Netzwork / Wireless Internet / DHCP don't work


Nov 22, 2022
Hello, i got problems with DHCP, i can't get it running for my vm's everytime i need too set it up manuel ip's and some images that im using for vm can't not easy be setup manuel...

I have read a thread of a staff, he said that Monitoring Mode is needed for Wifi Brige, i got that but everytime connected with a router or restart Proxmox it is reset back to Managed.

I would like to use Briged but that dont work cause i can't use Monitoring Mode but beside that the DHCP don't work also. Right now i m using it without cause i would have no Internet if i turn it on.

Accespoint Create:
Sadly i needed to use Xserver with putty to turn on over a GUI accespoint, did work but gave me High ping and packetlost... it was something from github but without that setup it didnt work, internet was then off and only access point was on so i leave it. I know that it actualy can work both on Wifi, Access Point and DHCP but somehow just getting worst when i change something.


Here is my Working interface:

# network interface settings; autogenerated
# Please do NOT modify this file directly, unless you know what
# you're doing.
# If you want to manage parts of the network configuration manually,
# please utilize the 'source' or 'source-directory' directives to do
# so.
# PVE will preserve these directives, but will NOT read its network
# configuration from sourced files, so do not attempt to move any of
# the PVE managed interfaces into external files!

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto wlp70s0
iface wlp70s0 inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    wpa-psk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

allow-hotplug enp67s0f0
iface enp67s0f0 inet manual

allow-hotplug enp67s0f1
iface enp67s0f1 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
    bridge-ports none
    bridge-stp off
    bridge-fd 0
    metric 10
    post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s '' -o wlp70s0 -j MASQUERADE
    post-down iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s '' -o wlp70s0 -j MASQUERADE
#    post-up iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -i fwbr+ -j CT --zone 1
#    post-down iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i fwbr+ -j CT --zone 1
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Your configuration is for a NAT network which is correct as few WiFI cards can work with Linux bridge. Because of that you won't be able to use the same DHCP server for the VM's as you use for the host because they are on different networks. It is a routed network now and the DHCP broadcasts won't get forwarded. Easiest fix would be to set up a VM with DHCP server on the internal LAN.

You also won't be able to access the VM's from outside Proxmox unless you set up port forwarding for each service you want to use. This is inherent in NAT.
A bit difficult to understand for me cause I'm not that good at this work still learning.

What can I do too use bridged? That's my main What I want too do. If this don't work even that my wifi is able too do that. I know linux is different but in windows everything where able to use bridged, access point etc. All at the same time. I have read something about creating virtuel wifi with monitoring mode too and then bridged it.

What would be the alternative to get it work ask it work right now but with dhcp?

I mean could u show me the change what I could do?

Your mean like installing DHCP server on the main server ?

What can I do too use bridged? That's my main What I want too do. If this don't work even that my wifi is able too do that. I know linux is different but in windows everything where able to use bridged, access point etc. All at the same time. I have read something about creating virtuel wifi with monitoring mode too and then bridged it.
Nothing. There is nothing you can do to make bridged mode work if it does not. That is why WiFI is NOT recommended for Proxmox.

Access point has nothing to do with bridging. For bridging you need the wifi to operate as a client but be able to accept and decrypt packets going to multiple MAC addresses (for the devices behind the bridge). That is called "promiscuous mode" on a wired LAN. I don't know any consumer wifi that can do that and there is no way to make them do it especially on an encrypted network.

Monitor mode is also not useful for this. That allows a wifi adapter to receive all packets from all access points in the area but a) they will be encrypted (because not associated with an AP); and b) you usually can't transmit. So not useful for Proxmox. Someone somewhere may have been able to get that to work with some software and a particular wifi adapter. People manage all kinds of crazy stuff. But I have no knowledge of that and it sounds very hackish.

Hyper-V and Virtualbox on desktop Windows 10/11 do not use bridge mode by default. They set up a NAT network very similar to what you have now in Proxmox. Only difference is that Hyper-V and Virtualbox provide a DHCP server automatically. Proxmox does not because it is an enterprise product intended to be installed on servers, not a desktop product for laptops with wifi.

