Does cronjob work when quorum is not available?


New Member
Sep 27, 2023
I have a three node cluster (n1, n2, n3). n1 and n3 are always running, n2 is kind of a cold standby. I just wrote a short script, where n1 or n3 are powering n2 on, when each other node is not available. It's my intention to have a valid quorum (2 of 3). The script works perfectly when two of three nodes are online. But with online one node online, it doesn't work. It seems like the cronjob, which is running the script every 5 minutes, does not start. So my questions are the following:

Can I run cronjobs when I have no valid quorum?
Is there another, way to start the script?

I might be wrong about this, but I though that a node would reboot when it has no quorum, which might interfere with cronjobs because the node is busy rebooting in a loop.
I might be wrong about this, but I though that a node would reboot when it has no quorum, which might interfere with cronjobs because the node is busy rebooting in a loop.
Thanks for your reply. The node did shutdown all vm and lxc, but not itself. I waited about 20min until I started the script locally on the server. So that seems like not to be the issue.