Host file backup fails


New Member
Aug 23, 2021
I have application running on gluster storage, sometimes, for various reasons, empty files are created on this storage (they might be locked by some process).
When proxmox-backup-client encounters such file whole backup fails with error:
Error: error at "/path/to/file": failed to read xattrs: ENODATA: No data available

Is it possible to configure backup process that it won't fail on error, but continue to finish backup?
mhmm... from the code i cannot see how this could be, excewpt when the underlying filesystem does something strange

the only point with that error is where we execute 'flistxattr' which (according to 'man flistxattr') does not return ENODATA as error...

would it possible to execute
getfattr --match '' -d /path/to/file
(it may be necessary to install the 'attr' package for that command to be available)
mhmm... from the code i cannot see how this could be, excewpt when the underlying filesystem does something strange

the only point with that error is where we execute 'flistxattr' which (according to 'man flistxattr') does not return ENODATA as error...

would it possible to execute
getfattr --match '' -d /path/to/file
(it may be necessary to install the 'attr' package for that command to be available)
I also think it's related to gluster.
When I execute getfattr on bad file, I get
getfattr: /path/to/file: No such attribute
I also noticed, that I can't copy file, I get error:
No data available
but I can remove and rsync that file.
Additional info:
  • Client - CentOS 7.9.2009
  • Gluster - 6.0-37.el7
  • Gluster volume mounted with native client
  • SElinux - enforcing
I also noticed, that I can't copy file, I get error:
No data available
well, if the user running the pbs client cannot read the file, there is really nothing we can do? you could add some exclusion list to exclude those files (assuming they are in the same dir, or share some file name pattern)
well, if the user running the pbs client cannot read the file, there is really nothing we can do? you could add some exclusion list to exclude those files (assuming they are in the same dir, or share some file name pattern)
I can't think of a name pattern, because it's randomly generated name. I only can distinguish file by its size being 0.
I just wondered why pbs client fails whole backup when encountering such file and if it's possible to make it to continue on such encounter.
I just wondered why pbs client fails whole backup when encountering such file and if it's possible to make it to continue on such encounter.
because a partial backup is not a good backup...