VM template central repo?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2017

I'd like to maintain a set of KVM templates internally to our company and register these templates (either raw or qcow2 files) on any new Proxmox hosts.

My question is, how can I register these VM templates in newly deployed hosts so I can spawn VMs from them?

I see there's an upload function, but only for container images and ISO files.
@msalwe Unfortunately this doesn't work for me. Can you perhaps explain that in more detail?
You need a shared storage, e.g. an external NFS server. Mount the share, put your templates (or better KVM-machines, I don't like templates, because they are immutable) on and you'r golden.
It sounds like OP is not running a cluster but rather isolated PVE hosts. Having common NFS storage will only work partially and will require more steps.

In the case of non-cluster environments the best that can be done is a centralized storage where only QCOWs (or other supported formats) are stored. The owner of the specific PVE host will need to create a VM through whatever means they normally do and then _import_ the "remote" qcow to their local storage. This cannot be done via GUI at this time.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
It sounds like OP is not running a cluster but rather isolated PVE hosts. Having common NFS storage will only work partially and will require more steps.
Oh yes, in a non-clustern environment, this does not work with "real" templates or "real" VMs (data+config).

In that case, I can recommend to store templates as backups/vzdumps, so that you can restore the VM and those backups can be on NFS. This is the same mechanism that is used for LX(C) container templates.