PVE tracks Ubuntu's kernels in general, so depending on their schedule and without any concrete deadline - PVE might switch to the Eoan Kernel (AFAIK 5.2) sometime in Autumn
For clarification, our goal is to ship a relatively new LTS kernel, currently based on Ubuntu LTS releases. As the most current one is the now a bit dated one from Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic (4.15), shipped by PVE 5, we went for a newer one for PVE 6.0, i.e. currently the 5.0.21 based from Ubuntu 19.04. The next release of Ubuntu will highly probably include 5.3 (the release of that one will be shortly before their kernel freeze date for 19.10) so we'll go for that too - sometimes in the next months, if I had to guess (no guarantees as always )