web gui not accessable

  1. D

    I'm unable to connect with the web GUI fresh install (Proxmox VE 7.3)

    I install Proxmox VE 7.3 iso from USB, but after a successful install, I'm unable to connect with the web GUI. Attaching few outputs for reference. Please help me to fix this /etc/network/interfaces ping /etc/hosts ip addr
  2. J

    [SOLVED] No WEB GUI access to fresh instalation

    Dear All - Please support. I'm all over similar threads without any luck/success. Fresh miniPC beeline INTEL 5905/ 16GB RAM / 256GBm.2SATA / LAN,WiFi I have instaled 7.3 then 7.1 now 6.4, all had/have same issue - no respone over WWW https://****:8006/ The latest instal without attempt of...
  3. J

    proxmox 8006 port is closed cant access web ui

    I made some changes in network interface , after that cant access proxmox via web ui and ssh ( changes i made - i removed enp2s0 from vmbr0 and added vmbr1 and attached enp2s0 and put static ip),after that i edited the etc/network/interfaces file using ubuntu live cd . Now i can access...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] Web GUI not working on win10

    I cant connect to webgui of proxmox instance using my win10 pc even though my ios phone connects just fine. Router brand: HALNY I tried: -turning firewall off -different browsers -private window in browser -reboot of pc, router and proxmox server -turning off proxmox firewall (using pve-firewall...
  5. S

    [SOLVED] Disabling root user...

    Greetings, I was trying to secure my new Proxmox install and I disabled root user. I have another user with admin role... It was a big mistake, and now I can't access to Proxmox web interface. I searched on logs but see nothing. I reactivated root user without effect. (pveum usermod root@pam...
  6. I

    It takes time to access the PVE and application web interface

    Hello everyone !! I use PVE 7.1 (no-subscription) and I've been facing an annoying problem related to the applications' web interface... The question is the following: when I spend a certain amount of time (over 48h, on average) without accessing the web interface of any application or the Web...
  7. Y

    Nach hinzufügen eines Custom Certficate von Cloudflare kein Zugriff mehr auf Weboberfläche

    Hallo, ich habe mir wegen einer reverse Proxy von einem Windows Server zu Proxmox ein Zertifikat von Cloudflare geholt. Das Problem: Ich habe nun keinen Zugriff mehr auf die Weboberfläche. Ich habe diesbezüglich auch ein zweites nebensächliches Problem mit den Ports, da ich gerne HTTPS...
  8. G

    [SOLVED] Unable to access GUI

    Hi, I installed proxmox 7 on my home server machine (poweredge T410). Installation went fine, with default configurations, but I have trouble accessing the web UI from my Mac and Windows machines. Curl from Mac returns: curl -v -GET * Trying *...
  9. V

    [SOLVED] Can't access WEB GUI, apt update is failing with temporary name resolve.

    Hi, I have Installed proxmox VE 6.4 on a Dell laptop. After installing nothing seems to be working. The Errors that I am facing: Cannot access the web GUI with an Error connection timed out. apt update fails with temporary name resolve error. Changed from enterprise-repository to...
  10. T

    PBS hangs (average load over 8)

    Hi guys, i noticed a very high load - most over 8 - and the web guy isn't accessible. SO i had a look and i've seen that there are many backups seems to run. On a manually initiated reboot the "stop job Proxmox backup api proxy server" took more than 5min. Can anyone help me to analyse this...