VE 4.2 shows wrong disk space information on RDBD drive


New Member
Aug 16, 2016
After I installed DRBD by following this:
I recognized that from the webinterface (GUI) disk summary shows wrong informations:

Képernyőfotó 2016-08-16 - 22.38.36.png
I've got 1.6TiB disk on both node but it see together.
Here is my storage.cfg:

drbd: drbd1
nodes n1,n2
content rootdir,images
redundancy 2

(Yeah, I almost forgot, I have a cluster with only two nodes.)

Anyway from the terminal, it looks good:
Képernyőfotó 2016-08-16 - 22.39.13.png

Has someone the same issue? How can I correct the disk information on the GUI?
drbdmanage only gives "free space" as in biggest allocatable volume (given a certain replication count). PVE calculates the used space based on total space and free space. for symmetric setups (i.e., replication onto all nodes, all nodes/disks have same size), just ignore the total and used. for other setups (mixed disk sizes, replication < number of nodes) also ignore them, and remember what "free space" means in DRBD terminology (e.g., in such setups you can create volumes and the free space might not change).
Sorry but this makes very little sense to me. Luckily it's not a big deal I guess.