Suggestion: Add lrzip to Backup compression options

Today I played something around this task, patched some perl files - and voila! - backup w/ zstd is working so far. This was an easy task.
The first thing is that debian's zstd (in stretch) is to old (missing thread parameter), so I compiled and used the latest version v1.3.2 for this.
The last thing is that I can't restore any zst backup for now ("TASK ERROR: ERROR: archive contains no configuration file"). I've to investigate into this tomorrow/the next days.
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ZSTD done. Happy testing :)
To activate use my shell script or patch yourself. To use zstd you have to disable compress:/pigz: etc and to set zstd: in vzdump.conf - same as with pigz: 1 means half-of-your-cpu's, >1 #of cpu's.

This is a nice template for those who want to implement their favorite compression program.

This is tested with PVE 5.1 only - and you MUST use a zstd >=1.3



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Did all the patches apply cleanly? Are services pveproxy and pvedaemon restarted (as done so in my script)?
I'll setup a new pve server today and re-check this to ensure that I haven't missed something while testing...
Well, I see...then restart the whole machine at next opportunity.
I set up the new pve, patched everthing, restarted both services - same as at your site: no zstd. Then I rebooted the new baby and there it is. Only the hell knows why I hadn't to do something like this at the testing machine the last two days.
Alas, I'm very sorry about this. Can't reproduce this.
Then let us wait for other participants who can report their success/failure.
Thanks Fabian. And yes...the quality of my code :) As I'm not a software-developer my skills in programming are somewhat limited today (I've written some nice programs in basic and assembler in the good ole 80s). So my intention is to publish this here as a playground. When some people are saying that my patches/code are ok to them I'd have no problem to go further and contribute them to pve.
Any updates here? zstd for backup would be great. Am i right that no dev replied to your proposed patch yet?
Well watched :) And yes, you're right, nobody replied until yet.
Are my patches working at your pvea as they doing it with great success at mine?
Please post development concerning things directly to the development mailing list. Also, please create patches directly to the source-code in git fashion so that it can be reviewed and applied easily. The whole process is lined out in [1]. If you do not comply with the aforementioned development process, your changes will most probably be ignored. This is usual to any kind of development.

For all feature requests, please try to find similar feature requests already filed in Bugzilla [2] and create a new one if you do not find anything.
