwing the below error, {"data":null,"errors":{"password":"property is not defined in...
  4. H

    Proxmox VE API to create cluster

    Hi! I'm trying to use Proxmox VE API to init a cluster, but I've failed to find such API. So how can I find such API?(I want to use python to call such API)
  5. K

    Proxmox VE API: 596 Broken Pipe

    Hello guys, first it might be good to know what I'm trying to archieve with my program: Currently I'm building a Backend for a Hosting Company, wich has to create and Manage multiple Proxmox KVM Servers. For changing hostname etc. etc. we're using the guest-agent wich is also documented in the...
  6. M

    enabling qemu guest agent affects api call

    Greetings, I have a personal proxmox setup where I have 5 Qemu VPS. I am trying to enable qemu guest agent in one of the VPS via api calls which works fine, but when qemu guest agent is enabled, my network config api calls stops working. My script does the following, 1> API call to server ->...
  7. C

    Proxmox API - Post lxc - IpV6=auto

    Good evening, I wanted to try to POST a lxc with the api proxmox and putting in the net0 that: "net0":"name=vmbr0,ip6=auto,gw6=2001:470:c8fb:ffff::,gw=,ip=,rate=100" But when it creates my lxc, I look in the network tab and I have this: It does not replace auto with ipv6...
  8. C

    Proxmox API - POST lxc - Error code 500

    Hello I'm trying to get my code that sends api requests to work. But I have this error: Only root can pass arbitrary filesystem paths. at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage.pm line 538. I think it's a problem when I define rootfs in the request body but I'm not sure. My body: var body = {...
  9. N

    [SOLVED] Can't create API Token: Method Post not implemented (501)

    I need your help... I already do a search but can't find the solution for this... I'm trying create a new API token but when I save the information, I got this error What I'm doing wrong? EDIT: Proxmox VE 7.2-7
  10. N

    Using API to set NESTING feature flag.

    I'm trying to use the API to set the NESTING feature flag when creating a container. I am using a TOKEN tied to the root user and assigned the ADMINISTRATOR role for the pool. However, that is not working. In searching the forums, I ran into this thread...
  11. S

    [SOLVED] Execute command in node with API

    Hi, i'm trying to do this : $params = array("commands" => json_encode(array( "pct exec ". $lxcid." -- bash -c 'echo PermitRootLogin Yes >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config'" )))); if($pve->post("/nodes/proxmox/execute/", $params){ echo '{"result": "good", "desc": "cmd 1 ok"}'; }else{ echo...
  12. S

    Failed to start PVE API Proxy Server can't acquire lock '/var/run/pveproxy/pveproxy.pid.lock

    Hello My server ran some years without trouble but now I am facing a problem which I don't know how to resolve. I firstly noticed backup was buggued, with a task stucked for 2 months now. When I killed it manually by web interface I have just wait to see if the server would get it working the...
  13. C

    ACME API endpoint: 403 Permission check failed (user != root@pam) - despite user being root@pam

    The title says pretty much it all. :) I'm writing an API client and a Terraform provider for Proxmox VE. So far the `version` and `storage` endpoints are working (albeit not necessarily complete :D ). I'm now trying to create an ACME account but I get a `403 Permission check failed (user !=...
  14. E

    Finding total disk size in multi-disk virtual machine

    Hello there I have to get total disk size in VM which have multiple disk. How to do that from api? In documentation /cluster/resources disk -> Used disk space in bytes(for storage), used root image space (for VM) totaldisk -> Storage size in bytes(for storage), root image size (for VM)
  15. D

    PBS - API - Missing informations

    Hello, I'm using a PBS(2.1-5) for more than year and I try to integrate it to my supervision(prometheus) via the blackbox exporter(http's probe). To do this I have to interact with the API and here is the problem: the documentation is very poor about details. Here is my script to try to...
  16. C

    API Proxmox DeleteVM

    Hello, I would like to know if it is possible with the proxmox API, to make API requests to delete a VM using an html request Thanks in advance for your answers
  17. G

    [SOLVED] 401permission denied - invalid PVEVNC ticket

    I'm trying to call the console from an external site. I have successfully called so far: GET / api2 / json / access / ticket POST /api2/json/nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/vncproxy I'm trying to call now GET / api2 / json / nodes / {node} / lxc / {vmid} / vncwebsocket but it gives me an error. I don't...
  18. A

    [SOLVED] Where is the API log PMG?

    Hello, I created a code that register domains in my server using PMG API. In my computer (Local) the connection workly good, but in the server I got the next error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='url', port=port): Max retries exceeded with url: /api2/json/access/ticket (Caused by...
  19. S

    API how to use 'GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu --full' via HTTP/proxmoxer

    Hello, How can I use HTTP style of CLI : pvesh get /nodes/{node}/qemu --full GET /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu --full ? here is working example from proxmoxer wrapper but without "full" def vm_current_all(targetnode): x = proxmox.nodes(targetnode).qemu().get() return x
  20. U

    Use PsExec to run commands on user session via qemu guest agent

    Hi, I'm trying to execute a script on a vm via the qemu guest agents api exec. However all the commands get executed without a connection the the current user session. so when I for example run powershell via the api it only shows up in task manger as a process but does not show the console on...