create new vm

  1. C

    VMs über Shell und SSH erstellen

    Guten Nachmittag zusammen, gerne würde ich mir Skripte vorbereiten um VMs mit einem Klick zu erstellen. Ich habe auch schonmal durch die Dokumentation geblättert und gesehen das es wirklich viele Parameter für qm create gibt. Gerne würde ich eine VM grafisch erstellen und irgendwie auslesen was...
  2. D

    Log files

    In looking through the forum posts, I see old posts with my answer but... I need to create a rather complex VM in Proxmox but from the command line. I see comments that say things like "Create the VM using the GUI then look at the logs for a qm create command". What "logs" are never mentioned...
  3. E

    Maximal disk allocation

    I am using proxmox to manage my virtual machines. When I create a new VM, I have to allocate some space on the SSD. For instance, I have a 240GB ssd and there is 1 VM using 120GB. Is there a way proxmox can automatically alert me if i try to setup a new 240GB VM on the same disk ?
  4. D

    Cluster-wide template

    We have proxmox cluster with 3 nodes. We used to create VM template on each node and later creating new vms from those templates using "qm clone <template_vmid> <new_vmid>" In above case we need to keep managing 3 templates (as there are 3 nodes). So trying to see if there is way to have only...
  5. A

    i440fx still the default?

    the i440fx chipset in qemu is very old. the successor Q35 (released from intel in 2007) is available in QEMU since ~2012. in QEMU 8.2 they even started to remove versions of the i440fx "The old machine types pc-i440fx-1.4 to pc-i440fx-1.7 have been removed; use a newer machine type instead" so...
  6. B

    Cannot Install Ubuntu

    New user here. I am testing different hypervisors for use at home and have been liking proxmox until I tried to install Ubuntu. Maybe I have this wrong in my mind but I have installed 4 times and getting "no bootable device" at boot after I remove the install media. Is there a way I can find...
  7. P

    Getting Status Code 500 when trying to create a vm through api

    "POST", f"/api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu", data = {"node": node, "vmid": vmid, "memory": ram, "cores": cores, "scsi0": size, "storage": storage, "ide2": os_location, "ostype": ostype, "net0": net0} ("ORD2", 123, 2048, 2, "OneTBSSD:vm-123-disk-0,size=20G", "OneTBSSD"...
  8. C

    Status: io-error on first boot of any new VM

    I'm new to Proxmox, not new to Linux or VMs. Any time I start a new VM now, it freezes during the initial setup and Proxmox shows "Status: io-error". I only have a single LXC container and a single Ubuntu VM running right now. They definitely are not using the node's entire disk drive space, or...
  9. N

    The question about type's of CPU

    Hi guys! I have a question about type's of CPU. We have the server: MicroBlade MBI-6128R-T2X Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v4 @ 2.40GHz, Speed: 2400 MHzб Core: 10) *2 Memory: Max Capable Speed: 2400 MHz, Operating Speed: 2133 MHz, Size: 32768 MB, Serial No.: 03DA7CCB, Part No...
  10. K

    VM creation with API interface got timeout

    My application creates VMs step by step, But usually some VM creation gets error. trying to acquire lock... TASK ERROR: unable to create VM 105 - can't lock file '/var/lock/pve-manager/pve-storage-local' - got timeout It is a very simple configuration. There is only one directory storage with...
  11. Q

    [SOLVED] Proxmox HTTP API Create a new VM with SCSI

    Hi, I'm trying to create a new VM with the API per Post Request. This also worked until I wanted to add a drive via SCSI. For this I have sent this data: ... "&scsi0=moxx01:vm-103-disk-0,discard=on,iops_rd=500,iops_wr=500,size=50G,ssd=1" ... { "data":null, "errors":{...
  12. F

    Proxmox API - Create VMs

    Thanks in advance for the help and sorry for my English . I am working on my final year project and I have decided to use Proxmox VE as a virtualization environment. I have the need to create a virtual machine from my own web application but I don't know where to start very well. Could someone...
  13. R

    Issues installing Debian VM

    Hello, I am new to Proxmox and I am unsure if this should be posted in this forum, or elsewhere. Proxmox installed beautifully. I am attempting to create a vm using the current Debian iso image which I have uploaded into /var/lib/vz/template/iso. I am able to successfully create the vm and...
  14. P

    [SOLVED] qm create --template option clarification

    Hi, I'm working on configuration some new infrastructure and am planning to use templates, so I'm wondering what this option does. According to the documentation (man qm), it it's to "Enable/disable Template", however, that doesn't really make sense to me since the command is for creating a new...
  15. E

    How to generate virtual machine id safely?

    Web UI shows me the recommended virtual machine id: How can I get this recommended ID via Proxmox API in order to avoid collisions while creating virtual machines? The best scenario of course is when I can send POST request without specifying vm id myself and let proxmox assign it for me...
  16. J

    Bridge not listed in VM creation

    I've installed Debian Jessie, set up a bridge interface, then installed Proxmox 4. My problem is that when going to create a VM there's no bridges listed in the combo box at Network>Bridged mode>Bridge. Does anyone know why the bridge might not be showing up? As a newbie unfortunately I can't...
  17. T

    Error when booting from iso file V4.2

    Hi I created a Win7 Ultimate VMof 60GB in a fresh install Proxmox V4.2. I copied across 2 Iso's Parted magic and Win7 Ultimate to /var/lib/vz/template/iso I have the VM set to boot from CD. When I click start, it comes up with the following error...