
  1. E

    Needed permissions for PVE to use a PBS datastore?

    Hello lovely people, Ive installed a PBS instance in our test setup and set it up. Next was adding PBS to PVE as a new datastore. I didnt want to use the root / administrator user for this so Ive added a new user named "pve". Ive read the manual...
  2. M

    It is not possible to add a VirtIO RNG device under a non-root user

    As per documentation: - By adding via API there is an error: 500 only root can set 'rng0' config - In GUI 'VirtIO RNG' section is inactive. Proxmox VE 8.2.2 Is this expected and standard behavior? Is it possible to do this action...
  3. F

    A Question - VM.Backup Role Permission Issue

    Hello, I'm getting my first proxmox system online (Broadcom/VMware victim). I'm quite impressed thus far with the ease of pulling in VMs from VMware systems and the setup/performance compared to VMware. Anyways, I had a quick question: I created a very basic role that includes: VM.Audit...
  4. K

    what are the possible ways to allocate specific resources to the users?

    Hello! I'm looking for guidance on how to efficiently manage and allocate resources for different users within our Proxmox environment. What are the possible solutions within Proxmox to allocate specific storage, CPU, and RAM resources to individual users, with the goal of limiting their...
  5. I

    using Proxmox VE as a cloud computing platform ?

    Hello Everyone! I hope you are doing grate. This is the second time I visit the forum for a last 13 years :) .Why, because long time ago I install Proxmom 1.3 cluster with a few nodes and it running well even now. I provide kind of "hosting service" for a local company and they keep data on my...
  6. S

    Role VM.config.networking prevent cloud init networking

    Hello everyone. Currently working on the proxmox roles I would like to report a behavior on this part. the vm config role blocks the configuration of a cloud init on the network option. Indeed I think it could be two separate things. I can restrict the hardware part of the vm on the network to...
  7. X

    Role Permissions

    What are all the permissions I need to grant a role if I want it to be able to see a vms console, see the summary, send commands in the console, and using a file editor like winscp have access to the vm?
  8. X

    Role Permissions

    What are all the permissions i need to grant a role if I want it to be able to see a vms console, see the summary, send commands in the console, and using a file editor like winscp have access to the vm
  9. O

    Allow user to create VMs and only view and manage their own VMs

    Hello, I am desperately looking for a solution so that a user can create one or more VMs and can manage only the ones he has just created. I work for a high school with classes where we teach computer science, and we need the students to be able to create their VM without touching those of their...
  10. A

    Write priv for specific folder to PVERole

    Hello there! After some days of googling and reading discussions I could not find anything to solve my issue, starting to doubt I might have used wrong terminology to search (not unlikely) I decided to ask in a specific thread. Apologies in advance if this is a duplicate, wrong subforum or if I...
  11. 1

    是否能添加一个只读的root管理用户呢?Can I add a read-only root admin user?

    我需要增加一个用户,用于管理PVE的整个数据中心,它类似于root用户,但又不允许它做修改的操作,可以理解为“我需要一个只读的root用户”。正常在PVE中添加的用户只能管理某个节点,而我需要的是一个能管理一整个集群的用户,这是否有办法实现呢? I need to add a user to manage the entire PVE data center, which is similar to root but does not allow it to make changes, which can be interpreted as "I need a read-only...
  12. M

    PVEPoolAdmin Role

    If a user is a member of Pool A and Pool B with the PVEPoolAdmin role on both pool A and B, is it possible for that user to move a VM from pool A to pool B ? I noticed if the user removes the VM from the pool, he can't add it back to the pool or to any other pool... which makes sense. But how...
  13. K

    Datastore.Allocate needed to browse Content (Templates, Backup, etc)?

    I've discovered that the privilege Datastore.Allocate is needed in role in order to grant a user access/browse Content of a storage? This seems pretty backwards - what does then Datastore.AllocateTemplates do? Datastore.Allocate grants users the ability to remove datastores which is not...
  14. N

    (Hopefully) Quick question about roles.

    Is it possible to make a role that only allows the user to see the summery tab for the data center, and cluster nodes but do/see nothing else? I want to give a user the ability to see how much the resources are being used and then give them permissions else where (Ive got this part figured out)...
  15. T

    View Only User

    Hi, I want to create a new User with the only Permission to view the VM shell. I created a few roles with different permissions like : VM.Console VM.Monitor Sys.Console Nothing seems to work. Has anyone the correct string / solution?