connection error

  1. F

    Proxmox LXCs and VMs without internet connection from router

    Hey, new here so I'm sorry if I miss important details. I've recently installed an ASUS AX58U router to handle my home network. I've now ran into issues where none of my containers or vms get an internet connection, eventho they do get IP addreesses from the router. Thanks in advanced
  2. R

    Can't connect to internet

    Hello, I managed to install proxmos on my server but it seems like I can't connect to the internet, any update command fails, I've done some troubleshooting but everything seems to be fine, below you can see multiple commands I've tried. curl ip a cat /etc/network/interfaces...
  3. R

    Can't connect to proxmox server, internet is pingable

    Hello, I've been trying for hours to setup a basic proxmox server, but no luck, I can't connect to the server remotly. Tried different variations from the internet: Proxmox server commands: ip a cat /etc/network/interfaces ping ping cat /etc/resolv.conf I've attached my...
  4. M

    Access via web own domain + dyndns

    Hi, i have a domain name witch redirect to And it "works", except it does not.. What i mean is i can login and so, but my node does not show up for some reason. I get the this massage: Connection error - server offline? Console out puts this: Failed to load resource...
  5. K

    NFS storage suddenly has unexplainable "latency"/connection problems

    Hello, after updating/upgrading our cluster 3 weeks ago (Linux 5.15.85-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.15.85-1 (2023-02-01T00:00Z) on all nodes) and adding another NFS storage, we ran into weird unexplainable NFS issues we haven't been able to troubleshoot ever since. Short summary of the setup: A cluster...
  6. N

    Hetzner /64 IPv6 subnet connection error

    Good day, I want to use my /64 IPv6 subnet on my Hetzner server for my virtual servers. I have the problem that the virtual machine can not reach the internet; I keep getting the following error message: root@mail:~# ping ping: connect: Network is unreachable With kind regards
  7. B

    No route to host

    Good afternoon, I am having issues while trying to configure a cluster. I can access all machines with Proxmox installed, via browser, but the machines can´t communicate with each other. I can't even ping from one machine to another, but all configs are all right. When I try to join a cluster...
  8. A

    Can't get PBS to work with other user than root@pam

    I'm on PBS 2.3-1 and I've successfully created a storage with the type Proxmox Backup Server on a PVE 7.3-3 host and I can do backups with the user root@pam. When I create an additional user and permit Admin privileges for this user for a namespace within my datastore, I can still add the...
  9. N

    [SOLVED] Can't connect to proxmox server directly using an ethernet cable from my pc but CAN connect IF proxmox server is connect to my router

    Ok, this seems really silly, but I am really out of ideas... I have a 6 port mini computer that works well with OPNSense but I wanted to use OPNSense in proxmox and replace my old router/switch. It happens that during its configuration (when it's connected to my router), I can connect via web...
  10. F

    Proxmox Server Unreachable

    Hi, I just setup proxmox on a dell poweredge r720xd, and have finished installing it. On starting up, the console says I can connect via However, when I try to connect from my personal computer, the site is unreachable. I tried pinging my personal computer from the...
  11. R

    no connection on the cli but I have connection on the vm

    I've got no connection on the cli but I have connection on the vm (want to install gnome on proxmox)
  12. E

    Can’t connect Docker container (Debian 10 LXC host) to external network

    I’m getting mad in this situation so I decided to write here in the forum. I’m developing a simple application with .NET Core that connect a socket to a server (industrial protocol Modbus TCP) (port 502). I’ve made some tests with different configuration but more or less the result is always...
  13. V

    SSH connection closed to PVE

    Hi all, I have a strange issue. I have a ProxMox 6.2 installation that I connect via ssh by Putty on my machine Win10. But if on the same machine i try to connect via ssh from a VM like ubuntu or via ssh console of Chrome or via Terminus on my phone the connection is refused. Why with Putty...
  14. F

    Cloud-Init mit Docker Probleme

    Hallo, vor ein paar Tagen haben wir bei mehreren VMs(qemu) das Problem gehabt, dass diese nach einiger Zeit keine Verbindung mehr zum Internet haben. Nach ein bisschen Sucherei haben wir herausgefunden, dass Docker die Netzwerkkonfiguration ändert und damit zerschießt.(Der Server hat dann keine...
  15. M

    Kein Login nach Hinzufügen eines OVH NFS Storage möglich

    Hallo zusammen, nach dem Versuch einen OVH Backup Storage via NFS hinzuzufügen, ist der Login über das Proxmox Webinterface nicht mehr möglich... :( In der Remote Konsole kann man mehrere Versuche eines Verbindungsaufbaus zu dem NFS Storage sehen, welcher jedoch immer wieder mit einem...
  16. D

    PVE firewall blocks cluster communication

    Hi, I have 2 node datacenter, nodes have public IPs and are also connected with each other through VRACK. Datacenter: Node 1: PRIVATE IP:, PUBLIC IP: Node 2: IP, , PUBLIC IP: When I enable firewall cluster wide, following things happen: - I cannot use...
  17. I

    RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')

    HI, I do have a python script which use pyproxmox. This script shows quite often an ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',)),) Error. And yes we do have GUI connection abort issues too. Is there any know...
  18. M

    Can´t login through GUI, only SSH

    Dear all, I have been playing with this new Proxmox 5.3 server for more than a week before I migrate all VMs from a 5.1 server and I have been able to log in the GUI at 8006 port with no issue. Suddenly this morning after being able to log in with no issue I keep on getting Connection error...