shutdown fail

  1. F

    Proxmox VE shutdown does not poweroff machine

    Hello, There have been similar threads to this but I will start a new one as it seems this kind of problem might be very setup specific. I have a Core i5-6600 16GB ram, 240GB SSD running Proxmox latest version (8.x .... with all updates). I am managing the display using pikvm, which is helping...
  2. D

    99% cpu ---> no shutdown

    Hi, 8.2.2 proxmox installed: container up and running for months, the same configuration booted 10 days ago, and even with very few resources, all was really smoothness, but yesterday something was been wrong : and one container ask too much memory or swap space (maybe someone could give me...
  3. J

    Shutdown failed after Centos 9 Stream update

    Hi, I have a PVE cluster and am having issues shutting down Centos servers. If I install a fresh Centos 9 Stream image (CentOS-Stream-9-latest-x86_64-dvd1.iso - downloaded 25 August), without doing 'dnf update', I can shut the server down fine (either from within the guest or using the PVE...
  4. C

    [SOLVED] How to promptly kill a VM that will never be able to shutdown?

    Hi all, So I'm running a Cisco virtual appliance in a proxmox VM - and these things are not designed to shut down at all. There's no command to tell it to shutdown, nor is there any way to install an agent or have it use acpi etc. As such, telling a node to reboot will always hang on this VM...
  5. S

    [SOLVED] Nach VM + Proxmox Shutdown kein Boot mehr möglich ohne Stromstecker ziehen

    Hallo Proxmox Community, ich habe da ein ziemlich verrücktes Problem derzeit. Erst mal meine Hardware: AMD Ryzen 2600X MSI B450 A Pro (neuestes BIOS drauf) 32GB RAM 1x GeForce GTX 1060 -> GPU Passthrough an Windows 10 VM 1x GeForce GTX 1050 -> GPU Passthrough an Windows 10 VM So nun habe...
  6. M

    Proxmox VE shutdown does not poweroff machine

    Hi, I'm running the latest proxmox version and I've noticed that if I launch a "systemctl poweroff" command the PVE box almost immediately clears the screen and I see only the cursor on the top left corner of the screen. It does not shutdown completely the machine and the running VMs can be...
  7. B

    systemd-shutdown[1]: Failed to finalize DM devices, ignoring

    Hello, Since installing and configuring my Proxmox server, I can't restart it without pressing the stop button because I get this message : systemd-shutdown[1]: Failed to finalize DM devices, ignoring Version info : root@serveur1:/etc/apt# pveversion --verbose proxmox-ve: 7.2-1 (running...

    BUG? PROXMOX stopped all guest vms on clicking shutdown at node

    Hello everyone, today I pressed the "Shutdown" button in the upper right corner after selecting my single node on the left hand side. No HA, no Ceph, just a single PROXMOX 7.2-7 machine. I expected the system starts shutting down all guests and shuts down itself afterwards like with the...
  9. J

    Shutdown/Reboot issues and questions

    Am having issues with shutdowns/reboots. 1. Windows 10 VM will not shutdown unless someone has logged in. I could set up autologin but that's not the most secure thing to do. Is there something I can/need to do to either enable shutdown in windows when no one is logged in, or a different...
  10. M

    [SOLVED] VMs not shutting down through GUI

    Proxmox 7.1-7 AMD Epyc 7402 Gigabyte MZ72-HBO Various Win10 Pro and Arch Linux VMs that are not responding to shutdown from the GUI. Arch Linux machines have qemu-geust-agent installed. Syslog: Jan 08 16:21:28 central pvedaemon[1516470]: <root@pam> end task...
  11. S

    Proxmox-Server kann nicht richtig Herunterfahren und macht stattdessen immer einen Neustart

    Hallo liebe Proxmox-Community, nach langer Zeit des Suchens habe ich keine Ideen mehr, wie ich das folgende Problem lösen kann: Ich habe Proxmox 6.2-4 mit verschiedenen VM's installiert und (fast) alles funktioniert wunderbar - alle VM's starten/stoppen/backuppen etc. ohne Probleme. Wenn ich...
  12. J

    Failed shutdown via qemu guest agent

    Hello. I found bug in sysvinit shutdown command. It is not possible to shutdown Debian 11 with sysvinit (w/o systemd). Debian bugreport: Upstream commit...
  13. C

    [SOLVED] Gentoo LXC does not stop

    Hi, my fresh installed and than updated Gentoo LXC (gentoo-current-default_2020031010_amd64.tar.gz) doesn't reboot / shutdown properly. Before updating it worked quite well. The Debug log tells me, that there must be something wrong with the signal handling (entire log file attached) command...
  14. R

    Probleme mit dem Herunterfahren von Win 10 VM

    Hallo, ich habe proxmox 6.1-3 installiert und testweise eine Windoes10 VM eingerichtet und auf einen aktuellen Patchstand gebracht. Zudem habe ich den guest-agent installiert und in proxmox auch aktiviert. Ein qm agent <vm-id> ping klappt ohne Fehler auf dem Node auf dem die VM läuft. Das...
  15. V

    Cannot shutdown Windows or Linux guests...

    I'm having a terrible time with Proxmox not seemingly being able to shut down Windows (10 and Server 2012 & R2) and Linux (CentOS 6.10) guests. I'm not even sure where to start in terms of isolating where the problem might be. What should I do to ascertain what the problem here is?
  16. C

    [SOLVED] Alpine Linux KVM won't shutdown with Qemu Guest Agent

    I have Alpine Linux 3.8.1 virtual installed as a KVM virtual machine with the alpine linux Qemu Guest Agent package installed. I was able to get the guest agent working properly setting the serial port to /dev/vport2p1 (the UI would show IPs reported by the guest agent on the VM summary page)...
  17. K

    Guest with Fedora or Centos will not shutdown

    Hi all, I've noticed that I cannot gracefully power off any of my Centos 7 or Fedora 28 vm's with "right click -> Shutdown" from the WEB UI. If I do this, it's like I havent done anything and the VM just stays up. I've installed the Qemu drivers with "yum install qemu-guest-agent" and I've...
  18. S

    Host can't reboot / shutdown

    Hello, I have a problem with my proxmox server when I want to reboot or shutdown. The server shutdown correctly all VMs/containers, but can't shutdown itself (I think I have a kernel panic). Hardware : CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU MB : MSI Product Name: Z270 GAMING PRO (MS-7A59) 2x SSD...
  19. J

    Shutdown or reboot fail

    Hi. I have a proxmox server with 2 vm on it. One with windows and another with pfsense. The pfsense vm make a point-to-point vpn with a remote server. On proxmox i have a nfs share that is on the remote server. The problem is that when i shutdown or reboot proxmox, it freeze at some point. It...