
  1. S

    Nice little sh-script to monitor LVM-thin space with warn mail

    With these little 2 scripts you can monitor your LVM-thin space to be aware of snapshots killing your overprovisioned storage. Save each script as .sh-File, chmod +x the file and it's directly ready to use after finding the attribute output in LVS command. Change the mail-adress, it runs fine...
  2. S

    proxmox 6.4-14 + influxdb metricserver missing stats

    Hello, I am using proxmox : Kernel Version Linux 5.4.174-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.4.174-2 (Thu, 10 Mar 2022 15:58:44 +0100) PVE Manager Version pve-manager/6.4-14/15e2bf61 and Influx : ii influxdb 1.8.10-1 amd64 Distributed time-series database. At...
  3. H

    Monitoring Proxmox

    I installed proxmox server and I added a single node where there are several VMs, I want to target my Pve node with Grafana via prometheus (or you can suggest other solutions), is there a guide to make it , i need help ?? Thanks you
  4. G

    Monitoring (nagios) Proxmox Cluster logs

    Hi! We make monitoring tools for Proxmox. We want to monitor the status of the logs. it's simple using an API. example: pvesh get /cluster/log But no documentation was found for the output...
  5. P

    How to Disable Syslog monitor

    Dear all please help me how to Turn off monitoring
  6. T

    Is it possible to exclude some address from the "Tracking Center"?

    Hello, we use an email round trip monitor for our email server, which regularly sends emails to verify the functionality of mail transmission. Unfortunately, this means that the Tracking Center at PMG is full of these emails and makes it difficult to keep track. Is it possible to exclude some...
  7. G

    Upgraded to V7 -> cpu utilisation of LXC no longer available on Check_MK

    Hi, Since the upgrade of my setup to v7.x i am unable to gather the cpu utilisation parameter of LXC containers with mij monitoring server (based on CheckMK / latest version 2.0.0.p6). I am assuming this has to do with the move to cgroupv2. Since the upgrade the message 'item not found in...
  8. A

    Netconf, Restconf, gRPC configuration in PVE

    Hi Guys, Do anyone know about how to enable Netconf, Restconf, gRPC in Proxmox VE networking. Thanks and cheers for this wonderful platform.
  9. N

    Proxmox VE monitoring

    Hi to all, i'm looking for a monitor software for my cluster proxmox, for VMs, perfomance and with alerts capabilities. I've test: Zabbix ( but doesn't do autodiscover for VMs) , Graphite with Grafana o with InfluxDB but i wasn't able to create alerts. Is there someone that found the best tool...
  10. S

    S.M.A.R.T Monitoring

    Hallo Forum, wie überwacht ihr eure Laufwerke hinsichtlich der S.M.A.R.T Werte? Gibt's hier quasi einen "Gold Standard", wie man einen PVE Node dahingehend einrichten sollte? Und als Zusatzfrage: gibt's eigentlich eine Möglichkeit, das Seagate IronWolf Health Management zu nutzen? Viele...
  11. R

    [SOLVED] Best way to monitor PVE node system processes

    Hello, We have recently configured a Proxmox cluster and are wanting to monitor these new nodes, specifically the processes that appear under the "System" tab when viewing a node in the web UI. Is there a standard way to get alerts on these services to ensure they are running? Additionally, is...
  12. H

    Monitor emails received and sent from Proxmox by Zabbix

    good afternoon, I would like to monitor with Zabbix the emails received and sent by Proxmox Mail Gateway. Has anyone implemented this type of monitoring? Which command on the Proxmox Mail Gateway can I check the quantity in numbers of emails received and sent? Thanks in advance for your...
  13. U

    [SOLVED] Issue setting up influxdb

    To my understanding, to send metrics data you need to follow these instructions : I have followed these on one of my machines : cat /etc/pve/status.cfg influxdb: xxxxxx server 172.30.x.xx port 8089 xxx are...
  14. ssaman

    Node aus CEPH und Cluster entfernen

    Hallo zusammen, wir sind gerade dabei unseren Cluster Stück für Stück abzubauen. Es ist ein 5 Node-Cluster. Davon wollen wir 2 entfernen. Bisher haben wir keine Erfahrung mit der Entfernung von Nodes, deshalb wollten wir auf Nummer sicher gehen und fragen hier nach. Wir würden wie folgt...
  15. D

    Updating Python from 2.x to 3.x in Proxmox VE 6.1-7

    Hi all, I am currently running Proxmox VE 6.1-7 ( Linux proxmox1 5.3.18-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.3.18-2 ) which includes Python 2.7.16. As I also run Zabbix 4.x as a monitoriting tool in my environment (in a VM) I would also like to monitory my Proxmox hosts. I stumbled upon this article/solution...
  16. D

    Monitoring Backup job

    Hallo, wir haben einen Backup job eingerichtet der alle VMs einmal in der Woche sichert. Falls ein Job fehl schlägt gibt es ja eine notification per email. Gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten sich über Fehler beim Backup informieren zu lassen? Was ich bisher gefunden hatte ist das es sich nicht...
  17. V

    SNMP Monitoring

    Hi Team what's the recommended way to monitor PMG? We where going to download and setup SNMP to monitor CPU, Storage, Memory from PRTG or other monitoring system. Are there any recommendations or does PMG already have a monitoring system or SNMP setup? this is a preliminary question to start...
  18. A

    Single Node Backup and Monitoring Suggestions

    Hi guys, now that I'm comfortable with my VM setup, I want to explore monitoring solutions that will alert me via email/text on critical events such as a hard disk failing SMART tests, unexpected reboots/shutdowns on any VM or the Proxmox node itself, etc. Also, I want to buy an 8TB external and...
  19. P

    Minimum configuration needed to configure e-mail alerts

    On a fresh install what is the simplest, cleanest, most beginner friendly way to setup e-mail alerts to a remote e-mail address? (assuming a single node on a home LAN)
  20. R

    monitoring lxc container with Mackerel.

    Mackerel( is monitoring service as SaaS. It's very useful and easy to use. And it supports custom metrics via mackerel-agent.conf. So, I created script for monitoring lxc container with it and I want to your opinion. Welcome PR...