storage best practices


Apr 2, 2023
hi I have a msi z690 unify with 64 gigs of ram 2 2.5 gig intel Nic wifi 6e intel nvme card
intel 12900k
Nvidia 8600gts
2 nvme 500 gig
4 sata 2tb spinning drives
Asus sata bluray drive.
also have a 250 gig wd black drive enterprise use to be my windows boot drive
what is best way to setup my storage needs should I buy more of something?
im thinking of buying another dual channel kit of 64 to max out my ram
I was thinking of still using the 250 gig for boot and nvme as cache then 4 2tb for storage + shares but I have no idea how to do that and if its even a good choice.
on windows my best set up I was able to image the os drive so I always had a good backup so if the drive failed id be able to restore to that image and still have access to my storage. does Proxmox have something similar or is there a similar way for linux.
hate I bought the two 500 gig when I could of gotten a 2tb at the same price now just a few weeks later.
I want zfs because I think I did come by some bit rot on the windows setup but was able to back everything up to a 8tb drive now that those are far cheaper then when I had my windows media server. and anything that did not make it was not important.

what I plan to run I have windows and Mac and want to mess more with linux
might run windows server in vm as the ability to install windows off network share seems really cool
pi hole mostly for my daughters devices
make mkv, hand break
next cloud or own cloud
graylog for my pfsense fan less router
steam/proxy cache server
also mostly to have a 6e router looking at using pfsense, open sense or open wrt now currently only have the 2 2.5 nic but if I get good at this might takeout the router and have everything in one although I use to like having router as one and nas as another but the capabilities just makes me think this is best way specially if I'm going to have 100+ watts on one system which has me looking at replacing all drive with ssds at 2tb drives costing same as hdd now as long as I'm not wanting the best and top name brand.

if you made it this far my current power usage is 140watts with just the storage server running when coping files
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i learned that if proxmox fails and you have to reinstall os it will see the previous zfs and its easy to import the old zfs storage.
i wish i knew a way to image or snapshot the main proxmox install so if i broke something that i could just revert back to that although my last broken state broke remote shell access but maybe if i had a monitor connected probably still had access thru there.
my first thing i did on this install was setup a turnkey torrent server that uses webadmin that has ability to create nfs/smb shares so created smb share havent been to to create a nfs share although ive seen youtube videos you get better transfer speeds.
right now getting around 100megs which is maybe a little higher then if i had direct access to one drive that i remember usually was around 80 but my nvidia north bridge jbod on windows was similar.
im dumb forgot im running from another single external hdd.
ok even from ssd speeds similar.

i ran 4 threads on torrent server but transfering files im only using 1 percent so i may scale that down to 2 threads.
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now i may try to get a router os setup using one of the extra ethernet jacks to set up so i can have wifi 6e that will connect to a windows 10 vm so i can possibly have wireless higher def vr or my msi laptop has 6e also that i can connect wirless that way as well.
i wish i knew a way to image or snapshot the main proxmox install so if i broke something that i could just revert back to that although my last broken state broke remote shell access but maybe if i had a monitor connected probably still had access thru there.
You could for example boot into a clonezilla pen drive and then create an image of the whole system disk and store it on a NAS or usb disk.
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