[SOLVED] Windows Server 2022 with HyperV is freezing


Renowned Member
Sep 3, 2013
Hi all,

I'm trying for testing purposes to run nested virtualization in PVE with Windows 2022 and HyperV. In particurally I'd like to test migration of VM from HyperV 2012 R2 to 2022 to check best approach. So I'm not inerested in runnig Nested Virtualisation for real.

I have installed Windows Server 2022 and everithing runs fine until I add the HyperV role. After having this role installed (but neither runing VMs nor configured) the Server freezes after certain time of inactivity. Sometimes afetr few hours sometimes after 20 minutes. It simple freezes and the VM consumes 100% CPU. The console is showing last status (eg. running tusk manager) but it is not responding nor refreshig the content and the server is not repondig to ping and there is also no BSOD.

Reseting the Server brings it again for certain time online.

Unfortunatelly there is even no crash log or something similar in proxmox logs I can find which could point out the issue.

Do someone have runnig such constillation or atleast tim where I can try to debugg the issue? Removing the HyperV Role from the server, solves the Issue. Windows Server 2012 R2 is running fine with HyperV enabled (on second PVE Node, same HW). And no, the VM is not rununig within a cluster.

Dos some has mybee some Idea?

Here is my Configuration of the VM:


Here the Host:


I do appreciate any hint.
Update to 7.1-10 and opt-in to 5.15 Kernel should fix these 2022 Hyper-V-Issues....
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Thanks a lot for the quick reply.
I was already using the opt-in 5.15 kernel, however I missed the last update. Now it runs 2 hours trough, I hope this time it will stay so. I'll report back tomorrow.
Unfortunatelly, the problem is still occuring also with the latest release. This time it was freezing after 9 hours.

Does someone has Idea where I can look for any error?
Actually I can‘t. That is the screen when it becomes unresponsible. There could be some process taking full CPU but, I can‘t see it as there is no refresh. There is no entry in Windows istelf. It just freezes. The syste is also unavaiable on network. The system itself is empty, just standard installation with HyperV feature but no VM.
It looks like some endless loop. I tought maybee some wrong CPU feature could causing that.
Previously I was using UEFI but now it is running legacy BIOS. I still don‘t have any clue.
Have you installed Windows 2022 in UEFI mode? I think it's better to use UEFI for Windows 2022.

Have you updated BIOS to latest version?
As I wrote, I was trying UEFI first, there is no difference. In fact in UEFI it was mostly freezing just after 20 min while I was using it.
And I‘m also running latest BIOS. As I wrote Windows 2012 R2 runs wirh HyperV without any issue it affects only 2022, thus my question regarding Debugging options.
Nesting (Windows) on AMD CPUs is not really known to work well, we see better results with Intel CPUs.
Thanks for your Support. I'll try with Server 2019, maybe I will have more Luck.

I know, especially Desktop HW is not really suitable for such purpose, but I like it with its low consumption having home cluster up and running gives me a lot possibilities to try things out :) (okay exc3pt HyperV on Se3rver 2022 :rolleyes: )
I have to report back, as I have found a solution for my problem.

As I was testing to run the Server 2019 I decided to take HyperV 2019 instead, and this was working without any freeze.

Since it is based on Server Core installation, I decided to make another try with Server 2022, but this time also as Core installation. And guess waht.. its running now over 14 hours without any freeze and even with one nested Server running inside HyperV. I‘m using second Windows 2022 Server with Desktop experience as management server for it, so I‘m right now happy.

So if anyone has same problem like me, just simply use the HyperV Server as Core installation (without desktop experience)

Btw. I have to correct my statement regarding HyperV on 2012R2. This is not running on my Ryzen 7 4800U System as the CPU is not supported by the old hypervisor, so I have to use never OS instead.
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