Hi all,
I've installed the Proxmox Mail Gateway to test myself if this product can replace a working system based on mailscanner + mailwatch. The GUI is impressive but i've found that at least two essential features are missing :
1) the domain admin user. This user can view and manage all (quarantine, threshold, BL, WL etc) about the domain assigned to him
2) the single local user : this user have the name in the form of user@[domain].domain.ext and can view and manage his personal quarantine, BL, WL. The registration of this user type is autonomous (like a recovery password inserting his email address in a form and with a check that must be in the domain list of the system) or by his domain admin
may be that i haven't found these hidden features ?
Obviously i've tried the different role (as the "quaratine manager") but this is for all the system and can't filter for some domains in the system. Also i think that the menu must collapse and hide the unavailable options for the role ... below is what happen with the "quarantine manager" : the menu is complete but when you select a menu option that you can't view/manage, an error appear ... not good.

Thank you
I've installed the Proxmox Mail Gateway to test myself if this product can replace a working system based on mailscanner + mailwatch. The GUI is impressive but i've found that at least two essential features are missing :
1) the domain admin user. This user can view and manage all (quarantine, threshold, BL, WL etc) about the domain assigned to him
2) the single local user : this user have the name in the form of user@[domain].domain.ext and can view and manage his personal quarantine, BL, WL. The registration of this user type is autonomous (like a recovery password inserting his email address in a form and with a check that must be in the domain list of the system) or by his domain admin
may be that i haven't found these hidden features ?
Obviously i've tried the different role (as the "quaratine manager") but this is for all the system and can't filter for some domains in the system. Also i think that the menu must collapse and hide the unavailable options for the role ... below is what happen with the "quarantine manager" : the menu is complete but when you select a menu option that you can't view/manage, an error appear ... not good.

Thank you