high avaibility

  1. D

    Shutdown (Poweroff) VM via terminal session

    Hello everyone, our cluster is using HA however, I noticed that at the moment when the shutdown or reboot command is sent through the terminal, the HA starts to actively turn on the machine Please tell me how to get around this or how to increase the ON timeout to turn on the machine
  2. F

    3 node HA cluster Proxmox with Ceph, node crashed, replace node

    We have a 3 node HA Proxmox Hyperviser cluster with ceph. One of the nodes (third node) has a problem and seen offline in the cluster. We would like to examine the 3rd node. In order to do so we disconnect it from the cluster but this causes problem with the working two nodes and we cannot...
  3. S

    Add Node prevent reboot HA

    Hello, Question, we want to replace some new in the cluster, so remove old node, add new node (and this 6 times). Previous experience we have is that sometimes during the process off adding a new noding something goes wrong and all the nodes will reboot(fence) itself. We wan't to prevent this...
  4. R

    Proxmox HA and Ceph

    Hi there! Im trying to learn more about Ceph storage so we can use it in an upcoming installation. We have a database running on windows server that most of the company relies upon. I was looking into getting a 4 blade server and running proxmox ve on 3 of the blades and pbs on the last blade as...
  5. A

    Setup GlusterFS with Linstor DRBD for High Availability

    Hello everyone, I created a 6 nodes cluster running ProxMox 7.4. High Availability is on. Every node has 2 nvme ssd dedicated to the storage and 10gbit dedicated connection. OS runs on different drives. These ssd are a zraid-1 volume and are part of a DRBD storage pool. VM disks are stored...
  6. N

    Enabling HA made all Proxmox nodes reboot

    Hi all Just some info about our environment: * Proxmox 7.4-3 Enterprise * 4 nodes in 1 cluster - * 1 dedicated for GPU workloads and as "extra resource when patching etc." * 3 others for all other workloads. * Each of the three are running with a 256 x AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor...
  7. J

    HA replication without automatic migration

    Can I do HA replication without automatic migration? I want to start the container manually on another node only if necessary after analysing the situation. Is anyone else experiencing this? Thanks.
  8. N

    [SOLVED] Why does my PVE-Cluster migrate VMs and CTs when issueing the start command?

    This has started happening ever since PVE 7.4.x I can reproduce the issue 100% of the time when (bulk) stopping VMs and CTs on one Node, then (bulk) starting them back up again. As soon as the start command is issued, the VMs and CTs will migrate to a different Node, although they should just...
  9. N

    [SOLVED] High availability with 2 VMs

    I want a highly available OPNsense setup in my Proxmox cluster. OPNsense has native HA features, but they require some manual tweaking to set up and I don't want to run a separate OPNsense VM for each node in my cluster. So I had the idea of just setting up two VMs on separate nodes and have...
  10. L

    [SOLVED] Second server in HA reboots when loosing quorum?

    Hello everyone I wanted to try the new CRS features and added some machines and my two servers into an HA (I know, only 2 votes and so on). But still wanted to try it. Did some updates on one server, migrated all the VMs to the second server and pressed reboot on the first one. Just a minute...
  11. E

    Proxmox VE HA issue

    Hello Dear Proxmox Forum, We had two Proxmox VE nodes and one tie breaker nodes. We have added two additional proxmox VE nodes. When we checked the services, we realized some warnings. HA is looking fine in GUI. But in the CLI, it seems like there is something wrong. We really don't know what...
  12. R

    Proxmox HA storage and performances

    Hi. I have multiple proxmox 7 clusters for different needs. On a "staging" cluster (for staging / preproduction infrastructure) I don't have any HA. But on the production cluster, I configure two ceph storages (SSD and HDD). Developers have always pointed out to me that deploying code is...
  13. A

    Ceph konfiguration "which node is on which USV" for ideal replication?

    Hi All, I have a 6 node proxmox setup with Intel Nucs in my house as HA cluster. Currently I use Glusterfs to provide a shared FS, but I think about changing to Ceph. The Nucs are spread over 3 places in the house with own USVs and in sum provide a big "distributed replicated storage" - that...
  14. P

    HA starts VM after proper shutdown

    Hi all, i have a 3 node cluster. In my HA section i created a group with all nodes and i added my VMs as resources (in this case VMID 200). If i shutdown the VMID 200 from console/ssh (using "shutdown -h now" or "poweroff") or using "shutdown" from PVE GUI, the VM goes down but after a second HA...
  15. R

    Managing multiple PVEs without any HA

    Hi What is the best way to manage two (or more) "independent" PVE servers in the same frontend? I don't need any high availability, automatic failover or shared/synced storage. If one server goes done, then it should have no influence on the others (I should still be able to start/stop VMs...
  16. K

    Fujitsu RX300 S7 with FC storage Eternus DX90 S2

    Hello, I'm a beginner in proxmox so maybe I'm doing something wrong or misunderstood. I have a problem with 2xnodes Fujitsu RX300 S7 with connected 2x Fibre Channel to each node by Emulex Lightpulse to storage Eternus DX90 S2. I want to do HA cluster - I have on other machine - Dell R620...
  17. L

    Proxmox HA cluster + external load balancer possible?

    Hello guys, I would like to setup a Proxmox HA cluster and as for now, I see multiple approaches for making the VM's accessible when moved to a different node. For example, having a 3 node Proxmox cluster. Each PVE node has its own public static IP address. The machines will be running inside a...
  18. P

    Migration from 2nodes shared storage to 3nodes CEPH

    Hi all, I would like to upgrade my pve cluster from 2 nodes + qdevice and qnap shared storage to a 3 nodes cluster with ceph - what are the requirements to have 3/4 tb of storage for the vm? - are 10gb network cards enough for ceph traffic? - are there favorite models of ssd for ceph? -...
  19. D

    [SOLVED] VM Migration wenn zu wenig RAM vorhanden ist

    Hallo allerseits, ich hätte eine Frage: angenommen ich habe ein Proxmox Cluster mit jeweils 128GB RAM á 3 Server. Auf node1 läuft ein Server, welcher 96GB RAM zugewiesen hat. Auf node2 und node3 sind jeweils nur 50GB RAM zur freien Nutzung verfügbar. Fällt nun node1 aus sollte die HA Gruppe ja...
  20. T

    Is there any way that iSCSI can offer snapshots & HA

    Hi Everyone, We've been struggling moving away from a mal-performing CEPH cluster at a customer site for a little while now, however, our NAS supports iSCSI and NFS, but not CEPH or ZFS over iSCSI. Is there truly no solution to include HA, Live Migration, and PBS Live Backups using an iSCSI...