First some hints:
* You always need to shutdown the VM / CT if you backup with this method, else you will get inconsistent data.
* maybe take look at rsync, if not already, could make this faster.
One method which would allow to make backups through PVE to the other machine as it is an shared storage would be sshfs, it's a user space file system over ssh (duh), not the fastest but for backups it could be enough, specially if your other host is in the LAN.
To get back to your original question: you could use the `dd` unix tool for this.
First get the path of your desired disk, this can be done also with pvesm:
# pvesm path STORAGE:DISK
# pvesm path local-lvm:vm-101-disk-1
Then just point the input file (if) option of dd to the path you got from above, pipe the output over SSH to another dd command with the respective output option, e.g.:
dd if=/dev/pve/vm-101-disk-1 | ssh user@otherhost -- dd of=image.raw
You could throw in compression if you like, see: