installation failed

  1. M

    Virtual box,No support for KVM virtualisation detected

    I have Ubuntu 16.04 on my desktop.ON my Oracle VM I want to install Proxmox.During the installation process No support for KVM virtualisation detected Check BIOS settings for INTEL-VT/AMD/SVM My proc info cat /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 6 model...
  2. R

    USB install halts at a black screen with 'GRUB'

    I am installing proxmox via USB key following the instructions at The target devices were Dell r710 and Lenevo Thinkpad dd if=proxmox-ve_*.iso of=/dev/XYZ bs=1M After changing BIOS to boot from USB , the USB device is detected but install...
  3. U

    unable to install: "no cdrom found"

    Hi, I'm trying to get my feet wet with proxmox, but so far fail even with the very first step of installing it from an USB stick, using the lastest ISO available (proxmox-ve_5.1-3.iso). No matter what I do, the installation process ends pretty early, just after the kernel has been booted...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] PVE 5 installation - Cannot get past the Location and Timezone screen

    Hello, I tried to install PVE 5.0 and PVE 5.1 from a bootable usb (created with Etcher), but I cannot get past the Location and Timezone screen. The country, timezone and keyboard layout values are correctly detected when I get on the Location and Timezone screen, however clicking on the Next...
  5. P

    VE 5 installation fails right at the end

    I'm installing VE 5 on a machine with 2 hard disks and choosing ZFS0 as the file system. I erased all partitions off the disks before the installation. The installation seems to run smoothly right until the very end when I get this error which I can see when I press Ctrl-Alt-F2: command 'chroot...
  6. H

    Is it required to create a volume group called "pve"

    I try to install proxmox on Debian Jessie 8.2 following this As it says I need to "Configure the Logical Volume Manager" to create a volume group called "pve" and 3 logical volumes called "swap", "root" and...
  7. F

    ProxmoxVE 5 do not progress after disk option

    Hello, I want to test out proxmox for our dev environment and when trying to install it (using USB boot stick) i get to the disk option dialog and i'm able to see the SSD device that we want to use and i can click the option button. I tried to change a few things in option and also leave it...
  8. D

    So here is the thing...

    I'm really new to Proxmox and can't get it to install on my server the error code shows "command 'chroot /target dpkg --force-confold --configure -a' failed with exit 1 at /usr/bin/proxinstall line 385." I'm installing this on a Dell R410. Any thoughts??
  9. S

    proxmox 5 - no boot with USB, and cdrom ISO fails at 100%

    Hi all, I've already seen such behaviour with proxmox USB keys while googling. I can observe this on a new server (HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen9). The ISO image was SHA256 checked. It was written with a good old dd. And it was rewritten again after, just to be sure it wasn't a USB key problem...