
  1. L

    GlusterFS on single server

    Hello everyone! I'm setting up GlusterFS in my Proxmox labs, aiming to have shared storage from a single node (the disks are all in one server running GlusterFS server), while the other nodes connect to this server to use its storage. The basic GlusterFS configuration was successful: the other...
  2. Z

    [TUTORIAL] Condition VM start on GlusterFS reachability

    Hello everyone. I have a proxmox v 8.2.4 cluster composed of 3 nodes. For now, I have 3 storages. A samba storage to an external QNAP and a ZFS storage with deduplication enabled for VM images. I use the replication feature for the security of VM disks. Each VM disk is replicated on the 3...
  3. V

    Using GlusterFS w/ Proxmox -- Snapshot Attempts Crash VM

    I am running a Proxmox 8.2.4 cluster of 3 nodes on 3 Dell 710 (repurposed GSA) servers. I have set up a GlusterFS volume using the local storage on each of the three nodes. I have gluster-server 11.1-1 installed. I am using a separate 1Gb Ethernet network for the gluster peers. (There are 4 NICs...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Snapshot fails to cleanup and prevents future snapshots

    Hi Everyone, Before performing maintenance on a Windows Server 2022 VM, a snapshot was attempted with memory. Unfortunately, it failed to clean up with a perplexing error. The VM has two virtual disks, one on GlusterFS and the other on NFS. The GlusterFS storage is high performance (local on 3...
  5. D

    [glusterfs][storage] Several storage operations error with regex check

    Since a couple of weeks, i get errors with several things that involve adding, removing or changins storage, like deleting VMs, qm scan and so on. When this happens, the only two log lines are these: Use of uninitialized value $used in pattern match (m//) at...
  6. A

    Setup GlusterFS with Linstor DRBD for High Availability

    Hello everyone, I created a 6 nodes cluster running ProxMox 7.4. High Availability is on. Every node has 2 nvme ssd dedicated to the storage and 10gbit dedicated connection. OS runs on different drives. These ssd are a zraid-1 volume and are part of a DRBD storage pool. VM disks are stored...
  7. S

    Proxmox with glusterfs storage backend: VMs get corrupted

    Hi, we are testing the current proxmox version with a glusterfs storage backend and have a strange issue with file getting corupted inside the virtual machines. For what reason ever from one moment to another binaries can not longer be executed, scripts are damaged and so on. In the logs I get...
  8. A

    GlusterFS cleanup

    I am having Proxmox cluster with GlusterFS storage on which my VMs are running. I increased the disk size of the VMs but I restored them from backups which were having the previous disk size and I think that GlusterFS has somehow stored the states of those VMs and now my hard drive is full! What...
  9. D

    Mirrors of operating systems with GlusterFS or not?

    Hi I'm new to virtualization and servers. I have a system running on Debian. This system runs a Radius Server, WEB Server, SNMP and a SQL Database, all in a single virtual machine. Question: I want to fully mirror this Virtual Machine (system) on another Virtual Machine (Another physical...
  10. M

    GlusterFS client fills the node's memory

    Hello, On a proxmox cluster I have glusterfs mounts whose fuse process takes me more than 50% of the node's memory until causing an OOM Kill. How to free this RAM without rebooting and without waiting for an OOM Kill? Thanks for your help, Marc
  11. B

    Proxmox / GlusterFS: method of operation

    Hello together, I got two proxmox server with an GlusterFS storage. The storage is provided by two GlusterFS servers (mode: replicate) . Currently the mirror route is offline but the VMs on proxmox are still working without any problems. With the help of nload I saw that there got plenty of...
  12. J

    [SOLVED] Unable to Allocate Image on GlusterFS

    Throwing this solution up in case someone else runs into the issue. Scroll down to the bottom for the key Take Aways and dev recommendations. Environment 3x PVE 7.0-11 nodes clustered together Every node has a ZFS pool with a GlusterFS brick on it Glusterd version 9.2 Gluster is configured in a...
  13. J

    [SOLVED] Kernel panic zfs / glusterfs

    Hi Proxmox community! I have a problem with my setup, which I know it is not ideal. PVE0: SSD zfs pool with glusterfs PVE1: SSD zfs pool with glusterfs, HDD zfs pool shared via NFS PVE2: Arbiter glusterfs + "compute node" PVE3: "compute node" Since I updated every node from 6 to 7 I got...
  14. C

    best storage for a cluster in a hostile environment ?

    What is the best storage choice for a Proxmox cluster in a hostile environment ? By hostile environment I mean an environment with frequent power outages... VERY frequent power outages ... Like 300 power outages in 2 years... The best of course would be to eliminate these power outages by...
  15. S

    Host file backup fails

    I have application running on gluster storage, sometimes, for various reasons, empty files are created on this storage (they might be locked by some process). When proxmox-backup-client encounters such file whole backup fails with error: Error: error at "/path/to/file": failed to read xattrs...
  16. T

    Containers on GlusterFS?

    I'm currently in the process of setting up Gluster FS across our three existing Proxmox nodes, but during testing I ran into the issue of not being able to move containers to Gluster. Is there any stable solution to host containers on Gluster? I don't have to rebuilt the containers as VMs. For...
  17. C

    Small homelab cluster

    Hello I'm recently start in proxmox, i have 3 small servers that i put together to make a cluster using proxmox, as all servers are limited to 16GB the ceph solution is very bad performance wise... all the vm/ct are laggy because after some time the mem isn't enought and then the swap is used...
  18. F

    Gluster Mount beim Start > Too many Symbolic Links

    Hi, ich habe in einem Cluster das Problem, das bei jedem neustart nur diese Meldungen gibt und kein einziger Container startet: mkdir /media/test/images: Too many levels of symbolic links at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/ line 1074. (500) Das verschwindet erst wenn ich händisch mount...
  19. A

    [SOLVED] Problems on shutdown/boots with nfs/glusterfs Filesystems and HA containers / systemd order of services!

    Hi, Some information on my setup: I have a cluster of Intel Nucs with SSDs and most of the SSD space is a cluster wide "glusterfs" filesystem where all VMs and also LXC Container images are stored. Because of the fact that Containers can not be placed on GlusterFS by default I found ideas here...
  20. F

    LXC und GlusterFS

    Hi, lt. dem Thread ( ) sollen die neueren Versionen von Gluster mit LXC ganz gut laufen, aber jetzt nach über nem Jahr und PVE 6.1.8 ist das im Webinterface immer noch keine Option, ohne Gluster als Ordner zu...