Broken release/installation?


New Member
Apr 25, 2020

I'm new here, I wanted to try proxmox for switching from vanilla Ubuntu and Freenas and bhyve and that like => I understand the stuff quite a bit ;).

The very recent proxmox downloaded today sucks somehow; my box:
Supermicro X11SSL-CF, 64GB ECC, Xeon E3-1240v, 8 x 3.0TB + 2 x 4.0TB + 1 x 5.0TB.

After the installation is done:
- I can't connect with the browser
- I can connect by SSH
- The box egress is working normally
- There are missing packages, apt update complains about missing 'proxmox' like sources
- Even netstat is missing, I had to attach it manually

root@proxmox:~# netstat -an | grep 8006
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

root@proxmox:~# curl -s -k https://localhost:8006 | grep title
<title>proxmox - Proxmox Virtual Environment</title>

=> the machine refuses connects

root@proxmox:~# iptables -S

Any idea? I've googled of course and found others having similar problems, fiddling around with adding manually sources to the apt-list, but TBH it just doesn't give me any good feeling, when already the installation is a hacking exercise: setting up FreeBSD/FreeNAS/ESXi etc. is very stable, so I'm wondering what's going on here, as I've read a lot of good stuff about proxmox.

PS: Just as a side note: The installation-process ifself was not very smooth: the setup can't handle RAIDZ-1 when one drive is bigger: quite user-hostile and frustrating, this should work w/out any issues with ZFS, the additional size is just ignored then. The other problem was the UI: I've quite some few disks and USB attached devices and the disk-selection UI just hide that fact, showing me like 15 and then stopped; I've realized at the wizard-end that the setup is going to write to some exotic disks like /dev/sdn-o-p.., so I've skipped back and checked what's wrong: only using the middle mouse reveals the fact the wizard included some USB-attached devices as well without me knowing...

Thank you,

- There are missing packages, apt update complains about missing 'proxmox' like sources
As default the enterprise repository is added. If you don't want that, please replace it with the no-subscription-repository, for example.

- Even netstat is missing, I had to attach it manually

It is missing, because it is an optional package in Debian Buster
apt-cache show net-tools | grep Priority
and consequently not included in a standard Debian installation. There are more recent replacements for it.

the setup can't handle RAIDZ-1 when one drive is bigger: quite user-hostile
While allowing this might be OK for some cases, forbidding it helps a lot of users avoid bad ideas like creating a mirror with an HDD and a NVME. You should be able to use a single disk first and create the mirror later.

- I can't connect with the browser
This is unusual. The reason is very often that some service daemons have problems. You can check this with
journalctl -u <service_name>
journalctl -xe
If there are really packages missing and not only the enterprise source - that might explain the daemons malfunction. What is the output of apt update?
Thank for trying to help me out :-)! Actually, it was a quite stupid error: I have so much disks and partitions, that my SuperMicro Boot-Menu was too long to make the correct decision for me somehow: I didn't realize that I had to select an "UEFI partition" on the 1st of the 2 RAIDZ-1 disks: after that, the proxmox booted normally and is running!

Maybe this helps somebody helps as well; it's confusing that the proxmox boots from the BIOS default partition of that disk - it boots, but with missing files and corrupted system, no remote web admin etc.

It could be helpful to make some advice/notice after the installation, so a fresh proxmox user like me knows that if booted "strange", it could be a boot-selection issue. Normally, the OS either boots up well or not at all, but proxmox boots 'somehow'.

Also, a similar problem happens when burning the installation USB stick: using Rufus, one MUST use the 'dd' method and NOT 'iso' as recommended in Rufus, as the installation process crashed while booting.

Thank you,
Great that you could solve that problem!

By the way, there is an open bug about zfs mirror with many disks in our Bugzilla (see also the forum discussion in its comments). Consequently, improvements concerning this topic might not be far. We also appreciate enhancement requests there.

using Rufus, one MUST use the 'dd' method and NOT 'iso' as recommended in Rufus
Albeit not screaming at readers, this is included in the reference documentation :)
