unable to install: "no cdrom found"

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@tom Well. I am not the only one. That is clear... 16 different Linux Installations can boot and run without issue on that machine/usb. Even iso images not really meant to be on USB and only this one does not work. It's not about hardware. That other thing I can't check because I do not know what are you talking about. And what could I be doing wrong? I followed your scarce documentation to the letter. It's literally 3 lines of text...

I am really disappointed. For all, you know this could be reading some future paid clients or big companies looking for a partner. Burying your head in the sand and taking the "it works on my machine" approach to the issue is not really trustworthy.

So last question. Why this install process can't run on any USB/hardware while other software runs/boots. What is so special about your installation software? What 'checks' are 'failing'?
Here is the exact message, after 'testing' I get the same message as the OP: https://www.screencast.com/t/px61jWc4
I would have to say it is something specific to your machine as I've seen this type of behavior with all sorts of linux live cds on various systems. It is unfortunate though as it means you will need to install on another machine and then move that installed drive over to this one (if this is even possible).
I am really disappointed. For all, you know this could be reading some future paid clients or big companies looking for a partner. Burying your head in the sand and taking the "it works on my machine" approach to the issue is not really trustworthy.

You totally misunderstand my point. Check your hardware, your ISO download, your USB, just all - We really do our best since more than 15 years to improve our installers so we take care of all issues - it does not matter if you are a paying subscriber or not.

As I do not even know your hardware, how can I help further?
I also had this issue motherboard is Supermicro X9SCM, I ended up booting to windows (I normally only use Linux) and then using Rufus to write the downloaded .iso proxmox image in DD mode. Rufus expect the .iso should be written in .iso mode which is what version 3+ does. you need to download an older version of rufus such as 2.18, select the .iso file, and then change the write mode from ISO to DD. You will then get past the cdrom not found issue.

Thanks Joachim Stein
One year ago, when tried install proxmox from usb stick...... i gave up with this shit 'cdrom not found'........

Thumbs Up someone found culprit! I can confirm, just use older version, with Rufus 2.18 DD mode boot issues 'cdrom not found' disappeared.

LOL such a simple resolution. Btw I think Proxmox staff should point out that info with bold letters in readme doc's and fix that mess pointing out correct Rufus version for Proxmox install from USB ! ! !
LOL such a simple resolution. Btw I think Proxmox staff should point out that info with bold letters in readme doc's and fix that mess pointing out correct Rufus version for Proxmox install from USB ! ! !

What mess? There's like two simple sentences to read to get all the information required, I really do not think that's to much asked for, especially for a (future) hypervisor administrator.

But yes, we restructured slightly and added a big important note so that even those stopping to read after the first few words shouldn't overlook it.. The new version will get online in May.
The point is, why (future) Proxmox Staff Member didn't ponted two years ago at begining of this thread: "We (Proxmox staff members) at our offices using Rufus v2.18 DD mode to create proper bootable Proxmox USB sticks!". And this discussion would end after second post.

Just admit, your documention lacks of quality or lacks of human resorces to maintain up to date documentation, i tested with x8sil-f just for fun, this board posts same error about 'cdrom not found' when Rufus version is above 2.18 or latest Rufus, btw this board is in your compatibility list (https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Mainboards).
The documentation does not lack of quality and we for sure do not lack the man power.
The best quality doesn't help if people aren't able to read more than half a sentence of it.

Closing this overlong thread.
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