
  1. A

    Cluster: Best storage type for VM Templates

    Hello all, I need to know what's the best solution for creating an storage for Nodes of a Cluster to access a shared storage for cloning Templates to get less network transfers. My Scenario is that I have a cluster with 4 nodes. every nodes need a place for storage VM Templates to upon...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] Kann NFS Share nicht mounten

    Hallo Zusammen Nach langem Suchen über Google und im Forum bin ich leider zu keinem Ergebnis gekommen. Ich habe auf einer Node einen NFS Server installiert und zwei Partitionen unter /mnt/backup und /mnt/isos für die Dementsprechenden Zwecke erstellt und Freigegeben. Die Shares werden auch...
  3. K

    [SOLVED] TASK ERROR: migration aborted

    2018-09-07 16:53:51 ERROR: migration aborted (duration 00:00:00): volume 'local:iso/Win10_Pro_1511_English_x64_july_2016.iso' does not exist TASK ERROR: migration aborted The ISO exist on the target node. The VMs were moved from node that went offline. HA was set up to that is normal. But I want...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Error connecting Samba Share

    Hello, We updated VE 5.1 to 5.2 because we wanted to use Samba storage. We use a Proxmox / Ceph cluster. The upgrade went as expected. But configuring the store is a bit problematic. We tried to add it within the GUI and we got this error: create storage failed: error with cfs lock...
  5. C

    Local NFS share preventing shutdown

    I'm experiencing the following problem. Node1 - normal node, uses NFS storage for VM images Node2 - has the NFS storage as local disks, one is a ZFS array, the other is an fstab ext4 disk Shutting down Node1 while Node2 is running works fine. System powers off. Shutting down Node2 waits for 90...
  6. S

    Send a file in my Windows XP without SP and without network

    I installed a VM's Windows XP without Service Pack in order to test some hacks with Metasploit. My problem is that the VM cannot install the network driver (Intel E1000) so I need to send the driver in the filesystem. So I try to share a folder but after some search, the only way for do this...
  7. G

    NFS storages of storage.cfg not mounted

    Hi everyone, I am running several Proxmox 2 and 3 hosts and a Proxmox 4 host. All of them declare a local storage and 2 nfs storages in /etc/pve/storage.cfg like this : # cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg nfs: share-online path /mnt/pve/share-online server export /srv/vzshare...
  8. M

    NFS Authentication

    Hi! I added an NFS Share to my PVE Cluster. As the NFS-Server (QNAP NAS) is reachable from different parts of the network I created a user on the NAS for PVE to get write access to the Shared Folder. Adding the Share works with the Web-GUI but I see no option to set connection credentials. It...