LVM over iSCSI not regognizing dedublication

Feb 3, 2022

so I'm using my QNAP as a iSCSI target, on the LUN itself is dedublication and compression on so I can save space and use the LUNs more effencient.
But the QNAP shows a usage of roughly about 300G and Proxmox sees almost 800G.
How do I make it possible so the Proxmox Cluster / Host can see the real used space instead of the one itself calculates?
Is there a way or should I move from LVM to something else?

Kind regards,
did u rescan the iscsi target on your PVE host after doing your dedup/compression?

btw side question, is your device properly setup for handling dedup/compression (i assume zfs)? heard lots of nightmare stories with dedup/compression
did u rescan the iscsi target on your PVE host after doing your dedup/compression?

btw side question, is your device properly setup for handling dedup/compression (i assume zfs)? heard lots of nightmare stories with dedup/compression
I mean its a service option to enable these features, I really "didnt" rescan the device how can I do that via CLI then?

Properly setup? its not zfs infact its a RAID10 (6 HDDs) with RAID0 Cache (2 M2 SSDs).
In the NAS its properly I guess ...
HEre u can see for yourself:


I mean yesterday I had roughly about 800G usage, but I had to move one disk (500G) to another LUN. So therefore its fine by me now but also here I have the same problem:


I guess the compression makes it more small but this also means that the Proxmox hosts doesnt see the real usage. What can I do then?

Kind regards,
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