Proxmox backup server 1.1/2.2 and proxmox 6.4/7.2 compatibility


Jan 19, 2021

we started the proxmox live upgrade from 6.4 to 7.2.

During the migration we have proxmox 6.x and 7.x proxmox nodes inside the same proxmox cluster.

Will pbs 2.2 back proxmox 6.4 hosts with pb client 1.1 up?

Will pbs 1.1 back proxmox 7.2 hosts with pb client 2.2 up?

Or should we have both pbs 1.1 and 2.2 present during the migration?
as long as you don't use features that require a 2.x client or server (like namespaces) you can either upgrade the PBS server before or after upgrading your PVE cluster, and backups should continue to work.
So, we can just upgrade pbs to 2.2 and the usual backups both from proxmox 6.x and 7.x will continue to work?
yes, PBS 1.x clients (as included in PVE 6.x) are compatible with PBS 2.x severs (and obviously, 2.x clients as included in PVE 7.x as well ;))