
  1. Denny Fuchs

    PVE6 | pvemailforward | pveupdate: node-03 sends mail to node-01 instead

    Hello, I have since update from 5 to 6 the problem, that the node-03 wants to send mails to node-01 .. instead of, what is configured on Postfix. We manage the whole Postfix configuration with Puppet, so every node is identical ... except myorigin = fra-corp-pmox-03.example.local Every node...
  2. L

    pvemailforward loses emails if mail server is not available

    Hello, I am using Proxmox VE 7.1-12 on my main workstation which I start and shutdown daily. I have configured postfix to forward local email to a smarthost as explained in this tutorial and confirmed that it does work, but I noticed that I never get the email after boot. This is the syslog...
  3. L

    [SOLVED] Some nodes do not send mail correctly

    Hello. I have a 7-node cluster, with the same Postfix configuration (identical /etc/postfix/ except for the mydestination line, where, among other things, the corresponding hostname is specified). Mail for root@pam is correctly configured from the Web GUI, and I can verify that mail is...
  4. J

    Mailgateway im LCX Container "command 'systemctl reload postfix@-' failed: exit code 1 (500)"

    Ich habe heute versucht den Mailgateway 6 und 7 in einem LCX Container in der Proxmox VE zu installieren. Container wird auch erstellt und ich kann auf die Weboberfläche zugreifen. Jedoch kommt es im Laufe der Konfiguration des Mail Proxy zum Fehler "command 'systemctl reload postfix@-' failed...
  5. I

    [SOLVED] Email alerts do not work!

    Hello everyone, I have a problem with email alerts from Proxmox. I tried to work according to several guides none of which helped / worked. Everyone gives the same instructions, I worked mostly according to this guide...
  6. N

    [SOLVED] Wrong Recipient Mailadress configured

    Hey guys, I'm running a small datacenter with 2 hosts. On one host was a wrong recipient adress configured before the 2nd host joined the datacenter. After the joining process I changed the root users mailadress under Datacenter > Permissions > Users. That made only a change on my first...
  7. S

    [SOLVED] Postfix Zugriff auf Proxmox integerierte LDAP-Benutzerabfrage

    Grüß Euch, ich nutze Proxmox Mail Gateway 6.4-4. Mir ist bewusst, dass es schon ettliche Posts gibt zwecks Postfix und "Reject bei Unbekanntem Empfänger", aber alles ist nicht so recht das, was ich mir vorstelle. (Ich möchte nicht am Exchange-Server die SPAM-Filterfunktionalität aktivieren...
  8. T

    How to forward Postfix outgoing mail

    Hi guys, im using a postfix mail server. I have just set up PMG and it can receive incoming email very well. But now i want PMG to forward my outgoing email from Postfix too. In /etc/postfix/, i set relayhost = <PMG ip>:587, in PMG > Mail Proxy > Transports > i added mail domain, postfix...
  9. G

    Postfix warnings after upgrading to PMG v7 from v6

    Greetings, PMG 6 was up and running with no issues. I upgraded in place to v7, no errors triggered, it just works as expected. Anyway, in the logs the following warning comes out: WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $ip in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/perl5/PMG/ line 245...
  10. F

    Email in backup (notification)

    Hi, I need your help today, because i've problems with my postfix configuration. When i try to send mail: echo "Mail Test Proxmox" | mail -s "Proxmox" in /var/log/mail.log i've this: Aug 13 16:34:02 postfix/pickup[5974]: DEC87700352: uid=0 from=<root> Aug 13 16:34:02...
  11. A

    [SOLVED] Cron keep flooding mail

    I did used a contab to get the cpu temp. But when i did used it, i did get flooded with mails from the "postfix" that the crontab was running. I did try to use the next things in crontab to stop the flooding, but nothing did work: * * * * * /root/ > /dev/null 2>&1 MAILTO= ""used at...
  12. A

    Postfix unknown connections

    Hi all, Having a few possibly concerning logs on my host, I appear to be getting some random connections made to Postfix. I currently have it set up to "Internet" as I have an SMTP server elsewhere Jul 30 17:10:27 prmx0 postfix/smtpd[4336]: connect from unknown[] Jul 30 17:10:28...
  13. L

    Admin Email PMG 7

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe mir zu Testzwecken PMG 7 in einer Proxmox VM installiert. Soweit läuft alles. Ich habe das Problem, dass ich keine tägliche. Admin Emails erhalte, obwohl ich meine Email Adresse eigetragen habe. Was muß ich tun, damit ich die Emails erhalte? Grüsse Rafael
  14. N

    Using PMG for in- and outgoing mails as relay/semi-smarthost

    Hello everyone, sorry if the question has already been asked, I couldn't find anything about it. We are currently using the PMG as a cluster, which filters incoming mail and then forwards it to the actual mail server. Now this infrastructure is to be expanded so that not one mail server is...
  15. B

    Noob on PostFix : how to get email notifications ?

    Hello to all, I have 2 proxmox servers and I would like to enable email notification on these 2 servers. My network is very simple and I have a working stmp server. I have activated in /etc/postfix/ the relayhost to But if I do echo "mail test" | mail -s "proxmox"...
  16. G

    postfix configuration

    Hello! I'd like to configure postfiy to send emails from proxmox and i'm looking for some help. I'd like to use posteo as smtp server if it is possible... Here is what i did to make it work: 1. Installed libsasl2-modules apt-get install libsasl2-modules 2. Specified account details: nano...
  17. J

    How to properly setup Postfix email notifications?

    I followed the steps outlined here: and these to no avail I got a 2FA password from google as well and that is included here, but don't worry...
  18. G

    Relay ALL email to PMG, even local email: possible?

    Greetings, My postfix SMTP server hosts several virtual domains. Now I am trying to set up postfix to route ALL my email to Proxmox Mail Gateway. Simply putting: relayhost = [pmg-address]:26 in, almost does the trick: emails sent from a local domain to another local domain are...
  19. J

    [SOLVED] virtual_maps

    Hallo, gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Funktion der virtual_maps von postfix in Proxmox zu nutzen? Bisher muss ich diese Zeile jeden Neustart per Script in die einpflegen nachdem Proxmox gestartet wurde... Mfg Julian
  20. M

    [SOLVED] Mailq Shows Undelivered Emails But I Do Not Have Postfix Setup

    Hello everyone! I have emails that keep showing up in the queue and they are failing because of a connection time out but I do not care about that. I was wondering why these emails keep showing up in the queue even after I delete them using postsuper -d ALL? Plus, I do not currently have any...