[SOLVED] No local-lvm after Join Cluster/proxmox ve 5.4-3


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2019
after installation of proxmox ve 5.4-3 when i try to create vm using GUI there is no storage and checking it on GUI list there no local-lvm,so what to do?, there is docs?is it issue?
it's added to cluster.
the installation of two node,the same result.
and i need one of the nodes for backup,so which type of storage to use Ceph,GlusterFS,NFS(on host),NFS(using freenas....),others..

normally a "local-lvm" will always get create if using our provided installation ISO, the only exception currently is when using ZFS during install (as rpool). Did you selected ZFS as installation root filesytem?

My recent local installations which did not got installed with ZFS have all the "lvm-local".

How did you install Proxmox VE? Note that if you install Proxmox VE on top of a Debian installation you need to create the storages you want yourself.
I installed proxmox using official iso downloaded from proxmox website,the root filesystem is ext4 filesystem if u mean of first installation option for Hard Drive.
the both (two) nodes having the same issue if it's.

normally a "local-lvm" will always get create if using our provided installation ISO, the only exception currently is when using ZFS during install (as rpool). Did you selected ZFS as installation root filesytem?

My recent local installations which did not got installed with ZFS have all the "lvm-local".

How did you install Proxmox VE? Note that if you install Proxmox VE on top of a Debian installation you need to create the storages you want yourself.
check my answer above:)
Also, can you see if it's possible add a "local-lvm" storage via the web GUI? (Datacenter -> Storage -> Add 'LVM-Thin')?
Maybe the cluster join just overwrote the /etc/pve/storage.cfg and thus the local-lvm storage is just not listed anymore (but exists physically).
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Reactions: fpdragon
thank u,was mention as template not disk space ,sorry
so delete this thread or make it as solved ?!
so delete this thread or make it as solved ?!

We normally do not delete threads, maybe then can help someone else when searching the net some day.

You could mark it as solved, but no need, you can also just let it as is :)
We normally do not delete threads, maybe then can help someone else when searching the net some day.

You could mark it as solved, but no need, you can also just let it as is :)
look like there is misunderstood bcs i have 2 nodes,when use one of them ask me for template so was im wrong, but when checking the another node was there is node but there is no storage of disk.
  LV   VG  Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  data pve twi-a-tz-- 703.47g             0.00   0.04                         
  root pve -wi-ao----  96.00g                                                 
  swap pve -wi-ao----   8.00g
#pvesm status
Name             Type     Status           Total            Used       Available        %
local             dir     active        98559220         2842532        90667140    2.88%
local-lvm     lvmthin   disabled               0               0               0      N/A
#cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
dir: local
        path /var/lib/vz
        content iso,vztmpl,backup
        maxfiles 2
        shared 1
lvmthin: local-lvm
        thinpool data
        vgname pve
        content rootdir,images
        nodes pve,nd3,nd2
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look like there is misunderstood bcs i have 2 nodes,when use one of them ask me for template so was im wrong, but when checking the another node was there is node but there is no storage of disk.
  LV   VG  Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  data pve twi-a-tz-- 703.47g             0.00   0.04                         
  root pve -wi-ao----  96.00g                                                 
  swap pve -wi-ao----   8.00g
#pvesm status
Name             Type     Status           Total            Used       Available        %
local             dir     active        98559220         2842532        90667140    2.88%
local-lvm     lvmthin   disabled               0               0               0      N/A
#cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
dir: local
        path /var/lib/vz
        content iso,vztmpl,backup
        maxfiles 2
        shared 1

lvmthin: local-lvm
        thinpool data
        vgname pve
        content rootdir,images
        nodes pve,nd3,nd2
so :):confused:
as GUI,check this.


