feature request

  1. M

    [Feature request] Add LUKS to installer

    Hi, I did not found any feature request to add LUKS to the installer, so I opened one. It should be one oft the most requested features and help to save a lot of time and complexity, when already during the installation process a LUKS volume could be created and then on top of it the selected...
  2. E

    Firewall domain name aliases

    Dear Proxmox team, I recently started configuring the firewall for my Proxmox cluster. I noticed that you can only create aliases based on the IP and not with the domain. I think this would be helpful because if you create a specific rule with, for example, the Google address, the Google IP...
  3. D

    Proxmox Built in Secret Manager

    Hi all, Does Proxmox currently have a way to handle secrets in configuration files or VMs/LXCs? I am leveraging Terraform to deploy VMs using cloud-init templates. As part of my configuration, I use additional cloud-init settings to customize and configure virtual machines during deployment...
  4. P

    [Feature Request] Nur Verschlüsselte Backups pushen

    Mit der neuen PBS Version kann man ja Backups zu Remotes pushen, jedoch möchte ich nur verschlüsselte Backups übertragen da es sich um ein offsite Backup handelt. Die alten unverschlüsselten Backups würde ich auch ungern löschen müssen. Eine Option um nur verschlüsselte Backups zu pushen wäre...
  5. G

    Simpler lxc user mapping via gui

    The uid and gid making that you need to do in the .conf file is one of the most esoteric things in its complexity. It's also quite error-prone. My suggestion is that, under resources in the proxmox ve gui, you can simply map lxc user to host user (and groups) via user name. It would give you a...
  6. D

    Adding a Checkbox to Proxmox VE to delete a Backup with Removing a VM

    I would like to make a QOL feature request because im sure im not the only one that has left backups sitting on your PBS that you no longer need. I propose adding a checkbox on the "Remove" Popup when deleting a VM/LXC to "Delete corresponding Backup from PBS" and if there is more then one PBS...
  7. I

    [Feature Request] UI Option to Move/Copy LXC Templates to Storage for Container Templates

    I know we can do this manually by copying/moving the tar.gz file for template from the LXC Path to the path on the storage, however, it would be nice to have an option in the UI to help us do this so that we can chose the template from the Create New LXC Container Wizard, instead of having to...
  8. A

    Suppoort for multiple parallel/sequential disk migrations for vm and ct

    Is it possible to migrate multiple disks of a vm/ct at once? I have not found a way yet on PVE 8.3? It would be nice to select multiple disks of a vm to migrate at once intead of migrating one disk at a time and then manually starting the next move job... Same for the ct:s. Also I find it...
  9. B

    Enable Sync to other Destination

    Hello all, I am looking for something to sync my PBS datastore to something else than an remote PBS server , for example a share on a Synology NAS or share in Azure. Would it be possible to enable something in an upcoming release? Thank you and have a great day!
  10. N

    [Feature request] Improve tasks visualization

    I noticed that a lot of the background tasks (if not all) open in a console-like window and the indication is not the best. It should be nice if the backend packs standardized info about task progress into the log - maybe in another pipe, or via special formatting. The idea is the front end to...
  11. G

    [FEATURE REQUEST] Add option to set default console viewer for vms

    Currently, vm can only use noVNC as the default console viewer. I checked the source code and the xtermjs property of this component can be set, so is it possible to add the option of a default console viewer to the vm options (similar to what is configured in the datacenter). In...
  12. J

    [Feature request] Ability to enable rxbounce option in Ceph RBD storage for windows VMs

    Currently, at our university, we have a large standalone Ceph cluster that serves as storage for our virtual machines. We utilize this Ceph cluster for multiple purposes, including: Virtual Machine Storage, S3 Object Storage and CephFS for Samba. Overall, the performance is stable, and the...
  13. Y

    Feature Request : MAC address prefix feature to support MA-S assignments

    Hello, Instead of using Proxmox’s default prefix of BC:24:11, I would like to use a MAC address pool provided by IEEE. In my environment, a full 24-bit OUI provides too large of a range and is expensive, so I prefer to purchase a 36-bit MA-S assignment. (see...
  14. G

    Force delete pending data from garbage collection

    Scenario is this: I created a VM and accidentally didn't uncheck Backup? from the config on of a 3.2TB NAS. An attempted backup last nigh of all Guests meant that the whole backup storage filled up. Garbage collection says there is 900GB in a Pending state. I believe I have to now sit and wait...
  15. gurubert

    Async IO setting for cloud-init drive

    Hi, it would be nice to be able to set the Async IO option (aio=) for cloud-init drives in the GUI. We are running a shared storage on a SAN LUN with OCFS2 and we know this is an unsupported setup. Since kernel 6.5 we need the aio=threads parameter for virtual disks. For normal vHDDs this can...
  16. J

    Node Tagging / Router Indicators

    We run several Proxmox clusters and have found it quite cumbersome to determine which of the nodes in each cluster is the current and secondary router end points. We have to dig through the config everytime we do an upgrade to make sure we do them in the right order as the currently configured...
  17. X

    [Feature Request] proxmox as ram live system

    Hi everyone, As already mentioned in this thread, I would really like to see an option in Proxmox where I could use, for example, a USB stick where everything is stored on and at boot time, it gets loaded to a RAM disk, similar to how ESXi operates. An option for backward compatibility would...
  18. Y

    Request for Podman container administration within proxmox

    Hello, I'm writing about a gap in capabilities regarding containerisation and container orchestration I believe is obvious and could be corrected fairly easily. To quickly explain my reasoning, I would like to compare docker to LXC containers briefly. while LXC containers are more flexible...
  19. A

    Checkbox for Excluding Disks from Snapshots

    Hi, are there any plans to introduce a checkbox like the one for backups that excludes disks from snapshots? Or is detaching the disk still the current solution to this problem?
  20. SInisterPisces

    Adding NFS v4 Share to Proxmox Cluster Fails if NFS Server Does Not Support NFSv3 Connections: Looking to Confirm Behavior Before Reporting Bug

    Hello, I have an up-to-date TrueNAS SCALE bare metal server running that I'm using to, among other things, store LXC templates and ISOs for Proxmox. I initially configured TrueNAS's NFS service to disable NFS v3, as I knew Proxmox supported v4.2 and that's what I wanted to use. However...