
  1. A

    User permissions

    Hello every one, is it possible to create users in proxmox and limit the number of Vms they can create?
  2. V

    Mount Point between multiple LXCs

    I have an external drive mounted on /mnt/hdd directly into Proxmox host. I shared /mnt/hdd/data to /data for four LXCs different, with different users. One LXC is qBitTorrent and another is Jellyfin, for example. How to make possible Jellyfin user see and write the saved file from qbittorrent?
  3. J

    removing LXC network fails in PVE 8.0

    I have upgraded about a week ago to PVE 8.0 and haven't messed with my LXC containers after the upgrade, but when I added another interface to an LXC container and try to remove it, I found out that I cannot do that due to an SDN issue? The error I get is: - no sdn vnet ID specified (500) This...
  4. E

    Permissions for User to hibernate VM and change hardware

    What permissions do users need to be able to hibernate a VM? I gave him PVEAdmin but he still gets a" no permission for Datastore.AllocateSpace" error. The same question goes for changing hardware, two users share a GPU on passthrough. Currently if they want to swap it has to go through me to...
  5. O

    [SOLVED] Remove User Blacklist

    What is the best way to remove all entries in a users blacklist? I've tried the following: pmgsh delete /quarantine/blacklist/*@*.* -pmail '' 200 OK But all the addresses still exist in the blacklist. Attempting to delete the user addresses in the WebUI results in for the one with...
  6. S

    Changement de mot de passe

    Bonjour, Je voudrais créer un utilisateur qui aurait l'unique possibilité de redémarrer les VMs. J'ai créer mon utilisateur et celui ci possède le rôle "PowerMgmt", j'ai associé ce rôle a l'utilisateur nouvellement créé. Cependant l'utilisateur ne peut pas démmarer/etteindre/redemarrer les...
  7. CarstenMartens

    [SOLVED] Mail in Blacklist eintragen

    Guten Morgen, wir wollen unser Mailgateway von ASSP auf PMG umstellen. Das Email-Empfänger von der PMG als Spam getagte Mails in die Whites/Blacklist eintrage geht - über die Mail von der PMG - einwandfrei. Wie können Email-Empfänger aber Mails, die von der PMG nicht als Spam erkannt wurden, in...
  8. M

    [SOLVED] Cannot delete PAM-User

    Hello, I've added accidentally an PAM-user over the GUI, realized after I created the user, that I've should have selected the PVE Realm. Here is my Problem: I cannot delete the (freshly) created PAM-user. When using the Remove-Button in the GUI: delete user failed: user '***@pam' not found...
  9. I

    Manage Groups with PAM/Unix

    Since we already manage our linux users and groups with an existing tool (puppet/ansible) the PAM login is very handy for us. While this allows new users to log in automatically, they have no permissions. Unfortunately I can't find a way to use the memberships from the Unix groups in Proxmox...
  10. S

    suggestion : missing features for a complete product

    Hi all, I've installed the Proxmox Mail Gateway to test myself if this product can replace a working system based on mailscanner + mailwatch. The GUI is impressive but i've found that at least two essential features are missing : 1) the domain admin user. This user can view and manage all...
  11. K

    [SOLVED] Benutzerverwaltung --- Passwort setzten nicht möglich

    Habe einen Proxmox-Server aufgesetzt, welcher als Host für ein Testsystem dient. Auf das Testsystem sollen Mitarbeiter der Abteilung HLT zugreifen. Habe also eine Gruppe "HLT" angelegt und diesen entsprechende Rechte zugewiesen. Wenn ich jetzt einen Benutzer anlege (Linux PAM standard...
  12. P

    [SOLVED] User blacklist with bad address *+@*+/.icu$

    Hello. I've tried to add all domain "*.icu" to user blacklist and i have now problem to remove this line: Method 'DELETE /quarantine/blacklist/*+@*+/.icu$' not implemented (501) I don't know how to delete it also from pmgsh: root@mail-gw:~# pmgsh delete quarantine/blacklist/\*+@\*+/.icu\$ no...
  13. T

    View Only User

    Hi, I want to create a new User with the only Permission to view the VM shell. I created a few roles with different permissions like : VM.Console VM.Monitor Sys.Console Nothing seems to work. Has anyone the correct string / solution?
  14. S

    TigerVNC connect with another user than root???

    I installed Proxmox and using VMs. I connecting in local network with TigerVNC by root. But i want connect by another user. I added new user on system and added to /etc/inetd.conf 59008 stream tcp nowait ariff /usr/sbin/qm qm vncproxy 116 59009 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/qm qm vncproxy...