  • 6714mtG1R8.png
    4.8 KB · Views: 157
  • brave_UkqTuY5FSg-local-lvm.png
    15 KB · Views: 164
after Upgrade (New Node) and connect it to the cluster look like the "local-lvm" removed on GUI,so what to do ?
root@pve5:~# lvs
  LV            VG  Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  data          pve twi-aotz-- 703.47g             0.12   0.27                          
  root          pve -wi-ao----  96.00g                                                  
  swap          pve -wi-ao----   8.00g                                                  
  vm-100-disk-0 pve Vwi-a-tz--  32.00g data        2.63                                  
  vm-100-disk-1 pve Vwi-a-tz-- 600.00g data        0.00                                  
  vm-101-disk-0 pve Vwi-a-tz--  32.00g data        0.00                                  
  vm-101-disk-1 pve Vwi-a-tz-- 100.00g data        0.00
root@pve5:~# pvecm status
Quorum information
Date:             Mon Sep  9 14:00:39 2019
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            4
Node ID:          0x00000004
Ring ID:          1/76
Quorate:          Yes

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   4
Highest expected: 4
Total votes:      4
Quorum:           3 
Flags:            Quorate
Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
0x00000001          1
0x00000002          1
0x00000003          1
0x00000004          1 (local)
root@pve5:~# pvesm status
Name             Type     Status           Total            Used       Available        %
local             dir     active        98559220        21961668        71548004   22.28%
local-lvm     lvmthin   disabled               0               0               0      N/A
root@pve5:~# cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
dir: local
        path /var/lib/vz
        content iso,vztmpl,backup
        maxfiles 2
        shared 1

lvmthin: local-lvm
        thinpool data
        vgname pve
        content rootdir,images
        nodes pve,pve3,pve2
and look like was OS from the same installation ISO,at storage.cfg local like there is no pve5 at lvmthin !
so where is the issue ?
Best Regards
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normally a "local-lvm" will always get create if using our provided installation ISO, the only exception currently is when using ZFS during install (as rpool). Did you selected ZFS as installation root filesytem?

My recent local installations which did not got installed with ZFS have all the "lvm-local".

How did you install Proxmox VE? Note that if you install Proxmox VE on top of a Debian installation you need to create the storages you want yourself.


I have this case. I created a new node with ZFS at install, now when I open the GUI of the new node, I see a question mark on the local-lvm.

here is my pvesm status
Name             Type     Status           Total            Used       Available        %
local             dir     active       902293888         1736320       900557568    0.19%
local-lvm     lvmthin   inactive               0               0               0    0.00%
pbs               pbs     active      1055761824       486961156       515097248   46.12%
tetsuo-s3         nfs     active     11522478848      6393054080      5129305984   55.48%

And here is my cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg

dir: local
    path /var/lib/vz
    content vztmpl,backup,iso
    prune-backups keep-all=1
    shared 0

lvmthin: local-lvm
    thinpool data
    vgname pve
    content images,rootdir

nfs: tetsuo-s3
    export /volume2/S3
    path /mnt/pve/tetsuo-s3
    server tetsuo.foxstone.ch
    content iso,backup,snippets,vztmpl,images,rootdir
    prune-backups keep-last=1

pbs: pbs
    datastore foxstone
    server pbs.foxstone.ch
    content backup
    fingerprint C4:8F:7D:7E:B8:C4:F7:DE:5D:A4:D6:EF:2E:C0:18:62:1F:8D:5E:35:26:D7:21:80:63:E6:3B:6A:B4:6A:64:F0
    prune-backups keep-all=1
    username root@pam

and my lsblk
sda      8:0    0 894.3G  0 disk
|-sda1   8:1    0  1007K  0 part
|-sda2   8:2    0   512M  0 part
`-sda3   8:3    0 893.8G  0 part
sdb      8:16   0 894.3G  0 disk
|-sdb1   8:17   0  1007K  0 part
|-sdb2   8:18   0   512M  0 part
`-sdb3   8:19   0 893.8G  0 part
sdc      8:32   0 465.7G  0 disk
|-sdc1   8:33   0   218K  0 part
|-sdc2   8:34   0   2.8M  0 part
|-sdc3   8:35   0 990.8M  0 part
`-sdc4   8:36   0   300K  0 part
sr0     11:0    1  1024M  0 rom

And this is what I see from the ZFS tab in the GUI
Also, can you see if it's possible add a "local-lvm" storage via the web GUI? (Datacenter -> Storage -> Add 'LVM-Thin')?
Maybe the cluster join just overwrote the /etc/pve/storage.cfg and thus the local-lvm storage is just not listed anymore (but exists physically).
I ran into this when a second node that had no local-lvm ( zfs only) was added. Adding this to storage.cfg on pve1 fixed it:
lvmthin: local-lvm
        thinpool data
        vgname pve
        content rootdir,images
        nodes pve1