Proxmox 5.4 -> 6 Cluster completely down after upgrade


New Member
Aug 25, 2019
Hello all,

first I wasn't able to perform the pve5to6 command which the Proxmox guide stated, So i wasn't able to confirm stability of the environment, however it's a pretty low configuration setup..
2 Nodes were in a functional ProxMox VE 5.4 environment, several VMs and containers were residing on both.. No high availability or replication were in use. Backups were scheduled to a USB drive attached to one of the Nodes.
I processed the upgrade and while going through the process, the only error I encountered was a 'removal of proxmox-ve' prompt. After research I found simply touching a 'remove-proxmox-ve' command was needed, I tried it. And the upgrade completed with no error. Upon reboot, I have the following:

- Node 1: Has SSH enabled but no Webgui, if I nmap to that IP with looking at any ports between 1 and 443, 443 isn't listed so it isn't accepting HTTPS
- Node 2: Doesn't have HTTPS or SSH running on it, so I cannot administer that device without a monitor or IPMI, which luckily I do on that unit.

What shall I do first?
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After some modifications to the sources.list file and used that very command. I have one more online, I'll be using ipmi to enable ssh again.

Thank you!
I was successful on the first node, but the next. I'm receiving an emergency mode notification. The journalctl feedback is extreme to say the least.

While sweating bullets. I took this forum post's advice for both of my nodes..
- Create that empty file listed on this post, #16:
Mainly moving any source lists from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to /home. And retrofitting the /etc/apt/sources.list to what's listed at post #4.

Then issued apt update, apt dist-upgrade.. And finally apt install proxmox-ve.. But I'm still getting the Emergency mode.. Any ideas?