
  1. T

    Mount propagation in LXC containers

    Hey folks! I'm using a ZFS pool on my machine, and I've been mounting filesystems from the pool into Proxmox LXC containers. However, I've run into a problem where if a dataset has children (e.g. `tank/media` contains `tank/media/movies`, `tank/media/music`, etc.) then the filesystems below it...
  2. O

    Problem with ISCSI storage

    Hi guys, I have an Ubuntu server VM. I use iscsiadm to connect to my iscsi target. My iscsi storage is for CCTV video record, sometimes it show errors like below and the iscsi sessions were disconnected. Please help me fix, thank you guys!!!
  3. O

    Backup job errors

    My scheduled backup went error and i do not know what is happening. It shows errors like this: INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 118 --prune-backups 'keep-last=1' --mode snapshot --node Proxmox102 --quiet 1 --mailnotification always --storage BackupVM_PC6_2 --notes-template '{{guestname}}'...
  4. E

    Storage snapshots causes disk performance degradation

    Hi! I found some comments about using Snapshots (LVM or ZFS or GlusterFS ) in Storage causes disk performance degradation ( permanent slow I/O ), but if you remove all the Snapshots, the performance is returning to normal. Has anyone here had a similar experience?
  5. R

    How to clear disk space / logs

    Hello, Currently, I have about 50 GB of logs, most of them being used by `*` and `syslog*` I am not looking to store more than 90 days of logs. I've `logrotate` but `` remained at 15G, along with some other logs, which is huge considering that the PMG has very little traffic...
  6. E

    Solution: How to configure NFS share and prevent Proxmox from creating subdirectories

    Hello, I'm running TrueNAS Scale and I created a ZFS dataset for ISO files. I created both an SMB and NFS share pointing to it so I can use those ISO's between all my Windows and Linux clients. The share path was /mnt/pve/truenas-iso and I noticed Proxmox couldn't see the ISO's I had placed...
  7. R

    configuration as code instead of apt-update with state storage volume

    I'm trying to reproduce a configuration in my ESX environment. Essentially I deploy a service/app VM which is immutable and mount/bind a mutable storage volume. Deploying upgrades is as simple as creating V2 of the VM, binding/mounting the storage volume and then stopping the old VM and starting...
  8. D

    [SOLVED] Copying VM-Data via OVFTool

    Hi, i have still a lot to learn about ProxMox and Linux. Here is my question. I have successfully migrated a handful of VM's from VMWare to ProxMox now. I always followed Guide's online. On the ProxMox Server i used to go into /root/vmware and executed: "/usr/bin/ovftool...
  9. S

    Thin LVM oder ext4 als Directory?

    Hallo, ich bin gerade dabei meinen ersten Promox VE Server inbetriebzunehmen und ersuche um eine Einschätzung zum Thema Storage. Die Hardware des Server hat ein Hardware RAID (LSI MegaRAID 9560-8i mit BBU) und 4x 12TB SAS HDDs + 4x 960GB SSDs jeweils als RAID10 am RAID Controller für VMs + 2x...
  10. C

    iSCSI LUN Unrecognized During High Usage by Proxmox Guest VMs

    I'm experiencing an issue with my Proxmox setup where the iSCSI LUN becomes unrecognized during high usage by guest VMs. The VMs have their disks backed by this iSCSI LUN. Initially, everything works fine, but after a while, the drives stop working. **Setup:** - **Proxmox VE Version:** 8.2.2 -...
  11. L

    Communication failure when accessing disks on Proxmox node

    Good afternoon, when attempting to access the disks on my Proxmox node, an error message appears stating "communication failure (0) or Connection timed out (596)". The goal was to view all the disks of the server in order to link them to the server itself. Despite encountering this error when...
  12. R

    NFS: storage i not online (500)

    I have disabled ipv6, added the machine without the "enabled" box, we check that both computers see each other and we restart the server.Despite everything, it still does not connect.
  13. U

    [SOLVED] Local full after backup unsuccessfull

    Hey guys, Proxmox is amazing and was working pretty flawlessly in my environment. Today I checked in on the system and saw that there was a backup job throwing an error. Checking the storages I saw that my external harddrive dropped from 500 GB storage to just 100 GB storage. After a reboot the...
  14. N

    Understanding storage

    I currently have two drives full of important media files that were in use for a barebone NAS setup. I have mounted the drives to proxmox and it detects them but I am hoping to be able to read/write the already created ext4 partitions within a VM, although i have not been successful in finding a...
  15. M

    45Drives HL15 for PBR

    Has anyone tried using the 45 drives HL15 for their PBR server? I'm at a point where my pbr, running as a vm on my pve server, with nested storage isn't going to work long term or be very dependable long term, in fact it's already crashed twice and I lost my data. The first time I lost my...
  16. N

    [SOLVED] Storage Plugin Entwicklung

    Hallo geschätztes Proxmox Team, wir sind aktuell in Kontakt mit Pure Storage bzgl. einer PVE Storage Integration (Storage Plugin), da wir bei uns ein Pure FlashArray in Verwendung haben und die Überlegung aufkam, dass aktuelle Hyper V Cluster auf Proxmox umzustellen. Da leider aufgrund der...
  17. C

    unallocated space after vm disk shrunk

    Hello, I want to shrink the size of a vm from 100G to 30G. I booted the vm into gparted and resized the partition to 29G I shutdown the vm ran "zfs set volsize=30G rpool/data/vm-201-disk-0" to leave a little overhead ran "qm rescan" and got the message that the disk-0 has no 30G instead of...
  18. M

    External storage for pbr

    Hello. Although I have a remote pve, with pbr-vm running and storage is there - it is becoming problematic as the pbr storage, is another zfs partition on the pve machine. I need to change this am interested what others have done for 'storage' only. I can build/buy another box and dedicate it...
  19. Q

    Pre-install issues

    Hi I have never used proxmox before but i cant get a clear answer from the web. so i thought id ask. the system inquestion is a 5900x/32gb ram/1080ti. lots of hard drives spinning with media, a 2tb 990pro nvme, and a 512gb pm9a1 nvme. i have always used windwos and i use virtualbox to host ...
  20. M

    Help!!! Local stoarge on cluster.

    I had some issues with my proxmox cluster and ended up starting from scratch. Im hoping you can help me with this dilemma. I have a 3 node cluster. One of them has Proxmox installed as a mirror on 2 SSD's the other two nodes only have single boot drives. I I installed proxmox on the server...