node cluster

  1. R

    Cluster Communication

    Hello All, Sorry I know this has been asked before on multiple threads, but I have a slightly different setup then normal and was wondering where to start looking. I have only two nodes currently. Third one is in the works. But for now I have two nodes. PVE01 and PVE02. I had to switch out the...
  2. E

    Can be deleted local-lvm?

    Hi everyone, I have a 6 nodes cluster with proxmox. I use nfs storage because it permits me to snapshoot and vm migration so, I am not using local-lvm in any node. Can I delete local-lvm and expand root partition to take advance of my local storage? Is there any problem if I do it? Sorry for...
  3. K

    Cannot query HA resource details with pvesh

    Proxmox version: 5.2-8/fdf39912 I'm trying to find out, which node a vm is currently routed to, so I thought this command might be useful: pvesh get /cluster/ha/resources/vm:101 However, it only sends back the following error message: Use of uninitialized value in string eq at...
  4. T

    How 4 nodes cluster vm are still running when 2 nodes

    Hello, I have 4 nodes cluster with the same server specifications. when 2 nodes die, 2 other nodes are still running (after restarting themselves) but the vm does not run, with the statement "waiting for quorum". is there a way that when 2 nodes die can be handled by 2 other nodes so that vm...
  5. S

    VM gone after joining cluster

    Hi, I created a cluster wit 3 proxmoxs nodes and when I addedd the fourth node, the virtual machines that where on this 4th node are gone. I see that the images of these VM are still located in /mnt (which is a 2TB second hard diss) Is there any way I could recover these VM? Can I copy those...
  6. M

    [SOLVED] Cluster without vlan / vrack (ovh)

    Hey! I want to create a proxmox cluster but don't have the possibility to create a vlan(vrack). I don't want to use the cluster for HA, just for migrating Containers between the nodes. Are there any problems with this or can I just use the external IPs? My second question: What if I have...
  7. C

    Add node to cluster failed

    Hi, just installed a new pve 5.1 node to expand my cluster. # pvecm addnode ip_address - resulting in: 400 Parameter verification failed. node: invalid format - value does not look like a valid node name the cluster currently consists of 2 nodes: root@b1-2:~# pvecm status Quorum...
  8. S

    HA node reboot limit

    Hi, I am currently setting up a proxmox (v. 5.1-41) cluster. Since the default behaviour of nodes which can not reach other members is rebooting themselves, it would be interesting to know where I can configure this. Especially setting a limit of how many reboots a server is allowed to make...
  9. J

    Cluster nodes "offline" but working

    I have created a new cluster with 4 nodes, the problem is that when I reboot them all of them are working, but after some minutes some of them says that are disconnected. When this happens I execute in the shell node: service corosync restart After execute this command the node is online...
  10. J

    Cluster Node Maintenance

    Hi: I'm new with Proxmox and Clustering, so I have to stop a node on my Cluster because I have an HDD on my RAID Failing so I want to replace it, Its ok to stop the Node? I don't have to do any operation before I shut down the node?. I also want to add another HDD outside the RAID that I want...
  11. M

    CRIU Experiment

    Hello everyone, has anyone installed CRIU in proxmox nodes to experiment live migration? How did you do so? I know it's not stable and I'll not install it on production. I would like to install it on my laboratory (kind of sandbox). Any guidance would be great! Thanks in advance
  12. F

    Proxmox VE + Ceph = how many nodes?

    Server: SuperMicro 2027TR-HTRF 4 nodes: each node has 1x SATA-DOM + 6x SSD ISO: Proxmox VE v5 beta 2 Just started learning how to use Proxmox. I'd like to build a Proxmox VE + Ceph cluster. What can I do with the 4th node...
  13. J

    quorum problem, creating cluster

    Dear, We try to create a cluster, when we add the second node, we receive the following errors: From the web interface: cluster not ready - no quorum? From command line where we created the cluster on: Quorum information ------------------ Date: Thu Dec 29 12:58:38 2016 Quorum...
  14. H

    Lost a node in cluster under "server view"

    Sorry for my poor english。 I have a cluster with 6 nodes,it running OK over six months。 today,I found the icon of node6 is red fork,all vms on nodes is grey with only vmid(without name). Then I run "pvecm nodes" in console,the result is normal,6 nodes are online. I have restart pveproxy...