
  1. B

    Disk einer VM kopieren für eine andere VM

    Guten Tag zusammen, ich versuche nun seit geraumer Zeit herauszufinden wie ich eine existierende Disk einer Virtuellen Maschine A (id=108) kopieren und dann einer virtuellen Maschine B (id=119) zur Verfügung stellen kann. Ich habe für meine virtuellen Maschinen ein ZFS eingerichtet "vmpool"...
  2. A

    SSD vs. USB Hard Drive für Proxmox Media Server (z.B. Plex)

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe mir neulich einen Proxmox eingerichtet und kenne mich noch nicht so gut aus mit allen Themen. Ich habe bisher einige LXCs und VMs und würde auch gerne meine Fotos und Videos auch im lokalen Netz verfügbar machen. Im Moment habe ich eine 5TB USB Hard-Drive wo wir...
  3. L

    Reduce hardisk of 1 VM

    Hi, could someone please help me?? i need to reduce the size of 1 Vm hardisk but i dont see any option to do it. Regards
  4. 1

    Removal of VM results in loss of hard disk on separate Node, FYI

    Removal of VM results in loss of hard disk on separate Node, FYI Just starting using Proxmox and noticed the following WHEN USING SHARED STORAGE: Create vm-id=400 on host-A with virt hard, this creates hard disk file <..smb..>/../images/400/vm-400-disk-0.raw Create vm-id=400 on host-B with...
  5. S

    Ceph 3 Nodes / Mixed Drives

    Hey all, I'm setting up Proxmox at a religious institution where they received 3 HP Proliant servers as donations - they're a bit old but suffice for their needs. Basically these will be running their UniFI SDN some VMs/CTs, OpenVAS, etc.. nothing too crazy. I haven't setup a Ceph cluster...
  6. G

    looking for expert, speed up disk performance

    We run proxmox on Supermicro systems, using local storage, Intel SSD-disks in software RAID-10 + spare. I am aware of the fact that software-raid is not adviced, but we just love software raid :) We have done several tests and we have some problems with the so called "time to first byte" on...
  7. S

    Harddisk, format and then add?

    I'm trying to assign disposable storage, that would be a harddisk that is only used for a given session, and deleted upon vm shutdown. Is it possible to create and format a harddisk, say to NTFS (for windows), without entering the virtual machine? I would really like to avoid having to enter...
  8. M

    How to configure Promox to use a SAN?

    Hi. We have 2 servers running in proxmox cluster. We also have 2 San Switches and 2 SAN's. We want to access the our san drives from Proxmox, to have our Virtual machines on the san. We are not sure how to configure it in proxmox? We have 3 lun's that on our san. Our setup is: 2 x hp proliant...
  9. E

    Windows7 lässt sich nicht installieren oder starten

    Hallo Ich versuche gerade in meiner Proxmox 4.3-12 Maschine Windows7 zu virtualisieren. Weg1 - Verwende fertiges Images: Dieses Image läuft sonst auf jedem Rechner oder jeder VM. Hatte damit nie Probleme. Aber in Proxmox bekomme ich beim Boot einen BSOD - egal ob normaler Start oder...
  10. M

    Problem, no hardisk and cdrom

    Hello, i use 20 Containers on the host, until it works without problems. No the User have no harddisk and no cdrom vm 100 - unable to parse value of 'sata0' - format error at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/JSONSchema.pm line 528 volume: property is missing and it is not optional vm 100 - unable to...