
  1. J

    Ist 2FA für den root-Account auf einem Node möglich?

    Hallo allerseits, ich bin quasi neu hier :). Ich betreibe mein Homelab mit 5 Servern seit Jahren unter ESXi und nun ist endgültig die Zeit gekommen, alles auf Proxmox zu migrieren. Ich habe das Thema Proxmox schon lange auf dem Schirm und mich immer mal wieder informiert, aber so richtig...
  2. S

    2FA TOTP and Proxmox cluster

    Hello, I enabled 2FA with TOTP (with 2FAS) on a Proxmox cluster and noticed a very strange behavior. (When I created Proxmox cluster I disabled 2FA and enable 2FA after cluster creation) When my cluster is complete (my 2 nodes... it's just a small homelab) I can log in with root@pam, its...
  3. S

    2FA and Bitwarden Password Manager as WebAuthn

    Hello, I'm trying to use 2FA with Bitwarden Password Manager with Proxmox. Unfortunately it doesn't seems to be supported. no webauthn configuration available is displayed when trying to add 2FA method such as WebAuthn Bitwarden Password Manager even support passkey. It could be nice to...
  4. C

    Proxmox/OKTA LDAP interface integration

    Hi All, I'm trying to configure Proxmox for authentication using the OKTA LDAP interface. After configuring Proxmox realms, I can see the connection is working and pulls groups from OKTA, but user sync doesn't work. Here are the user filters that I have tried. (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)...
  5. A

    2FA via telegram

    Hello! Do you know if it's possible to have the 2FA codes in telegram (with a bot) rather than an authenticator app?
  6. Y

    2FA on mobile site not working

    I try to login on my proxmox server with Safari on iOS 17 and it asks for a 2FA key which i fill in, but i cannot enter it. There is no submit button and/or my enter key isn't responding. Any solution for this? I tried many browsers, but a no go.
  7. N

    Migration and Replication Issue

    Hello everyone ! I have configured a 2-node cluster with QDevice working properly. Now I reached the moment when I have to set up the HA but I am encountering some obstacles. Here are the configurations I have done till now : ZFS local storage (I am using the created one from the proxmox and...
  8. S

    Enforce webauthn on proxmox 8.0

    Hello, i was wondering why only can choose Yubico and OATH/TOTP. I would like to enforce that all users are required to configure webauthn. Am i missing something, or is that option no available? Thank for your help. Kind regards schaurian
  9. J

    2FA TFA LDAP funktioniert kurz nach Einrichtung und einen Tag später nicht mehr

    Ich habe aktuell folgendes Phänomen, ich habe eine Nutzerauthtentifizierung per LDAP eingerichtet was auch problemlos funktioniert. Nun wollte ich den Login weiter absichern und 2FA aktivieren was in erster Linie auch funktionierte .. also im Endeffekt 2FA angelegt über "totp" und den dann im...
  10. J

    Disabling OTP renders login to WebGUI unusable

    Hey everone! So I had 2FA enabled for my root@pam user and wanted to add a new node to an existing cluster. Last time I had to do that (a couple of minor versions ago, if I recall correctly) I had to remove 2FA, then re-create it after the node was added and set up. So I am now on Proxmox...
  11. B

    2FA through WAN but not LAN

    Hi all! I have a domain pointing to my server, with nginx reverse proxy, cloudfare and SSL. All is working well, what I want is to use 2FA only outside my home and not on lan. Is there a way to do this? I´m not able to install a VPN on my job computer, so I need to expose the server to the web...
  12. I

    PBS TFA deaktivieren - Login Probleme

    Guten Morgen liebe Community, seit einigen Tagen ist auf meinem PBS kein Login mehr möglich. Über den Benutzernamen und das Passwort komme ich noch hinaus, die Eingabe vom zweiten Faktor klappt jedoch nicht mehr. Gibt es die Möglichkeit die 2FA Option für den Benutzer root(pam) zu deaktiveren...
  13. F

    [SOLVED] Unable to login to my web UI (TFA)

    Hello Everyone, I was trying to disable my 2FA and there was a check box to enable and I checked it off. when I tried to log in again it still asks me for the TOTP code But I am unable to write anything. So I am locked out of the Web UI but I still have my SSH connection working. I found a...
  14. T

    Locked out proxmox GUI Because of TOTP (2FA) (SOLVED)

    Hi everyone, It's my first post, so I'm not sure I was supposed to post it here, but anyways, it could help So I tried to add new features to my proxmox recently, especially 2FA It works like a charm, I could use my Google authenticator for login, very cool ! But finally i decided to remove...
  15. H

    TFA / 2FA not available for PVE Realm ?

    Hi Guys, I'm quite new to proxmox, i have some virtual machines and everything is fine so far, now i wanted to implement 2FA in order to make it a little safer and because i was curious. Unfortunately, i can't activate 2FA / TFA for a pve user, it's available for pam though. I'd appreciate...
  16. S

    2FA wird nicht erkannt

    Ich würde gerne für meinen root user eine 2FA einrichten aber leider wird der qr code nicht erkannt. Jeder andere QR-Code funktioniert nur der nicht. Hat jemand eine Ahnung woran das liegen könnte. Danke im Voraus.
  17. F

    [SOLVED] Lost access to web admin after disabling 2FA / TOTP

    Hi, I enabled 2FA in web admin panel for root user and worked as expected. But now I've disabled 2FA (unchecked TOTP Enable option in user options) and cannot access the web admin, the endpoint API call returns a 401 error. I can still access through SSH. I've restarted the server, and also...
  18. G

    [SOLVED] The host shell and 2FA barcode appear strangely

    Hello! First os all, i'm a total newbie here and with proxmox. I just built a PC and wanted to try proxmox. So if i'm selecting my node and selecting >_Shell, or if i go to my settings and choosing Two Factor Authentication, i can see something, but i think it is not what i should see. Please...
  19. S

    How to configure several U2F devices

    Hello, Is it possible (if yes, how to do so) to configure several u2f devices for 1 user in proxmox? Thank you Best regards
  20. SierraEcho

    [SOLVED] TFA [2FA] Two-Factor Authentication Broken in Proxmox 5.4

    After upgrading to 5.4-3 TFA [2FA] seems to be completely broken ... Both Yubico and OATH methods now spit out an authentication error in GUI Interestingly the log shows that the user has been authenticated correctly ?? It all works fine in 5.3-11 Tested on 4 servers in total - exactly...