There are several things you could do:
  1. Purchase a USB-to-Ethernet adapter and set up a proper bridged network.
  2. Install pfsense or OpenWRT in a VM and have it be the DHCP/DNS server for your VM's
  3. Install a minimal Linux VM with dnsmasq and have it do the DHCP & DNS for your VM's
  4. Install plain Debian on your PC along with Virtualbox or virt-manager. This will provide a very similar experience to Virtualbox or Hyper-V on Windows 10.
Honestly, I suggest #4.
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Well i m using Proxmox as a Workstation since 3 years, while my Windows is a vm, works good but not perfekt. For my working stuff it good also for gaming even that laytency is something not really good but works, My mainboard cost more then a normal PC would cost, i dont think that its a normal consumer board. In Windows everything that i m not really able too do in Linux is posible in Linux not, i can do what ever i want with my wifi in windows.

After spending thousands for my PC that would be total sad to buy something like that. I dont think thats a problem of my system hardware, i think thats more a problem of settings and linux.

I m using a Mainboard called TRX40-AORUS-XTREME and it got everything.

Where i m right now i need to use Wifi cause i dont have Ethernet Lan.

Virtualbox, Hyper-V, etc is nothing for me cause i need to run system in back of my pc without restarting hole system and mostly my PC is running day and night cause i got work to do, i have change and setup really much since 3 year to get it where it is now, change that would not be a option for me since it working.

well i gona then install a dhcp server....

Thanks :)
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But what do u think about this? (wifi Bridge) That is the Netzwork Manager there is much that could be setup i think but idk how that works:
1702897067040.png1702897071024.png1702897078532.pngScreenshot 2023-12-18 120522.png
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i have try that but don't work cause i don't have an dns server to select.

Obviously, you do have a DNS server somewhere since you are able to access this forum ;) Just use that one as the forwarding server. I must say I was unaware of this Proxmox zone feature. Looks pretty handy for your situation.

After spending thousands for my PC that would be total sad to buy something like that. I dont think thats a problem of my system hardware, i think thats more a problem of settings and linux.

It is a problem of the way encrypted wifi works and what hardware supports. I guarantee you were not using a layer 2 bridge with it in Windows. Hyper-V "default bridge" is really almost the same as Proxmox NAT and "connection sharing" is a layer 3 router.
Obviously, you do have a DNS server somewhere since you are able to access this forum ;) Just use that one as the forwarding server. I must say I was unaware of this Proxmox zone feature. Looks pretty handy for your situation.

It is a problem of the way encrypted wifi works and what hardware supports. I guarantee you were not using a layer 2 bridge with it in Windows. Hyper-V "default bridge" is really almost the same as Proxmox NAT and "connection sharing" is a layer 3 router.

The DNS Server is only selectable but there is none inside the list, i cant write one inside a selectable drop down menu

Obviously, you do have a DNS server somewhere since you are able to access this forum ;) Just use that one as the forwarding server. I must say I was unaware of this Proxmox zone feature. Looks pretty handy for your situation.
It's pretty new (and still in technical preview), albeit very handy already for stuff like this. It should also automatically use the DNS server configured in /etc/resolv.conf

The DNS Server is only selectable but there is none inside the list, i cant write one inside a selectable drop down menu
You don't have to select a DNS server for this to work - dnsmasq should automatically proxy the DNS server from your host
It's pretty new (and still in technical preview), albeit very handy already for stuff like this. It should also automatically use the DNS server configured in /etc/resolv.conf

You don't have to select a DNS server for this to work - dnsmasq should automatically proxy the DNS server from your host
Strange befor i done that it say it want a dns server now its done but how do i use it, i didnt really understand that.

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I have done it now all like in the lin u send me, my vnet0 got error and vm not starting
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What are the task logs of applying the settings as well as starting the VMs?

Did you make sure to install dnsmasq?
Yes I installed It the only thing I see is a waring about missing directive for sdn Support.
You need to add source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* at the bottom of your /etc/network/interfaces


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