No-Subscription license - No valid subscription message

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New Member
Jul 13, 2020
I changed my license model to "No-Subscription" and applied the changes as per the Proxmox VE No-Subscription Repository guide. However, this does not remove the no invalid subscription reminder message.


Is it possible to permanently remove the message or must I purchase a subscription?
If I use the "non-subscription" model and license, should the message still appear or Is it a bug?
I agree that the subscription is optional support. However, my concern is around the program and the license agreement.

The non optional "Non valid Subscription" message prevents the use of the program without the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY.

Kindly remove the non optional "Non valid Subscription" message or provide alternative configurable means within the program to permanently suppress the message.

Reference :
GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (AGPLv3) : " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY"
that sentence does not mean what you think it does..
I do not understand the reluctance to change the behaviour of the invalid popup message. Guess this is the difference between open-source centric and a commercial mindset.

Perhaps the XCP-ng or Microsoft Hyper-V communities will be more helpful and willing.

I do not understand the reluctance to change the behaviour of the invalid popup message. Guess this is the difference between open-source centric and a commercial mindset.

Perhaps the XCP-ng or Microsoft Hyper-V communities will be more helpful and willing.


Honestly - is this thread meant as a joke?

If you already had tried out PVE and followed the forum for a while, you would realize how strange this thread is. The Proxmox guys and the community are very helpful, and I'm not even talking about the quality of the products here, which is outstanding and always keeps its promises.

After having used Hyper-V, oVirt and other free virtualization solutions for quite a long time, I happily got stuck on PVE two years ago.
Hey Luke,

I think I didn't get your point yet, but nethertheless I try to answer:

1. Proxmox VE is open source software
2. Access to the "Test Repository" and to the "No-Subscription-Repository" is free (as in "free beer")
3. For access to the "Enterprise Repository" you have to pay, and in addition you can get support

To my eyes the message you're talking about, means: "Welcome to Proxmox VE! You're using free and open source software, have fun! If you like to support the project, please buy access to the enterprise repository. Thanks!"

For me there is nothing bad about this message. Feel free to ignore it. We run the non subscription repository for years (productive, but not that critical ;-)), and since about one year our main cluster runs from the enterprise repository.

And by the way:
If "the spirit of open source" is important for you: Do you really think that Hyper-V is a suitable option? ;-)

Many greets
Hi guys,

In my opinion, this behaviour feels more like shareware or ad-ware. Free beer with adds, is not free beer :)

There is noting welcoming about the messages and is super annoying. In my eyes it says "You do not have a valid subscription" ... period :)

Honestly - do a quick google search, and you will find tons of comments and articles that share my opinion.

Clearly not my first choose, but I have installed and am running Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019. It is free, with no nagware :) and does the a great job for now.

It was not my intention to cause an argument. Instead I was hoping that a code change of properly less than 10 lines or so, could have been quickly implemented. In my opinion, this would have carried a long way with new and existing Proxmox users.
Hi Luke,

In my opinion, this behaviour feels more like shareware or ad-ware. Free beer with adds, is not free beer :)

yes, I can accept this point of view, but

There is noting welcoming about the messages and is super annoying. In my eyes it says "You do not have a valid subscription" ... period :)

here our opinions differ: In my view one extra click after logging in is far away from "super annoying".

Honestly - do a quick google search, and you will find tons of comments and articles that share my opinion.
You find what you're searching for. ;) And yes, thanks to the fact that PVE is open source you can get rid of this message.

Clearly not my first choose, but I have installed and am running Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019. It is free, with no nagware :) and does the a great job for now.
If this works for you (and if open source or not doesn't matter for you), go ahead with it. :)
May I ask: Do you want to virtualize for private use or for business purposes?

It was not my intention to cause an argument. Instead I was hoping that a code change of properly less than 10 lines or so, could have been quickly implemented. In my opinion, this would have carried a long way with new and existing Proxmox users.
Come on... Did you really expect that the answer to this post would be "Oh thanks for this hint - of course we will remove this message in the next release!"? :D

Many Greets
I do kind of agree with Luke1. The purpose of a nag screen is exactly as the name implies. In my opinion it would be better to have an unlicensed banner on the Proxmox dashboard/home screen. A message similar to when using Windows Server in trial mode. If one argues “what’s your problem if you can just click to close?”, well, if one can just click to close then why have it there other than to nag the user? Support and access to the Enterprise repo speaks for itself. It doesn’t need constant reminder. Most home users found Proxmox when searching for a free open source alternative to other Hypervisors, so are therefore unlikely to pay for a yearly subscription. If using it in a production/enterprise environment then yes they should subscribe and are more likely to have the means to.

Just my two cents. I have never complained about it before because I kind of understand why it’s there and it doesn’t bother me. An extra click does not bother me and once everything is setup it willbe an extra click less than once a day.;)
Hyper-V is only "free" if you ignore the cost of a Windows license.
I was just as surprised :) It is a stand-alone core server and only contains the Windows hypervisor, a Windows Server driver model, (Not the full server operating system) and virtualization components.
Come on... Did you really expect that the answer to this post would be "Oh thanks for this hint - of course we will remove this message in the next release!"? :D
Admittedly, I was hoping for something among those lines. So my answer is Yes. Why not?
Admittedly, I was hoping for something among those lines. So my answer is Yes. Why not?
From your own research you know that this message exists since many years, there were some discussions about it (not "tons of" as you claimed) - and it's still there. Maybe this can lead to the conclusion that it's not a bug, but a conscious decision of the developers. ;)
Concerning nagware your're right: PVE meets the definition:
However I'm fine with it. If your top requirements are a) no nagware b) free as in free beer, than you really should run Hyper-V.
May I ask again: Is it for private or business purposes?
From your own research you know that this message exists since many years, there were some discussions about it (not "tons of" as you claimed) - and it's still there. Maybe this can lead to the conclusion that it's not a bug, but a conscious decision of the developers. ;)
Concerning nagware your're right: PVE meets the definition:
However I'm fine with it. If your top requirements are a) no nagware b) free as in free beer, than you really should run Hyper-V.
May I ask again: Is it for private or business purposes?

Is Proxmox free as in freedom? Or beer? Or both?
Is Proxmox free as in freedom? Or beer? Or both?

it's free as in freedom and as in beer. (source code is on and the software can be downloaded & used for absolutely no cost)

the subscription is for enterprise users who wish to pay for personal support via our ticket system.

the functionality however, is completely the same regardless of the fact if you have a subscription or not.
and yes, the subscription message is a conscious decision, because even though this is free software, it takes time and money to develop it :)
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